Chapter 699, Letter from Beijing

 When the chicken coop was completed, Sister Ying first put a few healthy chickens, ducks and geese in it to let them get used to it first.

 When you get used to it, put the smaller one in.

 Their chicken coops are divided into cells to avoid fights.

There are two feeding methods. Let them go out to look for food during the day and feed them artificially at night.

This way the leftovers can be disposed of and they can go out to find food and exercise.

 As for breeding, the ratio of males to females must also be arranged.

 The event venues have also begun to expand.

Digging is already underway, including on the lake side.

 At that time, the manure can also be used to grow vegetables, and eggs and duck eggs will also be abundant.

 The fish in the lake will also grow fat.

 In this way, the food in the military camp was immediately improved.

 Otherwise, it would have to be transported from the capital, and water from afar would not be able to quench the thirst nearby. In addition, food was emptied out every day, and it would be impossible to catch up if we did not produce and sell it ourselves.

Mr. Zhong was very satisfied with these results and invited Sister Ying to have a drink with her in the evening.

Sister Ying smiled and said, "Okay, let's go together."

 Since their guardians are not here, it would be nice to go have a drink together.

Mr. Zhong was very happy and set off with his son in his arms.

 “Let’s go to my house to drink.”

 The two of them went back together.

Mr. Zhong bought some food and wine along the way and went back, as well as some good local wine.

 After returning home, he handed his sleeping son to his wet nurse and called Sister Ying upstairs.

 “Two yuan upstairs, two more drinks tonight.”

Sister Ying sighed and suddenly remembered, "Call Xiao Zi and Nuer too. There are so many people and it's so lively."

Mr. Zhong thought of this pair, laughed, and asked his servants to call them.

 He asked, “What happens to development?”

Sister Ying smiled, "It's done."

“I think we’ll get married within a few months.”

Young Master Zhong was speechless, "So fast?"

 “They have only known each other for a long time and don’t know much about them?”

Sister Ying shrugged helplessly, "That girl hates getting married so much. I don't dare to stop her. If I delay her from marrying her sweetheart, I will miss me to death."

Mr. Zhong was very happy, "Actually, the Nuer people are pretty good. Just marry. The sooner you marry, the sooner you will feel at ease."

Just like after he got married to the third princess, his mind was settled.

  No matter how noisy the two of them were, they never thought of separation. Getting married was guaranteed.

“Then, will she want to serve you when she marries Noor?”

Sister Ying shook her head, "Look at her."

 She doesn't have anything to do with her. She can be cared for by anyone.

 It mainly depends on the girl.

Some personal maids never marry, and some come back to continue serving them after they get married.

Sister Ying is fine, we will decide based on Xiao Zi’s condition.

 Xiao Zi heard this when she first arrived.

Hurry over and show your loyalty, "Miss, even if I get married, I will come back to serve you."

 After saying that, he looked at Nuer and said, "Is that okay?"

Nur nodded, "Okay, you continue to stay at Jing's house."

 He has to go out and be busy around the time, so it’s good to leave her at Jing’s house.

Upon hearing this, Xiao Zi smiled happily and said, "Thank you, Brother Nuer."

Seeing that he was about to kiss her again, Nuer shyly moved away, "Don't kiss her outside."

Xiao Zi saw that he was embarrassed and smiled, "Okay, then go ahead and get busy."

 He came back to find the third princess.

Nur hugged their fists and left first.

 After he left, Xiao Zi began to pour wine for them, and poured herself a glass at the same time. Zhong Dashao started to talk a lot after drinking a few more drinks.

“You two have been here for a while, do you feel homesick?”

Sister Ying nodded, "I'll think about it."

After all, the place is unfamiliar to people here, and Jing Shirong is in the military camp every day, with no one around him to talk to, so he will definitely miss his family.

I miss my parents-in-law in Beijing, my parents and grandmother in Jiangnan, and Miss Yang and the others.

Just as he was talking, the flying eagle came over.

Sister Ying had not seen the flying eagle for a long time. When she saw it coming, she stretched out her hand toward it, and the flying eagle landed on her shoulder.

Sister Ying took the envelope in his hand and opened it to see that there were two envelopes in total.

 One is from the capital, and the other is from Jiangnan.

 Presumably Feiying went to the capital and then to the south of the Yangtze River. No wonder he came so late.

 She read two letters one after another and smiled.

Xiao Zi asked, "Is it a letter from Madam?"

Sister Ying nodded, "Yes, my mother said that Brother Kang became a Jinshi and proposed marriage to an immortal."

 They will get married by the end of the year.

As for Sister Yang, she is obediently studying at home and reading her account books, and the rest is to study her herbal medicine.

 Seng Geer was also taken away to study and had to read the account books. The rest of the time was his own.

He likes to practice martial arts, and he found a job from somewhere, specifically helping people deliver things secretly.

This job is very threatening at first sight, and people are often chasing him.

It just so happened that this kid loved excitement and martial arts competitions, and he went home injured several times.

Wu was so angry that he scolded him several times.

  People seem to be doing well, but their actions have not changed. They still go to pick up jobs when they should.

Mrs. Wu could only persuade him, "How about you open a martial arts gym and teach children to practice martial arts?"

 As long as he can get him to give up that dangerous job, he can do anything.

 Just let him work as a servant in the Yamen.

 Brother Sen didn’t want his mother to worry about him every day, so he compromised.

 After that, he went to the Yamen, started as a servant, also worked as a police officer, and finally developed into a detective.

Because Liang Jin once encountered an unsolved case and could not find the murderer no matter how hard he investigated. In the end, Brother Sen went to investigate secretly, and only then did he find out the key points.

The truth came out later, and I restored the truth for everyone, and I fell in love with this profession from then on.

 So he began to develop in the direction of a detective.

Wu and Liang Jin, as long as he doesn't do anything dangerous, they will be detectives.

 At least staying in one place will make them feel more at ease.

As for Sister Yang, she also came over with a page in an envelope, saying that she was bored at home and wanted to come to the border to play with her, but her mother wouldn't let her.

 Because her haircut is coming soon, there will be many people coming to propose marriage.

 She said that she was still young and did not want to find her husband's family so early.

Mrs. Wu originally didn't want to find a husband for her so early. After all, her temperament had not yet been decided. She would not be able to calm down if she got married too early, so she asked her to stay for a few more years.

But the matchmaker didn't think so. She went to her house every day to drink tea and find out what Mrs. Wu was saying.

Sister Yang felt that sooner or later she would be in an arranged marriage, and felt the need to escape.

When Sister Ying saw her posture, she had the idea of ​​running away from home and felt a headache.

 Fortunately, she should be watching at home, so she should be fine.

As for the capital, her mother-in-law Jing also wrote a lot.

 It is said that the relationship between the Queen and the Emperor has not been good recently, and the Emperor almost stopped talking to the Queen at many banquets.

The minister saw the limelight in his eyes, and immediately switched sides and ran to show his goodwill to the imperial concubine.

There are three princes in the capital who are favored by everyone. One is the crown prince, one is the second prince, and one is the third prince.

 The prince is the son of his first wife, the empress, and has no connections, but his backer is the third princess.

 Now that she is married to the legitimate daughter of a patriarch from three dynasties, she thinks her future will be good.

 The second prince is the daughter of the current queen. His maternal ancestor’s family is powerful and he may become the heir apparent.

As for the son of the imperial concubine, the situation is almost the same as that of the empress. Both of them have a powerful family and outstanding sons.

 (End of this chapter)

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