Chapter 713: Eat, drink and buy

 The beef bone soup has been cooked all night, and it is fragrant.

 The noodles are freshly rolled and made, and the thin yellow noodles are very chewy.

 If you like spicy food, you can add some spicy oil to the white soup. The red soup will suddenly become more fragrant.

 There were five slices of beef barbecued pork on top, and it melted in your mouth. I wanted to eat even one piece.

Sister Ying and Jing Han took a sip of the spicy beef soup first, and said "Ah~", "It tastes good!"

 After finishing the soup, I took another bite of the chewy handmade noodles, and then had a piece of beef barbecued pork. It was simply not too delicious.

The two of them finished a bowl of beef noodles with gusto and felt their bellies. They were still not full and moved on to the next restaurant.

“Let’s go, this whole street is full of food, let’s eat there one by one.”

Sister Ying couldn’t ask for more.

He looked over with bright eyes and said, "Look, that one seems to be roasting pig's trotters."

 The fragrance can be smelled from afar.

Jinghan closed his eyes and sniffed, "It smells so good~"

 Put the pickled pig's trotters on the grill and roast them. The high temperature of the charcoal fire will instantly make the surface of the pig's trotters crispy.

 The fat inside is roasted and bubbling. At this time, add some cumin and chili powder, and the aroma suddenly hits your nose.

“Boss, I want two roasted pig’s trotters.”

The boss saw two beauties with big eyes in veils and smiled, "Okay, I'll be ready soon."

While waiting for the roasted pig's trotters, Sister Ying and Jing Han went to buy milk cake.

 The milk cakes here are different from those sold in Beijing. They use freshly squeezed milk and the taste is very pure.

 The body of the cake is rather porcelain-solid, and when you bite into it, it is full of milky flavor.

 “Well, it’s delicious.” Sweet but not greasy.

Jinghan also likes it very much, "Buy more and give it to the children to try when I go back."

Sister Ying nodded, "Well, I'll go pack it."

The two of them were eating and buying, and soon Jinghan was full.

Sister Ying laughed at her, "No way? Are you full after just eating so little?"

Where is this?

There is still half a street without food.

Jinghan covered his stomach and waved his hands, admitting defeat, "I can't do it anymore. What I've eaten today is twice as much as I used to. If I eat anymore, I'll be dead."

Sister Ying smiled helplessly, "Okay, then you have a rest and I'll buy some more."

 Buy some for everyone and share it with everyone when we go back later.

Jinghan really admires her. "Tell me, you are so skinny, how can you pack so many delicious foods?"

Sister Ying touched her half-full belly and said, "I've eaten a lot since I was a child, and I'm used to it."

 Some people just eat more than ordinary people. Sister Ying is lucky that she is a big eater.

Otherwise, it would be a pity not to be able to eat so much delicious food.

She rested with Jinghan for a while and bought some snacks. She had big and small bags in her hands, and then she called the coachman to come over and put the east and west carriages.

Jinghan suggested, "Let's go shopping for clothes and jewelry."

  Women still like these the most when shopping, and even carefree people like Jing Han also like to buy these.

Sister Ying agreed, "Okay, let's go and have a look."

The two of them held hands and found a clothing store to go shopping.

 At this time, a pair of eyes behind them were staring at them.

“Eldest Prince, that woman over there seems to be Murong Yun’s wife.”

Murong Yun came here to cooperate with the king of a neighboring country before. The eldest prince saw Murong Yun with him from a distance, but he couldn't remember much about Murong Yun's wife. The attendant remembered it very clearly, "When my subordinates sneaked out to take a look, they could clearly see that the woman was Murong Yun's wife, so she was definitely right.

When the eldest prince heard this, he gestured, "Go and wait nearby."

 He wanted to see what Murong Yun's wife was doing here.

 Is there still business to discuss with his father?

 Several princes in the past had the ambition to expand their treasury, but doing business was not easy.

 Several Wang brothers lost a lot of money due to poor management. The food in the poor house has been reduced by half.

It's a good thing he wasn't with them at the time, otherwise he would have been poor.

However, the sixth prince's business is getting better and better, and he is almost catching up with his father.

Once this person has money, he will be very impressive.

  The Sixth Prince used to wear clothes issued by the palace, but now he wears high-end goods from outside, all customized by himself.

 He also became generous in treating guests, and gave benefits to many ministers, and the ministers he attracted became friends with the Sixth Prince.

If the situation continues as it is, I'm afraid it will be bad.

 The eldest prince is determined to compete for the throne, so naturally he cannot lose to the sixth prince.

 But he was not as rich as the sixth prince, so he thought about how to expand his treasury.

His retainers gave him an idea and asked him to follow the example of the Sixth Prince in doing business. Only when the treasury is strong and can he buy people's hearts and troops can he be able to capture the people easily.

 The eldest prince naturally wanted to expand his treasury, but he couldn't find any opportunities.

I came to the street to relax today, but I didn't expect to meet the wife of the richest businessman.

If he can do business with Murong Yun, he won't be afraid that his treasury will not be full.

So he looked excited and waited at the tea stall for Sister Ying and the others to come out.

Sister Ying and the others tried on clothes in a ready-made clothing store for a long time. They bought all the clothes that suited them. If they didn't, they secretly bought one to cheer themselves up.

The two of them stayed for a long time before going out, carrying large and small bags.

The eldest prince waited for them at the tea stall outside the door for a long time, almost getting impatient, before he saw them come out.

As soon as the two of them came out, he immediately became energetic and walked over quickly.

  By the way, tidy up your appearance.

 “Mrs. Murong?”

 “Mrs. Murong, please stay.”

Jinghan heard someone calling him and looked back, "Who are you?"

 She came out lightly dressed today, wearing the most inconspicuous clothes. She didn't wear any earrings or hairpins. She looked as simple as she could, but she didn't expect to be recognized.

The eldest prince is also a man who knows what to buy. Although she is simply decorated, the clothes she wears are not cheap at first sight.

Including the shoes on her feet, every stitch and thread is very delicate, and the soles have no signs of being worn away. It seems that she does not walk often.

Especially when they buy so much, they look like they are rich.

He felt that he was right and put on a friendly expression on his face, "That's it, Madam Murong. I happen to have something to discuss with Madam Murong. Can you help introduce me to him?"

 Originally, he did not bother to talk to a businessman from a neighboring country.

But his father cooperated with Murong Yun, and he thought that this person should be able to bring benefits to his father, so there would be no harm in him being polite.

Jinghan frowned when he heard that he wanted to see Murong Yun, obviously he didn't want to get involved in this matter.

 But from the tone of this strong man, he seemed to be a prince from a neighboring country.

 It’s okay to reject people without official positions, but it might have some impact if you reject a prince.

So she thought for a moment and said, "I don't know much about business matters. If you want to find my husband, just let me know when you get back. Let's see what he says."

The eldest prince didn't want to give up like this. After all, the sixth prince was now gaining momentum. He, the eldest prince, couldn't afford to lose, so he wanted to seize this way of getting rich. He stopped Jing Han and said, "Madam, I see you have a big bag on your hands." Xiaobao must be tired with his things, otherwise I will ask someone to take you back? "

 (End of this chapter)

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