Chapter 714, Jing Shirong is back

With his attitude, he actually wanted to go back with them.

Jinghan and Sister Ying looked at each other and knew they couldn't refuse, so they said, "No need. If you really want to see my husband, just go back and I will let him come to see you."

If the prince really went back with them, it would attract more attention.

When the eldest prince saw what she said, he thought about it for a while and then agreed.

 After all, the other party has revealed what he said, so he shouldn’t let him go.

As long as Murong Yun comes to find him, everything will be fine.

So he stopped stopping them and let them go, "Madam, please, there is a jewelry shop ahead. The things in it are very gorgeous, very suitable for Madam."

 After saying that, he made a gesture of invitation.

Jinghan didn't want to stay any longer, so he pulled Sister Ying away.

Sister Ying looked back at the tall prince and remembered his appearance.

 While she looked at the eldest prince, the eldest prince also looked at her.

When the breeze blew slowly, it gently blew the veil on Sister Ying's face, revealing her beautiful face.

A hint of surprise flashed in the eldest prince's eyes, and he asked his subordinates, "Who is that woman? Is she married?"

Such a beautiful beauty, if she can be presented to her father, she will surely please him.

The subordinate replied, "I don't know about this."

The eldest prince waved his hand and asked him, "Go and check to see whose family the girl is from."

If your status is not high, just roll it up and present it to your father.

It would be easier for him if his father didn't accept it.

"Yes, I will go check it out now."

Sister Ying only glanced at the other person and then stopped looking, but she could faintly feel the other person's gaze.

 She looked back and saw the eldest prince looking at her with burning eyes.

Sister Ying was ashamed and couldn't help but roll her eyes, "What are you looking at?"

Jinghan smiled and asked, "What's wrong?"

Sister Ying shook her head, "No, maybe I saw it wrong. Let's go and continue shopping."

The two of them went to a local jewelry store and picked out some beautiful head flowers and hairpins.

 Wandering around, I went to buy clothes for my men.

 After Jinghan finished shopping for Murong Yun, he picked out some toys for the children.

Sister Ying also bought gifts for Xiao Zi and the others.

 When I could no longer carry the large and small bags, I was ready to go back.

The coachman came to pick them up in advance. After they got on the carriage, they returned.

 It was very late when I got home.

As soon as they entered the house, Brother Zheng and Brother Yuan excitedly ran out to pick her up, "Mom~~"

 “Mother, why did you go so long?”

The brothers held Jinghan in their arms respectively, hanging on Jinghan's legs like monkeys, unwilling to get down.

Jinghan smiled and touched their heads and told them, "There are gifts for you in the car, go get them."

 The brothers were very happy and ran to get the gift immediately.

Sister Ying called Xiao Zi over, "I bought you some clothes and some headwear. You can try them on tonight."

Xiao Zi was so happy that she hugged her and kissed her, "Well, thank you, Miss."

Sister Ying smiled and said, "I also bought it for my family and will send it to the inn tomorrow."

Xiao Zi smiled and said, "Okay, then I'll go and clean it up for you."

Sister Ying hummed, went to get the food, and asked someone to send some to Young Master Zhong.

 I also brought the little piggy’s gift.

  Young Master Zhong saw her buying so many gifts, and felt warm in his heart. He felt that this friend was really good.

 On the second day.

Sister Ying took the things to the inn and sent them to her husband's family in Beijing and her mother's family in Jiangnan.

Jing was very happy to receive the gift and wrote several pages of letters home.

Mrs. Wu was even more happy. She asked the whole family to write letters, and she wrote more than ten pages in a row.

She wanted to send some souvenirs, but it was a long way and it smelled bad when she got here, so she had to forget about it. At night, Jing Shirong finally came back.

 He came back in the morning, and Sister Ying was chatting with Jing Han.

As soon as she heard his footsteps opening the door and coming in, Sister Ying's ears sharpened and she immediately knew he was back.

 “Brother Rong~~”

 She ran over happily and threw herself into Jing Shirong's arms.

Jing Shirong also missed her. He picked her up and spun her around, lowering his head and kissing her several times. "Sip, sip~ Do you miss me?"

Sister Ying held his face and took several sips, "I think about it, I really, really want to."

 “If you don’t come back, I will climb the wall.”

Jing Shirong looked at the wall and pinched her waist, "I don't remember that there is a good-looking guy next door. Whose house are you going to crawl into?"

Sister Ying was very happy to see her little brother say all his lines.

“Yes, yes, this street is not as good looking as yours, but Kawuli is not bad.”

Although her figure is not as good as that of her husband, her face is still quite youthful.

Jing Shirong narrowed his eyes dangerously, "Huh?"

 “I wasn’t at your house and you peeked at Kawuli?”

Sister Ying smiled and said, "No way, I am looking at it openly, there is no need to peek."

Jing Shirong bit her lip out of jealousy.

“I think you are itchy. Let’s see how I deal with you at night!”

  When I was talking about cleaning up, my eyes were still bright, as if there was a big fox inside.

Sister Ying smiled and said, "I will take care of you if you want."

Jing Shirong looked at her affectionately with his dark eyes and whispered, "Okay, I'll let you take care of me."

 He was suddenly so affectionate, which made Sister Ying feel shy.

"You haven't eaten yet. There is some barbecue in the pot. Just wait and I'll heat it up for you."

Jing Shirong hugged her and said, "Together."

 It was so rare to come back that he didn't want to waste a short time apart.

Sister Ying smiled shyly, "Okay, let's go together."

So the two of them hugged each other and went to the kitchen as if there was no one else around.

 Leave Jing Han and Murong Yun with three lines on their faces

“This pair is still as cute as ever.”

Murong Yun nodded, "It's increasing but not decreasing."

  It’s really not easy to still have such a good relationship after so many years.

Jing Han smiled, "They say the days get sweeter and sweeter, and I think they do."

Murong Yun lowered his head and kissed her, "Aren't we?"

Jinghan rolled her eyes at him and pushed him away, "Come on, you said sweet things to me two years ago, but now you don't even take me out to play on holidays. You're so perfunctory. You still have a good relationship, bah." Liar.

 At the beginning, I chased her so hard.

 After a year of getting married, he left her and started busy with business. There was no sweetness like before.

 In addition, there was a quarrel and a cold war for several months because of a misunderstanding.

 Compared with sister A Jingying, she is far behind.

Murong Yun coughed, knowing that what she said was true, a little embarrassed.

 “Then haven’t I changed it now?”

This is the first time to get married, so mistakes are inevitable.

But now he has changed a lot and slowly learned to think for her from her perspective.

Jinghan snorted and said unappreciatively, "Go on, I'm going to bed. Come and see me tonight, son."

Normally I don’t think so, but after comparing A Jing and the others, I realized that Murong Yun was not considerate at all and would not love his wife at all, hum!

 “Alas you.”

 Why are you angry again?

Murong Yun saw her angrily going back to her room. She was confused and looked at her son.

 “What’s the matter with your mother?”

 Aren’t you still happy during the day?

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 (End of this chapter)

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