The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 712: , best friends go traveling together

Chapter 712: Best friends go traveling together

Mr. Zhong takes care of the children at home every day. Sister Ying is afraid that he will be bored, so she simply asks him to come over and eat together.

 Xiao Zi responded and went to call.

 After a while, Mr. Zhong came over with a stroller, and the third princess actually came too.

When Murong Yun saw the third princess, he stood up and saluted with clasped fists.

The third princess waved her hand and said, "No need to be polite."

She heard that Murong Yun was coming here and wanted to come over to say hello.

 After all, this man is the richest man in the world, and it would be good for the prince to be friends with him.

Murong Yun had a clear mind and did not discuss court matters with her. He only fed his sons some soup.

Young Master Zhong doesn’t understand the affairs of the court, so he lowers his head and eats his own fried rice noodles.

The third princess didn’t mention much and just asked him, “What has Master Murong been busy with recently?”

Murong Yun replied while drinking, "It's all business matters."

He didn't want to talk in detail, and the third princess didn't ask any more questions. She lowered her head and drank.

Mr. Zhong called her, "Eat fried noodles quickly. What kind of wine do you want to drink all day long?"

The third princess was at a loss for words. How could she drink all day long? How could this man be such a mother-in-law?

But I didn’t dare to say anything about him, so I could only put down the drink in a depressed manner. Obediently pick up the noodles and eat them.

Murong Yun was greatly surprised. He did not expect that the third princess, who had always been cold-blooded and ruthless, would actually become henpecked one day.

With her status and identity, she would not have any objection even if she found a few handsome consorts.

 But they didn’t have any, and they were eaten to death. If they weren’t allowed to drink, they really didn’t drink.

Mr. Zhong saw her obediently eating fried noodles, and then he was satisfied and lowered his head to eat his own.

  He even threw the coriander and fat meat that he didn’t eat into her bowl.

The third princess was not particular about food. She accepted everything he didn't want.

 Jing Han and Murong Yun looked at each other and secretly thought that they were a perfect match, and they were inexplicably matched.

 It was very unpleasant when it was Sister Ying's turn.

She held the noodle plate, took a bite, and looked at the loving couple in front of her.

 Taking another bite, there is still a loving couple in front of me, which is really exciting.

She is the only one in the family. Her husband is still in the military camp and has not returned. She is really lonely.

Jing Han saw her disappointed look and smiled, "Okay, don't be so sad. Didn't A Jing say he'll be back in two days? Tomorrow will be another day, and time will go very quickly."

 Sister Ying pouted her lips, feeling depressed, but she didn't stop tweeting.

“You put it simply, if you are at home every day and cannot see your cousin-in-law once a month, you will be more depressed than me.”

 Normally, I don’t feel anything bad when I’m alone at home.

But if there are two loving couples showing off their affection in front of her one after another, it is impossible for her not to miss her man.

Jinghan hugged her arm and smiled, "How about I take you to a neighboring country tomorrow and buy some delicious food to comfort you?"

Sister Ying made a fussy move, "Going to a neighboring country?"

This is a good idea.

The last time I went to a neighboring country, I was hiding from spies, and I didn’t have a good stroll at all.

  It would be quite fun if I could go shopping and eat other people’s delicacies tomorrow.

But, "Is it okay if we just go there like this?"

 The last time I was hunted down is still fresh in my mind.

 The third princess ate the noodles with her chopsticks and told her, "It'll be fine. You can just go."

Last time, it was mainly about catching spies, which caused a little commotion. The emperors of neighboring countries have no thoughts of war yet, so there is no need to worry about their personal safety.

 In addition, the emperor of neighboring countries also had business dealings with Murong Yun, so it was naturally impossible to attack them.

 If we really want to take action, it will be the beginning of a quarrel. The emperor of the neighboring country will not be so stupid.

With the third princess’s assurance, Sister Ying no longer worried. She hugged Jinghan’s arm and said, “Okay, let’s go have a good time tomorrow.”

She hasn’t traveled for a long time, so she is very happy to be able to visit neighboring countries.

 Brother Zheng and Brother Yuan were very happy when they heard that they could go out to play.     “I want to go too~”

"I also need to go."

The brothers held Jinghan's arms and wanted to go.

Jinghan was disgusted, "Can't you two just relax for a while? Let me and your cousin go out to play for a day?"

 I take care of these two boys every day, and I no longer have a private life of my own.

Brother Zheng and Brother Yuan scratched their heads shyly and looked at Murong Yun.

 “Dad? Are we still going?”

Murong Yun touched their heads and said, "You guys come with me to discuss business."

 Tomorrow he is going to discuss business with Kawuli, so he might as well take his two children there so that his wife can have a good time.

Once the two children heard that they were going out with their biological father, they had no objection and stopped making trouble.

Jinghan saw Murong Yun helping her take care of the child. She smiled knowingly and gave him a wink, "You have a conscience."

Murong Yun also replied with his eyes, "That's natural."

The two of them started to get tired of each other again, and Young Master Zhong and Sister Ying felt very resentful.

After all, the third princess is a piece of wood. She can’t understand even if she looks at her, she is a straight girl.

Jing Shirong can understand it, but what's the use if he's not around.

The two of them shook their heads with depressed expressions, lowered their heads and continued to eat fried noodles.

 On the second day.

After Jinghan got up, he went to find Sister Ying and said, "Sluggard, get up quickly. The carriage is ready. Aren't you going to visit a neighboring country?"

Sister Ying was half asleep and asked, "So early?"

 What time is it? It's still early.

Jinghan pulled her up and threw the clothes to her, "What's the matter early? We have to take a carriage back and forth. If we go later, we won't have time to play."

That's right. Sister Ying stopped sleeping immediately and sat up.

 “Then I’ll change my clothes.”

 Having said that, he quickly changed his clothes, put on his veil, and called Xiao Zi to bring some food.

Jinghan said, "We don't need to eat at home. We will go to neighboring countries to eat. We will come back full of food today."

Sister Ying thought this was not bad, so she smiled and said, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

 At that time, it will be easier to eat on an empty stomach.

So the two of them didn't eat breakfast, just sat down and immediately went to the neighboring country.

 The driver is from Murong Yun. He drives very steadily and knows how to take shortcuts.

 After arriving at the streets of neighboring countries, the coachman dropped them off and found a teahouse to wait for them to come back.

Sister Ying was still a little excited, "I haven't been out to play for a long time." And she didn't take anyone with her.

Jinghan was even more excited, "It's been a long time since I went out alone to play with my close friends."

 After having a child, no matter where you go, you take the child with you, and there is no time for your own entertainment.

Jing Han feels relaxed now that he can leave the child alone and go out alone. It was as if all the weight on my body was gone.

 “Let’s go, there’s a beef restaurant ahead, and the beef noodles there are delicious.”

 Neighboring countries eat beef regardless of the people because they are rich in beef.

 The aroma of beef can be smelled throughout the food street.

Sister Ying swallowed with greed, "Let's go eat beef noodles."

The two of them found a teahouse and ordered two bowls of beef noodles.

 “Here comes the beef noodles~”

The waiter quickly brought the beef noodles over. They spoke in dialect, but you can still hear a little bit if you listen carefully.

 Because there are so many Han people doing business in recent years, there are people speaking Mandarin wherever you go, so you don’t have to worry about not being able to understand them.

There are so few people(///▽///)



 (End of this chapter)

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