Chapter 711, giving advice to Asari


Ashari was stunned for a moment, obviously not expecting this to be the case.

 But she still had illusions, "Brother Kawuli is not that kind of heartless person, he is still very kind."

 As long as she becomes his wife, he will definitely treat her well.

 Besides, she will be kind to him from the bottom of her heart, and she won’t be moved if she doesn’t believe him.

Jinghan and Sister Ying looked at each other and felt that this girl was quite innocent.

 “What if he is not moved?”

It’s easy to imagine, but in reality there are countless contingencies or accidents.

“Can you guarantee that he will be moved?”

“And he’s not at home every day. What can you do to impress him?”

“What if one day he suddenly meets a woman who makes his heart move outside, and he feels that you have hindered the position of his beloved woman and resents you? What should you do then?”

 Ashari was confused by the question, "I"

 At that time, she would be Kawuli's wife. Would he still hate her?

Sister Ying, "That's not certain."

 Many times, this is how resentments come about.

 What's more, if two people live in different places and have no emotional basis, the probability of resenting each other is higher.

 Ashari was thrown cold water on her by the cold water they said one after another.

 Fell to the ground, a little weak.

 Compared with her previous arrogance, the little girl is really pitiful and helpless now.

Sister Ying sighed, pulled her up to sit on the cushion, and gave her a glass of water.

 “Can’t you like someone else?”

There should be a lot of good men here. If you only focus on people who don't like you, the consequences will not be ideal.

Ashari let out a long sigh, still unable to accept this fact.

Sister Ying saw that she was silent, so she looked at Jing Han and gave her some advice.

“Otherwise, try to divert your attention and give yourself half a year. During these six months, instead of seeing Kawuli, you can meet someone who likes you and get along with them day and night. Maybe there will be changes.”

 Ashari moved her eyelids and looked at them, "Don't see Kawuli? Are you with someone who likes me?"

 But, who likes her?

Over the years, she has been hanging around Kawuli, not paying attention to the people around her at all, let alone knowing who likes her. Where can she find this?

Sister Ying asked her, "Whenever you are in danger, who protects you?"

“Who stays with you when you are sad? Think about it carefully.”

 Asari carefully recalled that when she was in danger, the guards would always protect her.

 When she was sad, the guards seemed to accompany her.

 But the guard is her family member, and it is his duty to protect her. This is not something he likes.

Sister Ying looked at Jinghan and asked her, "Will your family object to you marrying a guard?"

 Asari nodded, "What they want is a good match."

Then this won’t work.

“Then think about it again, who are the young masters from aristocratic families who are the best to you?”

“The kind that you don’t resent and are very nice to you.”

 Asari recalled, “Young master from aristocratic family who is kind to me?”

 She thought for a while, and it seemed that there really was one.

The other party is a young master from a wealthy family in the next town, and he has business dealings with their family.

 The two families are family friends and have always had a good relationship.

 There are two sisters in the family who are going to marry into their family. One of the young masters, who was about the same age as her, was really kind to her. Every time he came to her house, he brought her gifts. None of the other sisters had any, so he only brought them to her.

But the young master never said he liked her.

 But he was very gentle to her in his words. When her sisters bullied her, the young master would stand up and help her.

 But these may be due to the relationship between the two of them who were playmates when they were children. Maybe she doesn't have any feelings for either man or woman.

Sister Ying thought it was interesting and gave her some advice.

"Otherwise, you should spend some time with him first to see what he means to you."

"We won't mention it on the surface, but behind the scenes we can observe more or test him more to see if he has feelings for you as a man or woman."

 If a man likes a woman, he will not remain indifferent and will definitely express it.

The other party didn't confess to Asari, maybe because she was obsessed with Kawuli and felt that she had no chance, so she didn't dare to say anything.

 But judging from the other party's protective behavior, the possibility that the young master likes Asari should be quite high.

Aishali was embarrassed by what they said and waved her hands quickly, "Isn't this bad?"

Kuroki and her have always been good friends, and she has a big brother-like feeling towards him. Isn’t it a good idea to test him like this?

Sister Ying told her in a low voice, "We don't want you to do anything. We just want you to observe him in secret to see if he has feelings for you. We are not asking you to be with him right away."

"Get along with him first. If he doesn't like you and you haven't confessed to him, what are you afraid of?"

If the other party is interested in Aisali, that's even better. A pair of two-way lovers is a hundred times better than letting Aisali marry Kawuli.

 Asari was a little moved by what they said, but also a little at a loss.

Sister Ying told her, "Don't be afraid. I'm just asking you to get along with someone else, but I'm not asking you to marry him right away."

“If you really don’t like me, you can still be friends. After all, you two haven’t confessed to each other, right?”

After hearing this, Asari thought it made sense and nodded like a good child, "Okay, then I will go find him tomorrow."

Sister Ying reminded her affectionately, "Then your acting skills should be better and don't reveal your secrets."

 Asari nodded, suddenly a little excited and a little nervous, "Then I'll go back first."

 After all, he still had to prepare, lest Heimu would see that he was testing him.

Sister Ying called to her, "Remember to come to us if you have any news."

 Asari said "Oh~" and hurried back.

Seeing that she was actually willing to leave, the maid was surprised, "She actually left?"

The last time Asari came to the house, she shamelessly stayed away all day, but now she actually went back on her own volition?

Maid No. 2 looked at Sister Ying and the others and said, "I guess I talked about something with the guest and was sent back."

 Maid No. 1, "It's possible."

The two of them rustled around until the housekeeper came, and then they ran away in a hurry.

 After their chat ended, Murong Yun and Kawu Li also finished their chat.

Murong Yun came to pick them up, "Let's go back."

Jinghan stood up and rubbed his waist, "Okay, let's go back."

 Kawuli respectfully sent them off.

Sister Ying glanced at him angrily, turned around and left.

 Kawuli was confused by the glance? I don't know where he offended her, why does this woman always bully him?

 He was unconvinced in his heart, but on his face he still sent them back respectfully.

 After arriving home, Xiao Zi had already prepared dinner, which is the famous local fried rice noodles.

“Miss, dinner is ready, shall we eat it in the yard?”

Sister Ying nodded, "Okay, let's eat in the courtyard."

“Go and see if Mr. Zhong wants to bring his son over for dinner.”

 (End of this chapter)

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