Chapter 700, drinking and chatting

The ministers were choosing among the three princes. They didn't know who to choose, so they simply didn't offend them.

 Lest one day the unelected party ascend the throne and be retaliated against, just be polite to everyone.

 Because of the incident that harmed the Jing family, the queen was treated coldly by the emperor for a month, and she became even more disgusted with the Jing family.

 She felt that the Jing family was here to defeat her.

But the emperor didn't like her stretching her hand too far, and she couldn't ignore her own emotions, so she ignored her son, so she had to let it go.

 The next time there is a banquet, if Jing is invited there, everyone will talk sarcastically, thinking that this is a good way to retaliate.

Jing is a minister's wife, and she cannot tolerate her superiors' offenses, so she tolerates them all.

 She can bear it, but Jing's father cannot.

Every time he goes to court, he always wants to say a few words to the queen, intentionally or unintentionally.

The second prince was too angry to retort, so Jing's father said that his wife had been wronged in the palace.

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel, the emperor came out to reprimand them.

 One sentence is used to train the second prince, and the other sentence is used to train Lord Jing.

 No one was better off in the end, but actually the queen was in a worse situation.

After reading this, Sister Ying was relieved to know that the emperor did not favor the queen.

 Her parents-in-law are so good, so she naturally hopes that they will do well.

As for Jing Han, I heard that she and Murong Yun are coming over here.

 She said she was going to a neighboring country to discuss business, so she stopped by to see them.

Sister Ying may have not seen an old acquaintance for a long time, so she started to get excited.

“Cousin Jinghan said she’ll be there in a few days, which is great. I’ll definitely take her out for a walk then.”

Xiao Zi asked, "They are all here, where is the child?" Are they going to be released in the capital?

Sister Ying shook her head, "It didn't say anything in the letter."

However, given Jinghan’s personality, he should have brought the child over.

 Otherwise, she would not be at ease if she left the child at home after being away for so long.

 After all, she and her mother-in-law are not biological mothers, and Murong Yun's father has remarried, so the child is not suitable to be left at home.

 “It will be lively when they come over.”

Murong Yun may also be able to bring business opportunities to the local area.

 He was born to be a businessman and could carve out a business path wherever he went. Not only do you make money, but people in the entire area can make money together.

Sister Ying has a hunch that the guy will definitely not come back empty-handed when he comes here.

Young Master Zhong clicked his tongue in surprise, "Although I am not in the capital, I have heard the title of Murong Yun in other places."

That is the richest businessman in the world, and you can hear this name wherever you go.

Especially since he was an imperial businessman. I don’t know how much money he has made for the emperor in recent years. It’s no wonder that the emperor’s treasury has become increasingly full in recent years.

However, raising troops and horses is still very expensive, and it will not work without making more money.

 The three of them were talking and drinking, and they had almost finished drinking.

I originally wanted to have another one, but the cry of the baby downstairs was already heard.

Mr. Zhong clicked his tongue, "That kid is awake. I have to go down."

Sister Ying was also sleepy and stood up drunkenly, "Then let's go back first and talk tomorrow."

Mr. Zhong nodded, "Okay. I'll have someone take you back."

Sister Ying said yes and walked back downstairs.

  Because the two houses are not far apart, you can reach them in a few steps without taking a carriage.

When I walked halfway, I met the young master Kawuli head-on.

Sister Ying glanced at him drunkenly, tilted her head and smiled, and said to Xiao Zi, "Do you think he is better-looking or Brother Rong is better-looking?"

Xiao Zi was also a little drunk, squinting her eyes and looking at people openly. She compared them with each other and smiled infatuatedly, "Hey hey hey, they all look good~"

 Only children make choices, and she wanted both.

Sister Ying also laughed drunkenly, "I also want to have both, hehehe~"


Are these two a little too unreserved to want both?

He shook his head and thought it was better not to behave like a drunkard, so he walked forward.

Just two steps away, I heard Sister Ying and Xiao Zi laughing evilly, "But his **** is not as upright as Brother Rong, it's a bit flat, hehehe~"


 Female gangster.

  How can such a woman openly talk about a man’s butt? It’s so, so indecent.

Kawuli had never been so speechless in his life. He was so angry that he turned around and glared at them, hoping to make them feel the same.

 But a drunk person, what do you expect her to understand about you?

Sister Ying and Xiao Zi saw him looking over with wide eyes, and laughed drunkenly, "I think his figure is not as good as that of Brother Rong. He is wider at the top and narrower at the bottom, which is a bit uncoordinated."

Her brother Rong is still good-looking, like a model, and his body proportions are not very good.

 Just put it on a piece of rag, it is a fashionable work.

This young master Kawuli is tall and has a good-looking face, but his figure is still a bit short.

The shoulders are too broad and the lower body is too narrow, so the proportions don’t look that good.


 “Can you please stop talking!”

 As tall as he is, no one has ever said he is in bad shape.

Even when we go out, everyone looks at him with admiration. People point at his figure and say that this is not good or that is not good.

Does this woman have any vision?

Sister Ying was drunk when she saw him refuting her, "Then I am telling the truth. If you don't believe it, one day you can go and see my brother Rong's butt. His hip bones are much prettier than yours. They are perfect."

This time it was not just Kawuli, but the servant behind him snorted and almost laughed.

Kawuli was laughed at by the people next to him and threw up his sleeves angrily, "Humph, this is so vulgar!"

It is really indecent to talk about this kind of topic in public and compare it with your husband-in-law!

 He threw away his sleeves angrily and left, never wanting to see this woman again.

Sister Ying and Xiao Zi shook their heads, "What's wrong with him?"

 Xiao Zi drunkenly shook his head, "No, I don't know. Shall we sleep?"

 Speaking, he was about to lie down.

The servants came to help her, "Girl, girl, we can't sleep here. We'll be home in a few steps. Please wait."

Xiao Zi just said oh and stumbled home.

Sister Ying also walked back with bumpy steps, getting more and more drunk as she walked.

The jar of wine didn’t feel spicy at first, but then it became more and more powerful, and I was so dizzy that I could see little stars.

 Fortunately, we were close to home, so when we arrived in the courtyard, Xiao Guli and Xiao Liti came to help us, and then we went to bed smoothly.

Little Liti helped Sister Ying to the bed, took off the veil for her, looked at her face, and then looked at her own.

 She thinks she is still very beautiful.

Although the woman in front of me is also good-looking, she is only a little paler than me, and there is nothing else remarkable about her.

Even though he said this, he still couldn't help but look at it more.

 Look at Sister Ying's nose for a while, and look at Sister Ying's eyelashes for a while.

 Even look at the curvature of the profile.

Finally, he snorted childishly, "That's it." He put the person down, then twisted his waist and went out.

 I slept very deeply this night.

 Rishan Sangan still doesn’t want to get up.

 It gives me a headache as soon as it starts.

Xiao Zi was in good health. After getting drunk, she felt fine at all and had no headache. She woke up early in the morning and went to the backyard to see if Noor was there.

 (End of this chapter)

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