Chapter 702, party chat

 She is used to being so noisy every day.

Sister Ying was worried, "If you don't care, won't we start a fight?"

The two brothers are a few years apart, but the eldest is always stronger.

 Boys don’t have much strength to fight, so don’t get hurt.

Jinghan, however, waved his hand indifferently, "It's okay, the boss knows how to hold back his strength."

  The eldest son didn’t pay attention to his anger before. When he was angry, he gave his younger brother a chestnut, which scratched his face.

 After Jinghan saw it, he gave him a very severe scolding.

It’s not that he was criticized for beating his younger brother, but that he lacked concentration and energy.

 It’s okay to fight, but you can’t fight to the death. Regardless of whether it is biological or non-biological, one has to look at the intensity. What if someone is blinded?

After her eldest son was severely beaten by his own mother, he knew that he had to restrain his strength.

  When fighting in the future, you will avoid your eyes and nose, and basically hit your arms.

As for the second son, if he accidentally hits his brother in the eye, he will be beaten too.

The two brothers knew that their mother was very fierce when she was serious, so naturally they did not dare to take it seriously.

Sometimes I just push and push, and I basically won’t hit the other person in the eye.

Like this moment, two people are grabbing a ball at the same time, and neither one is letting the other one go.

 When he couldn't get it, he looked at Jinghan, hoping that she would support justice.

Jing Han waved his hands with a look of disgust on his face, "I'm snatching every ball here and there. I'm so impatient. I want whoever I love, but I don't want it anyway."

 After saying that, he didn’t care and took Sister Ying to continue grilling mutton skewers.

The two sons ignored their mother and continued to grab the ball. After a while, they felt bored and stopped asking for the ball.

Sister Ying looked on with amusement and praised, "Okay, you can educate your son much better than your husband."

  Before, I had a heated argument with Murong Yun, but now my mentality seems to be much more stable.

Jinghan laughed, "That's natural. When you have children, especially after two children, your mentality will change from irritable to peaceful."

At first she was so angry when raising her children that she almost jumped up and beat her two sons to relieve her anger.

  When you get too angry later, you don’t want to get angry again, lest you make yourself angry to death.

From now on, she will try to reason with her son, and she will listen if she wants to. If she doesn’t want to, she will not care about them, and will not pay attention to them. She will not talk to them for the whole day and wait to see what they do.

Children are the best at looking at adults' faces. When they see their own mother ignoring them and looking like she doesn't care about them, they naturally get scared and come over to Jinghan to hug her.

Jinghan took the opportunity to reason with them and set an example.

 Both sons are smart and can naturally understand.

 In addition, my biological father is a strict father. If you are really disobedient, you will be punished, so you will naturally correct yourself.

Although the two children are naughty at the moment, they do things in a measured manner, so they can be considered good children.

Seeing how reluctantly she said it, Sister Ying laughed.

 “Are you still alive? You’ve already given birth to two children.”

Jinghan shook his head, "No, two of them are enough to annoy me."

 Originally, she wanted to have a daughter, and wanted to experience the thoughtfulness of a daughter.

 But what if the second child is still a son?

Her uncles and uncles have given birth to so many sons, and the family property is not enough to divide it. It will become big and they are still worrying about who has more shops and whose is more profitable. They worry about these every day, and the house is in a mess.

But her family should not be like this.

Murong Yun is a smart man and is very strict in educating his children. He will not let them kill each other, let alone rob the family property.

Sister Ying glanced at Murong Yun, who had a gentle look on his face, and asked Jinghan, "You said he is very strict with his children?" I can't tell.

 She thought Murong Yun was the kind of father who loved his children very much.

Jinghan laughed and sneered, "He is only gentle to me, but extremely strict with his two sons. He is more cruel than me."

 This is true. Murong Yun himself was not the kind of person who liked children, but he couldn't resist Jing Hansheng, so he accepted it.

 It’s not that he doesn’t love children, but his education methods are strict.

Whether it’s about life or how to get along with brothers, he listed everything clearly for them.

If he dares to have the intention of hurting each other, he will definitely not be lenient.

Jinghan smiled and said, "But being strict has its advantages. As long as the two boys are disobedient, as soon as I tell their father to discipline them, they will become obedient immediately."

Sister Ying asked, "Wouldn't this make the children afraid to get close to him?"

Jinghan shook his head, "No. They really like this dad."

Although Murong Yun was strict in his education, he would hold his sons in private, feed them, and take them to play, so the children still liked him very much.

Sister Ying nodded, "That's good."

 As expected, he is a man of great wisdom and is good at educating children.

Jing Han also smiled, "With him here, I'm not afraid of giving birth to a few babies. He's taking care of them anyway."

As he spoke, he touched his belly and whispered, "I always feel like I have it again."

 Although I don’t want to have three children, that’s how children are. If you don’t want them, they will come to you.

Sister Ying was surprised, "Have you confirmed it?"

Jinghan shook his head, "I've never seen a doctor, but I always have this feeling."

Although I had my menstrual period last month, I gave birth to two babies, and I felt vaguely pregnant.

Sister Ying suggested, "Should I find a doctor for you? Or should I take your pulse?"

Jinghan asked, "Can you do it?"

Sister Ying scratched her head and said, "I've learned it before, but I haven't taken a pulse for a long time, so I might be unfamiliar with it."

Jinghan was very cheerful and handed over his wrist, "It's okay. Just check it out. It doesn't matter if you're not sure."

Sister Ying smiled, took her wrist, put **** on it, and felt her pulse carefully.

After calling for a while, he said, "Maybe the month is small and I can't make the call yet."

Jinghan nodded, "If it is true, it's probably only been for half a month, so it doesn't look normal." She just had that feeling. Whether it's true or not, she will know next month.

 “Then you can’t drink alcohol, just drink sour plum soup.”

Jinghan nodded, "Alright, sour plum soup with mutton skewers will relieve the tiredness."

Mr. Zhong went home and brought wine to join them. He also took out the stroller.

Sister Ying was surprised, "Is it done? So fast?"

Mr. Zhong smiled and said, "Hurry up and hurry up. Finally it's done. I think it's too slow."

 If he doesn't get it right, his hands will become useless.

Jinghan saw that he was holding the baby and asked, "Have you been holding the baby since confinement?"

Mr. Zhong nodded, "Yes, I cried as soon as I put him down, and then I got used to holding him." It was difficult to put him down again.

 Jing Han has a deep understanding of this.

“My eldest son is also used to being hugged and can’t let go. Later, the second eldest child has never been hugged since he was born, and he hardly cries.”

New parents have no experience, they only know it after being a parent.

Mr. Zhong was helpless, "I can't help it. I cry as soon as I put him down. I still have a bad temper. I can't resist him."

Jinghan smiled and didn't say anything. He knew that new parents love their children, so he doted on them a little. The same goes for their family.

 “Mom, are the mutton skewers ready?”

The two sons ran over smelling the smell and wanted to eat mutton skewers.

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 (End of this chapter)

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