Chapter 703, Parenting Tips

Jinghan poked the mutton to make sure it was cooked, and gave each of them a bunch.

 “It’s very hot, blow it before eating.”

The two sons competed to threaten the first one.

Jinghan glared at him, "If you grab it again, I'll eat it all."

She really knew how to eat it all. After swallowing, her two sons lined up obediently.

 The eldest is ranked first, and the second eldest is ranked second.

 The second child was dissatisfied at this time, "Why do I always have to wait for my brother to make noodles?"

Jing Han, "First come, first served, what's the point of controversy?"

"The same mutton kebab will not taste bad just because you put it in second place. If you don't want to eat it, just give it to me. I still want to eat it."

 The second child immediately shut up and kept silent.

 When he got the mutton skewers, he took a bite. It was really delicious.

It seems that his mother is right, the second bunch is also delicious, hehehe.

Jinghan saw that they were eating happily, smiled, and took a bunch for Sister Ying.

 “Come on, one person at a time.”

Sister Ying smiled, "Xiao Zi bought a lot, you all should eat more."

Jinghan ate first, then went to take Murong Yun’s place after finishing the meal.

Murong Yun saw that she was full, so he gave her the tongs and sat down to eat.

 Mr. Zhong saw that the couple worked well together. The husband grilled the meat first, and then replaced him after the wife and children were full. It felt quite warm.

Unlike their family, the third princess doesn’t cook or barbecue, she does everything.

However, it is not that she is not gentle at times. At least she listens to him most of the time. He eats when he is told to eat and drinks when he is not allowed to. He is still very satisfied with this.

Sister Ying saw the sweetness of his smile and knew that he missed the third princess.

Murong Yun came to ask after eating, "Brother and sister, when will A Jing come back?"

Sister Ying looked at the flying eagle on the roof and said, "I will send him a message later to see when he will come back."

Murong Yun nodded and asked her, "Are you still used to coming here?"

Sister Ying smiled and said, "Get used to it, it's just that the wind and sand here are a little bit stronger and the sun is a little bit sunnier, but everything else is pretty good."

Murong Yun nodded and said to her, "I have a business line here that I want A Jing to do, but I just don't know if he is free."

 If you don’t have time, it would be the same if you let Sister Ying do it.

Sister Ying was curious, "What kind of business is this?"

 Murong Yun, "Selling wool."

 The quality of wool here is better than that in other places, but the output is not high.

If someone can expand wool production, business will definitely not be bad in the future.

Sister Ying's eyes lit up and she nodded appreciatively. "That's not bad."

However, she may not be able to do that well on her own.

She looked at Mr. Zhong and asked him to join us, "Brother Zhong, will you join us?"

 After all, raising children costs money, so it’s good to make some money.

Mr. Zhong thought this was a good idea. He looked at Murong Yun and asked him, "Can I join?"

 He is also a person who has to raise a child now and always wants the best for his son.

Although the chicken coop was quite successful, it was made for the emperor and he couldn't get any money.

As long as he can make some contribution to the military camp, he has no regrets.

 But raising his son requires money, and he also wants to make money for his family.

Murong Yun nodded, "Okay, you two can do it together."

As long as the sheep herd is expanded, the wool output will increase in the future, and the profit will be more.

Murong Yun helped them plan, "After the wool production increases, you can recruit local wool weavers and ask them to make some blankets. If the finished product is good, the price will be high."

“You don’t have to worry about how to sell it, just sell it to me directly.”

 Look, this is the richest businessman in the world. He has the ability to make a fortune wherever he goes. Sister Ying and Young Master Zhong nodded in admiration.

“Before, I was busy providing food for the military camp. Now I can do my own business, which is quite good. Thank you very much, Brother Murong.”

Murong Yun waved his hand, "It's just mutual benefit, there's no need to be so polite."

Mr. Zhong said, "No, you have a good intention."

 After all, he brings people from the whole region to make money, not just for himself. This is something that many businessmen cannot compare with.

Sister Ying nodded, "Yes, being number one in the world is different from being number one."

Murong Yun was laughed at by them and felt very good.

 “Come, let’s have a drink together to celebrate today’s gathering.”

Mr. Zhong, Sister Ying and Jing Han toasted together, "Cheers~"

 The four of them drank and chatted, and the atmosphere was very good.

Murong Yun was halfway through drinking and asked Mr. Zhong, "Do you know Kawuli? He is a wealthy businessman in your area."

Mr. Zhong nodded, “I’ve heard of it.”

That man is a well-known wealthy businessman in the town. The locals all know this figure, but he has not had much contact with him.

Murong Yun nodded, "I happen to have a business to do with him. Let's go over and talk to him tomorrow."

The three of them were eating and chatting. The rice was cooked in the kitchen, and the cooks Xiao Guli and Xiao Liti brought it out.

Xiao Guli and Xiao Liti were a little shy when they saw that Murong Yun was so good-looking.

Sister Ying waved her hand and asked them all to go down.

 She looked at Jing Han and found that she had glanced sideways at the two nymphomaniac maids, but she didn't say anything after all.

She came over to complain to Sister Ying, "Compared to the girls in the capital, the girls here are too bold."

 As they walked along, they received countless nymphomaniac glances.

Some girls even threw oranges directly to Murong Yun on the carriage, which shocked Jinghan.

 She was angry at first, but it didn’t matter after seeing more.

Girls in this area are more bold in courtship and dare to pursue true love, but Murong Yun was not interested in the girls, so he got into the carriage directly, hugged his son and fell asleep.

Jinghan couldn't laugh or cry, "That's the only thing about him that reassures me. He is smart but not careless or sentimental."

Like Jing Shirong, he is a man who believes that if he is alone, he will not look for other women.

 No wonder they are good friends.

 She raised her eyebrows at Sister Ying, "A Jing is more handsome than Murong Yun. You have seen this kind of scene often, right?"

Sister Ying smiled and shook her head, "Just once. He was in the military camp every day and rarely came out. How can I see such a scene every day?"

Even if she saw it, she would just watch from the sidelines, which was very bad.

Jinghan laughed and said, "You are still so funny."

Sister Ying also laughed, "Tomorrow I will take you to see our chicken coop. Young Master Zhong and I renovated it together. From now on, we will rely on that for food in the military camp."

In addition to the chicken coop, the vegetable garden they planned has also been completed.

 Now that you have planted vegetable seedlings, you will be able to eat fresh vegetables soon.

As for the wool business, we will start working on it after these things are finished.

 The three of them talked until very late before going to bed.

 To the next day.

 The cook got up early to cook. Knowing that there were guests at home, she cooked a rich meal.

Sister Ying hasn’t gotten up yet, but Jing Han’s two sons got up first.

Jing Han was very sleepy and told them to "just play in the courtyard and not go out of the gate". After that, he turned over and went back to sleep.

Murong Yun hugged her and continued to sleep without even looking at his son.

Two children, one big and one small, held hands and went out to play together in the yard.

 (End of this chapter)

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