Chapter 715: Spreading dog food

Brother Zheng and Brother Yuan shrugged, sighing like little adults, "Maybe it's women's desire to compare."

 After all, my cousin and my aunt have such a good relationship. They kiss, hug and lift each other up, which would be the envy of any woman.

Look again, my father is either discussing business with people or on the way to discuss business every day. There is no kiss, hug or lift.

 Let alone coaxing the wife with sweet words.

Looking at my cousin again, every bite of food must be fed to my cousin. The two of them only have eyes for each other, so the contrast is not too strong.

Brother Zheng and Brother Yuan looked at Murong Yun as if they were losers, and told him, "Father, just take care of yourself."

 After saying that, he went into the house to sleep.

Murong Yun.

 Provoke whomever you provoke.

Isn’t it just sweet talk? It's not like he can't.

It’s just that as time goes by, the strong love slowly fades away and begins to calm down, so it’s not so intense anymore.

Which couple is not like this?

 He thinks he is already much better than other men. At least bring her gifts in person every time you go out, and only stay with her when you come back.

Even the children help with tutoring. How can he be left behind?

 Even though we are so busy this year, we took her out specially. What else is she dissatisfied about?


 Women are just difficult to maintain.

 Especially for women who are married, it is even more difficult to understand!

 After saying that, he gave Jing Shirong in the kitchen a rare and vicious look.

Jing Shirong felt the resentful look in his eyes, shrugged his shoulders, and continued to eat the roast meat fed by Sister Ying.

 “Have you had fun these days?”

Although the two have not met, they have written many letters.

Fei Ying is usually busy, so Jing Shirong picked out some carrier pigeons for Sister Ying.

But the carrier pigeons here don't often deliver letters, and sometimes they don't know how to deliver them. Several times, Sister Ying only saw the letters after three or four days, and she was speechless.

Jing Shirong said to her, "I have retrained the carrier pigeon and will send it to you in a few days."

 Professional homing pigeons were used for military camps. It was not convenient for him to borrow them, so he trained a few of them himself.

The flying eagle is easy to use, but the flying eagle often has to travel long distances, so it is not convenient to stay here all the time.

“By the way, yesterday I saw a female eagle following A Fei, which was quite interesting.”

Seeing that he saw it, Sister Ying smiled and said, "Yes, that female eagle took the initiative, but it's a pity that A Fei didn't bother her."

 The couple looked at each other and smiled.

Sister Ying asked him, "How many days can you stay at home?"

Jing Shirong tidied the hair on her forehead and replied, "I'm leaving tomorrow."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a look of disappointment on her face, and quickly added, "There will probably be a competition at the military camp next month, and I will take you to see the excitement then."

Sister Ying's eyes lit up, "That's a good relationship. I also want to see your training results."

Jing Shirong smiled, "You don't know that guy Qi Yuanming, it's like he was beaten to death. He trained the new recruits so much that they screamed." He almost exhausted them to death.

 But the results are indeed good, and these new recruits will definitely thank him in the future.

Sister Ying believed in Qi Yuanming's ability and smiled, "I haven't seen Brother Qi for a long time."

Jing Shirong told her, "When he is serious, he gets stuck like this and is so busy that he forgets time."

“I’ll go shopping with you tomorrow. Where do you want to go?”

Sister Ying shook her head, "I have to go to the chicken coop tomorrow to take a look."

Although the chicken coop is ready and the vegetable garden is ready, we still have to observe the situation from time to time.

“By the way, my cousin-in-law said that we should raise more cattle and sheep, so that we can start a wool business.”

With more cattle and sheep, they can not only increase the food supply for the military camp, but also start a wool business. It is like killing two birds with one stone.

 “And cow dung can also make fire for you.”

Jing Shirong had thought the same way before and said, "Yangzizi is easy to buy, but have you chosen the hilltop?" Sister Ying nodded, "Cousin-in-law has visited the hilltop and said that the grassland on the other hilltop is better. ”

“My idea is to spread more grass seeds on both sides of the grass and eat them back and forth.”

  You can also feed them mixedly and feed them some leftover hay.

In this way, the grassland will not be exhausted, and the leftovers and hay will also be dealt with.

“And as there is more grass, your horses will have enough to eat.”

Jing Shirong saw that she had considered every aspect, and patted her head with admiration, "I'm not at home, but you have grown a lot."

Sister Ying raised her chin proudly, "That's right. I'm a strong woman."

Jing Shirong looked at her intently, with a smile in his eyes, "Yes, you are a strong woman. Can the strong woman sleep with me after dinner and chat for a while?"

Sister Ying smiled and said, "Okay, then go take a shower and I'll rub your back."

After being in the military camp for so long, I guess I can make a pile of mud.

Jing Shirong shook his head and rolled up his sleeves, proving his strength, "I'm very clean."

Sister Ying did not believe in evil and rubbed her arm vigorously.

 Hey guys, there really is no mud.

“Can you wash like this in the military camp?”

 The military camp is still some distance away from the lake.

Jing Shirong shrugged, "It's only a few miles away. You can get there on horseback."

Sister Ying narrowed her eyes and said, "You can get there on horseback? So you can't come back and see me when you have time to take a shower?"

Our home is so close to the military camp, how dare this guy not come back to see her?

Jing Shirong coughed and felt guilty, "It's already been three days since I finished my work. If I come back to you, I will only disturb you."

 Actually, he came back secretly, but she was basically asleep at that time.

Because I couldn’t bear to wake her up, every time I came over to take a look, I would give her a kiss and leave.

Sister Ying said "Huh?" in surprise, "Have you really come back to see me?"

 She didn’t expect this.

Jing Shirong was ashamed, "You didn't even know you were stolen."

Every time she goes to bed, she sleeps like a little piggy. When she lifts her up, her head hangs down, as if she has died in sleep. It's strange to find him coming back.

Sister Ying was so happy that she reached out and hugged him, "Oh, don't say that, then I'm not tired during the day."

 Old God Jing Shirong looked at her, "No. You were like this when you were a child."

  When she was a child, she once slept on his lap and couldn't wake up no matter how much he screamed. Jing Yu and Jing Xin even secretly said that she was a pig that slept to death.

Of course, Sister Ying definitely doesn’t know this.

Sister Ying.

She stared at him dumbfounded, "Jing Yu told Jing Xin that I was a pig that slept to death?" That's too much.

Jing Shirong even laughed himself, "Children's words are unbridled."

At that time, Jing Yu and Jing Xin were only a few years old.

Sister Ying chuckled and said, "Huh, you three are bullying me. As a punishment, you are not allowed to hug me at night."

Jing Shirong raised the corners of his lips, "That won't work. If I don't hug you when I come back, there will be no point in coming back."

Sister Ying gave him a cute look and said, "I will think about those messy things all day long."

Jing Shirong raised his lips and smiled, his eyes were very evil, "How can we call it a mess when a husband and wife are together? I don't understand what the lady said. Otherwise, why don't you teach me why there is no mess?"

Sister Ying gave him a cute look and said, "Old gangster."

 (End of this chapter)

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