Chapter 709, Two Flying Eagles

Sister Ying held its mouth and reasoned with it, "You can't just peck people to death. They didn't offend you."

 Oh, no, you can’t just peck the same kind to death.

A Fei looked at her innocently, obviously not understanding what she said, and flapped his wings, trying to get away.

But it remembered that this was its mistress, and its sharp hooked claws were not willing to hurt her at all, and it only flapped its wings angrily.

Sister Ying grabbed its talons, smoothed its fur, and moved her little hands along its head until it calmed down and stopped fluttering, then put it on its shoulders.

 “Okay, stand still and don’t move.”

The flying eagle remembered this command and stood still.

 The little flying eagle next to him, which was almost pecked to death by it, was shivering and hiding aside to watch it.

It observed for a while and saw that Ah Fei no longer had murderous intent, then he slowly walked over and made some strange movements, as if to please Ah Fei.

Ah Fei calmed down now and no longer had murderous intent, so he flew over to meet it.

Two flying eagles, one big and one small, were landing on the ground. The eagles looked at each other to get to know each other.

After learning that the opponent was a female flying eagle fire, A Fei fluttered his wings and no longer had the intention to fight.

Sister Ying was afraid that they would fight, so she looked at them nervously.

 Fortunately, after the two flying eagles got to know each other, they did not fight.

Ah Fei didn’t seem to be interested in the female flying eagle, so he flew directly over and landed on Sister Ying’s shoulder.

The female flying eagle was very interested in A Fei and came over to please him.

It's a pity that Ah Fei didn't buy it. He turned his head and ignored it coldly.

Seeing that they were no longer fighting, Sister Ying breathed a sigh of relief and went to read the letter on A Fei's lap.

Jing Shirong said in the letter that she would be back in two days and asked her to entertain Jing Han and the others.

He has been busy training the spies recently and has no time to come over.

Qi Yuanming went to General Wang and brought a group of new soldiers over to train with General Wang at the same time to see who had the best results.

 The third princess said that there will be a competition in three months. Both of them are very busy.

After reading the letter, Sister Ying wrote a reply and touched Fei Ying's head to let it deliver the letter.

As soon as Ah Fei left, the female flying eagle chased after him with great enthusiasm.

Unexpectedly, Ah Fei didn't like him, so he accelerated all the way and left him behind.

When the maid brought water over, she happened to see Sister Ying opening the window and asked respectfully, "Madam, are you awake? Do you want some water?"

Sister Ying shook her head. "No, just go ahead and get busy."

The maid did not dare to neglect and suggested, "If you can't sleep, why not go for a walk in the garden?"

Sister Ying thought she had never seen other buildings in this yard, so she nodded, "Okay, please lead the way."

The maid respectfully led her the way and held an umbrella for her on the way.

Sister Ying followed her around this big palace-like house, and then went to the back garden to take a look.

 Not to mention anything else, the back garden here is also very large.

 There are many kinds of flowers, and there is also a pool in the center of the garden.

Different from the rockery lakes in Beijing, the pool here is very large and has a small waterfall design.

 Sure enough, the construction characteristics of each place are different, and each has its own artistic sense.

They were walking around when they met the woman they met at the Bonfire Festival that day.

The woman was also stunned when she saw Sister Ying.

"Who is this?"

 She didn't think of Sister Ying at first, but then she recalled it and exclaimed, "Why is it you?"

She had a quarrel with this woman that day, which made her very embarrassed.

I didn’t expect to meet her at brother Kawuli’s house today. Seeing the two of them looking at each other, the maid introduced Aisali, "Miss Aisali, this is the distinguished guest invited by the young master."


Ashari frowned, wondering why Kawuli invited this woman back. Still treated as a VIP?

She had seen this woman very unhappy that day, and today she met her again at Kawuli's house. She was very suspicious of whether this woman was having an affair with Kawuli?

Thinking of this, she felt bad. She blocked Sister Ying's way and looked at her with arrogance and disdain, "What are you doing here?"

Sister Ying saw that she looked at her love rival and shrugged helplessly, "You are here to be a distinguished guest. Do you have any objections?"

 Alyssa, “me.”

Of course she had objections, but she was not sure why this woman came to Kawuli's house. She didn't dare to offend him easily, for fear of ruining Kawuli's important affairs, so she could only hold back her anger.

Sister Ying didn't want to argue with her, so she turned around and wanted to go back to the wing.

 But Alyssa refused to let her go and stopped her, "Where are you going?"

You're not going to find Brother Kawuli, are you?

Sister Ying laughed angrily at her, "What do you think?"

It's not like she didn't see her and Brother Rong together that night, and they said they were looking for Kawuli.

This girl is really blinded by jealousy.

 But when Alyssa saw her cool expression, she thought she was provoking herself, and became even more unhappy.

She leaned close to Sister Ying's ear and said through gritted teeth, "Who are you? Did you come here to seduce Brother Kawuli on purpose?"

Seeing helplessness and speechlessness, Sister Ying also told her in a low voice, "Do you think your brother Kawuli is some kind of fairy treasure? Everyone likes him?"

 Alyssa's eyes widened in surprise, "You."

She never thought that there were women in the world who didn't like Brother Kawuli.

You know, all the girls in this area like Brother Kawuli.

  That is, a married woman may wish to marry or divorce her brother Kawuli.

 But what did this woman just say?

 She actually mocked Brother Kawuli for not being a fairy?

 Alyssa couldn't bear this.

"What do you mean? Do you dare to look down on my brother Kawuli?"

Sister Ying has a headache. "I'm not looking down on anyone. What I mean is that the man you like may not be liked by everyone."

“Besides, isn’t it a good thing for you that I don’t like him? Why are you still angry?”

Does it mean that she likes him or dislikes him?

 Alyssa was confused by her question, "I"

 She hates other women coming to compete with her for Kawuli.

 But she was equally unhappy when she heard other women say they didn't like Kawuli.

She feels that her brother Kawuli is the best man in the world, and all women should like him, worship him, and pursue him. Only then can they be worthy of the excellence of brother Kawuli.

Sister Ying.

Without further ado, this eldest lady is a little too romantic, so she'd better leave.

 But Alyssa refused to let her go, her big body kept blocking her front, "You are not allowed to go."

Sister Ying couldn't help rolling her eyes, "If I don't leave, how can I stay here? Then meet your brother Kawuli every day? Get along day and night?"

 Asari was stunned for a moment, "You, me."

 That's not what she meant.

"Then what do you mean?"

 Alyssa felt at a loss for words for the first time, "I, I mean. I'm asking you why you are here."

“As long as you tell me why you are here, I will let you go.”

Sister Ying felt that she was like a naive little brat, but she didn't get what she wanted, "Why should I tell you?"

 (End of this chapter)

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