Chapter 708: Rich family

Murong Yun nodded, "It's all fine. Just follow your local customs."

Kawuli admired him even more when he saw that he was so close to the people.

 “Then please come this way.”

 After that, he was taken to a luxurious pavilion specially designed for entertaining distinguished guests.

With Murong Yun's blessing, Sister Ying came to the large courtyard of the local rich man for the first time.

This courtyard is well ventilated. It can block the scorching sun and prevent wind and sand from blowing in. It is also very cool. A lot of thought must have been put into the design.

 The structure of the entire pavilion is very much like an open palace.

 There are not only flowers in bottles, but also fresh fruits that have just been picked.

The floor is also covered with gorgeous carpets, very clean and tidy.

Brother Zheng and Brother Yuan looked here and there curiously, but did not run around and followed Murong Yun in a well-behaved manner.

 The two brothers should have seen a lot of good things on weekdays, so there was not much surprise in their eyes, but only curiosity.

Jinghan looked at it with admiration and then sat down to rest for a while.

Sister Ying is as curious as a baby, looking at this and that freshly.

Jinghan saw this and pulled her down to sit, "Have you never been here before?"

Sister Ying shook her head, "No, from now on, I always stay in my own yard, or go to the Third Princess's Courtyard. I have never been here."

 The third princess has no requirements for food and clothing, and lives in an ordinary family courtyard. The house has no color, it is just a very simple local house with yellow mud and tiles.

 Including the houses in the family courtyard, they are all the same. The courtyards are not decorated. The only feature is that there is a larger open space, which is convenient for growing vegetables.

People here basically grow their own vegetables at home, and they only have two fruit trees per person.

  We are self-sufficient in basic vegetables and fruits.

However, fruits are not available in every season, and occasionally you still have to buy them on the street.

This is the first time Sister Ying has seen such a luxurious home as Kawuli’s.

 She had only been shopping around the family courtyard before, and had never been here before.

When we entered this rich street just now, there were guards guarding the gates. I guess ordinary people couldn't get in here at all.

The most beautiful thing about this kind of courtyard is that their decoration style is somewhat Western-style, like a palace style, but it also has local cultural characteristics.

Kawuli felt a little proud when he saw that she liked it here, and felt like trying to win a game back.

Who told this woman to say that he is not in good shape?

 Seeing how luxurious his home is this time, you should think that he is in better shape, right?

 But Sister Ying stopped looking after admiring it enough, and concentrated on looking at the snacks on the table.

Jinghan poked Sister Ying’s arm to show her what was different on the table.

Sister Ying followed her gaze and realized, "Let me go, are these forks made of gold?"

She is someone who has bought a lot of gold. She can tell at a glance that the forks for inserting fruits are made of gold.

 Including the wine glasses brought by the servants, they were all made of gold.

Even the plates for the snacks are gold-plated.

Sister Ying was amazed and whispered to Jing Han, "This is a wealthy family."

Jinghan laughed softly, "Each place has different characteristics. People here probably like shiny things."

Gold can best show one's wealth. Some locals will make gold plates or wine glasses specifically to entertain gold-rich guests.

 All the tea and snacks at this banquet were of the highest quality, which shows that Kawuli used the highest quality to receive them.

Kawu Li felt that it was not enough, so he asked the housekeeper to arrange for someone to come over to play and sing.

He turned to Murong Yun and said respectfully, "Sir, do you want to listen to music while drinking?"

Murong Yun looked at his two sons and nodded, "Okay."

Brother Zheng and Brother Yuan have seen big events before. When they saw a program, they sat down next to Murong Yun with a smile and behaved very well.

 The singer came over quickly, sat gracefully on the stage, and started playing the music. Sister Ying listened carefully and felt that it was very artistic.

Jinghan felt sleepy after listening for a while.

Murong Yun looked back at her and saw that she was sleepy, so he said, "Want to take a nap?"

Kawu Li was very discerning and came over to invite him immediately, "The wing is cleaned every day. If Madam is sleepy, why don't you go to the wing to take a rest?"

 “As soon as you wake up, the hot meal will be ready.”

Jinghan looked at Murong Yun and when he nodded, he stood up and prepared to go to the side room to sleep.

 She asked Sister Ying, "Do you want to come together?"

Sister Ying nodded, "Okay."

 Since I’m just sitting here listening to them talk, I might as well go and take a nap.

 Brother Zheng and Brother Yuan saw that his mother was about to leave, so he immediately followed her.

The maid led them to the high-end wing. As soon as they entered, they could smell a light fragrance. It could be seen that there was a dedicated person cleaning the place every day.

As soon as she came in, she stepped on the soft carpet. Sister Ying saw the maid wearing slippers and asked the maid if she needed to take off her shoes.

The maid replied respectfully, "No, madam, please come inside."

Sister Ying and Jing Han took a look at the decoration inside the house. It was indeed very grand, and the color combination was also very eye-catching.

Jinghan waved his hand and asked the maid, "Okay, we can do it ourselves. You can go out first."


The maid stepped back respectfully, lowering her head the whole time and retreating, and did not dare to turn her **** towards them. This shows that the rules of this family are quite strict.

Jinghan saw the door closed and said, "Many wealthy families are very strict with their servants."

 After all, it is used to entertain distinguished guests, so we don’t dare to make any mistakes.

She took off her coat, washed her face and prepared to sleep for a while.

When I went to bed, I asked my two sons, "Are you going to sleep?"

 Brother Zheng and Brother Yuan yawned. Mao came over and leaned next to her. He was obviously sleepy too.

Seeing that they were all asleep, Sister Ying didn't feel sleepy at all, so she simply opened a window and lay down by the window to enjoy the breeze.

The eagle in the sky seemed to see her shadow, and it circled over and landed on her shoulder.

 Then shake off the wings.

Sister Ying touched its head and talked to it, "Why are you here? Hey, why didn't you bring a letter?"

Logically speaking, she sent a message to Jing Shirong, telling her that Murong Yun was here, and he should reply.

 Why is there nothing on the flying eagle's legs?

She petted the eagle, and later realized that the eagle seemed a little smaller?

 “A Fei? You seem to have lost weight?”

 But it doesn’t seem like I’ve lost weight, it’s just that my frame has become smaller.

 No, this head is also small.

Sister Ying looked more and more strange, "No, you are not our A Fei."

Although her flying eagle is also an eagle, it is so big that it looks like the skeleton of an eagle.

 But the one in front of me is obviously one size smaller. I don’t know if it is a male or a female?

Just as I was wondering, another flying eagle hovered in the sky and came down.

This time it was Ah Fei who was right.

 “A Fei?”

A Fei circled down from the sky and saw that there was a flying eagle on Sister Ying's shoulder. He immediately became jealous and fired directly at the flying eagle like an arrow, with fierce movements.

Sister Ying was startled, and quickly grabbed its mouth to prevent the little eagle from being pecked to death.

A Fei was very confused when she held his hawk's beak. He tilted his head and looked at her, as if he was asking her why?

 (End of this chapter)

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