Chapter 710, meeting Asari

“Also, this is Kawuli’s house, not yours. I can come and leave whenever I want. What can you do to me?”

 After saying that, she raised her blocking arm, turned around and left.

 “You! Stop right here.”

Alyssa didn’t expect her to be so reckless and leave as soon as she said so. She was so angry that she ran over to chase her.

When Sister Ying saw her chasing after her, she ran away.

She was already very good at dexterity. When Alyssa chased her, she could easily throw her far away without disappearing. She let her see her and then continued to chase her.

 When Alyssa was approaching, she ran quickly again, and then continued to stop and wait for her.

 Alyssa was panting after chasing her, and every time she was about to catch her, she told her to run away.

The two of them just chased me and stopped, chased me and stopped, and it took Alyssa three or four rounds to realize something was wrong.

 “Are you kidding me?”

Every time he deliberately stopped to make her think that she was almost catching up, when he got close to her, she would run away again. Angry, she chased him again, but still couldn't catch him.

 After so many laps, Asari was out of breath.

 “You are so bad”

  I can't even breathe a word.

Sister Ying even laughed, "What's wrong with me? I didn't let you chase me. Do you think so?"

 Ashari was stunned.

 That’s right, she didn’t let her chase him, she wanted to chase him herself.

 But she still felt that something was not right.

 “You, you are clearly teasing me.”

Sister Ying shrugged with an innocent look on her face, "Why did I tease you? I didn't talk to you or do anything to you." She looked innocent.

 Ashari was confused by her, "I"


I have been thinking about it for a long time and I don’t know where to start.

 That's right, they really didn't let her chase her, and they didn't say anything to her. She chased her on her own wishful thinking.

 But looking at this, it felt like she was still playing tricks on her.

 But she had no evidence, so she could only stamp her feet angrily, almost crying.

Sister Ying played with her for a while, and her anger disappeared and her mood improved.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore. Your brother Kawuli is entertaining distinguished guests. You'd better not disturb him. I'm going back."

 After that, let the maid lead the way. She wants to go back to Jinghan and the others.

The maid took the order, "Please come this way."

Seeing that she was gone, Asari was not convinced, so she continued to follow her.

Sister Ying was helpless when she saw her crying and following her.

 “What are you doing here again?”

 There is definitely something wrong with this child.

 They were all bullied to tears, yet they still followed.

 Asari was whimpering and crying, "I don't want to go back yet, what's the matter with you?"

Sister Ying didn’t understand, “Do you like Kawuli so much?”

 Like to shamelessly stay in other people’s homes.

As soon as Asali heard this topic, she couldn't stop crying. She felt aggrieved and said, "What do you know? I have liked him since I was a child. I have liked him for ten years."

“My biggest wish in this life is to marry him and be his wife, but he doesn’t like me... Wuwu.”

 While talking, I started to cry.

Sister Ying held her forehead and said, "Don't cry. There are so many good men in the world that there is no need to hang them from a tree."

But Asari said, "No, I only like him, and he is the only one I want to marry. I just want to hang myself on him, woo woo woo."

 Crying with tears and runny nose.

Sister Ying had a headache, so she reasoned with her, "What's the point of just liking her? You also have to be liked by others, right?" A wishful marriage, even if it succeeds, will end up being a resentful couple.

 She heard clearly that day that Kawuli only regarded her as the neighbor's little sister and had no feelings for men or women towards her.

  If a man is not moved, anything she does will be in vain and may even arouse the other person's resentment.

 Aisali had no choice but to sit down, hugging Sister Ying's calf and continue to cry.

 “Then what do you think I should do? Please teach me, I beg you, wuwu” she cried again.

Sister Ying's calf was hugged and couldn't be pulled, "You get up first."

 What's the point of just sitting on the floor like this?

For the sake of love, Aisali didn't need any lady etiquette. She hugged Sister Ying's calf and continued to beg her.

 “Please, please teach me, I really want to marry Brother Kawuli.”

 The sisters in the family all laughed at her because she did not please Kawuli. How could they teach her how to marry Kawuli.

She had no one to talk to, and even if she did, they didn't have any ideas. After looking around, no one could help her find a solution, so she could only feel depressed in her heart.

Today I came to see Kawuli's parents and saw that they were favoring Kawuli implicitly. I felt that the marriage might be ruined, and I became even more sad.

Originally, she didn't want to cry, but she couldn't hold back her emotions and was teased by Sister Ying, so she just took advantage of it and cried.

After seeing what happened, Sister Ying felt that apart from her eldest temper, this girl didn't have any bad intentions, so she sighed.

 “You get up first, and we’ll go to the side room to talk.”

Azalie saw her opening her mouth and grasped at straws, "Are you willing to help me?"

Sister Ying shook her head and told the truth, "I can't help you, but I can tell you some truth."

 Aishali pursed her lips and was about to cry again, "I don't want to listen to the truth, I want to listen to the method, ugh."

Just as he was about to moan, Sister Ying pinched his mouth.

"Don't cry. If you cry, I'll leave."

Ashari snorted, but actually shut up.

Sister Ying looked at her like a little kid and asked her, "Stand up and follow me to the wing."

Aishaly was a little scared when she gave her a cold look, but she actually stood up and followed her to the wing like a little tail.

At this time, Jing Han had already woken up, and the two children also ran out to find Murong Yun.

Sister Ying brought the person in. Jing Han took a look and asked suspiciously, "Who is this?"

Sister Ying had no choice but to spread her hands and told her, "Kawuli's original fiancée, but the woman is in love, the man is not. No, you are holding on to me to ask for a solution. I have a headache from crying."

 Asari was not annoyed by her dislike and held her arm without letting go.

Jinghan understood a little bit when he saw her like this.

 She called for Asari to come over and sit down.

“Tell us about the situation. If I can give you an idea, give it to you. If it doesn’t work, just give up.”

 How could Asari give up? She told them with tears in her eyes.

“I really like Brother Kawuli and really want to marry him. Even if he doesn’t like me, I still want to marry him.” This is her dream.

Sister Ying and Jing Han looked at each other and shrugged helplessly.

Jinghan asked Aisali, "Even if he doesn't like you, do you still want to marry?"

 Asari nodded, "Even if he doesn't like me, I still want to marry him and be his wife."

As long as she can be with him, she feels happy.

Sister Ying poured a basin of cold water on her.

 “As long as he doesn’t like you, you won’t be happy.”

 “Don’t think that if you get married, he will like you.”

Jinghan nodded and told her, "If a man doesn't like you but is forced to marry you, he will only resent you after the marriage and feel that you forced him."

"From now on, he will only blame you and not want to see you. He will never step into your house in the future."

 “Is this kind of relationship between husband and wife really what you want to see?”

 (End of this chapter)

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