Chapter 716, Married Tigress

Jing Shirong looked up and smiled, then took her back to her room to rest.

 On the second day.

The couple went to bed a little late. Jinghan got up first and went to the kitchen to have breakfast without calling them.

 When Jing Shirong woke up, he came out to sit with Jing Han and the others.

Murong Yun hadn't seen his good brother for a long time, so he smiled and high-fived him, "It's been a long time since I've seen you."

Jing Shirong nodded, "It has indeed been a long time."

The two brothers sat down and chatted together. Murong Yun asked, "How are you doing lately?"

Jing Shirong nodded, "Except for being a little busy, everything else is fine."

"And you?"

Murong Yun gave a bitter smile, "I'm still the same as before. I'm on the road discussing business every day and never take a break."

It's not that he doesn't want to rest, it's mainly that he has an imperial mandate. After all, he is different from ordinary businessmen. He has a mission and cannot do whatever he wants.

Jing Shirong understood his difficulty and asked him, "How long do you want to stay here?"

Murong Yun estimated, “half a year to a year, uncertain number.”

 Because the king of his neighboring country had a big business deal, he had to personally keep an eye on the delivery and inspection.

Moreover, it’s a long way back to Beijing, so it’s better to stay here directly to save the hassle of traveling back and forth.

Jing Shirong nodded, indicating that he understood, and asked, "Did you tell Sister Ying that you wanted to start a wool business?"

Murong Yun hummed and took a sip of tea, "Yes, in recent years, the blanket business has been very good. They are usually sold to princes and nobles. As long as the blankets are beautifully woven, sales will not be bad."

 Jing Shirong knew this.

“Okay, let’s leave this matter to Sister Ying and Young Master Zhong.”

 Find something for them to do so they don’t get bored at home.

Murong Yun believed in the abilities of Sister Ying and Mr. Zhong, and nodded, "They are both good. If this business can be stabilized, they will have a considerable income every year."

Not only that, Sister Ying also wants to do bacon and smoked ham business.

She originally ran an inn, and when she saw meat, she immediately thought of making bacon and cured meat that could be preserved.

Jing Shirong saw that she was still so motivated, and smiled proudly, "She is very capable, so you can rest assured if you leave it to her."

Murong Yun nodded, poured a glass of wine, and drank one with him.

Jinghan stared at them with big eyes, "What are you drinking so early in the morning? Corn juice!"

Murong Yun and Jing Shirong stopped drinking, looked at each other, and thought to themselves, why are these women so fierce after they get married?

  Not to mention how gentle and gentle she was before marriage, at least she wasn’t such a tigress.

Murong Yun complained to Jing Shirong with his eyes, "Your cousin is getting tougher and tougher. Please help take care of her."

Jing Shirong replied with his eyes, "Your mother-in-law takes care of herself. You can't even take care of it, so you still expect me."

Murong Yun sighed, "Isn't your sister Ying like this?"

Jing Shirong looked proud, "Of course she won't. She is kind-hearted, innocent, and gentle. She is not comparable to my cousin."

A tigress like Jinghan will never change in her lifetime.

Jinghan watched them compare with each other with their eyes. He knew without guessing that they had nothing nice to say, so he glared at them.

 “What are you doing? Are you scolding me?”

 Don’t think that she can’t tell what they are saying with her eyes.

Murong Yun and Jing Shirong coughed and hurriedly explained, "No, you are wrong. We are in a daze."

Jing Han rolled his eyes at them, "Come on, I don't know you yet?"

 There is a den of tigers and wolves, so why pretend to be a white rabbit?

Jing Shirong shrugged, drank the corn juice in one gulp, and walked away, "I'm going to find Sister Ying, you continue."

 To run faster than a horse.

Murong Yun stood up and said, "I'm going to Kawuli's house. You can eat slowly."

 After saying that, he also stood up.

Jinghan snorted and was too lazy to pay attention to him.

 When Sister Ying got up, she found someone lying next to her. She was happy, turned around and hugged him, "You haven't left yet?"

Jing Shirong nodded, lowered his head and kissed her forehead, "Not yet, are you still sleeping?"

Sister Ying shook her head, "I've had enough sleep. I'll go to the grassland to buy some lambs later."

Jing Shirong nodded, "Then I'll go back to the military camp first and come back when I have time."

Sister Ying held his face and kissed him hard, "Then you eat well, I see you have lost weight."

The food in the military camp is rough and definitely not as delicious as the food at home. One look at his thin collarbone, it must be that he is not used to eating.

Jing Shirong is not a person who can't bear hardships, but he doesn't like to force himself.

The cooks in the military camp have average cooking skills, and the food they cook tastes average. Only the extremely hungry recruits wolfed down the food, while someone like him who had eaten all the good stuff could only barely swallow it.

I didn’t expect Sister Ying to notice it.

 She touched his muscles up and down, "He has lost at least five pounds."

 The more she looked at it, the more distressed she became, "Otherwise, I will ask Xiao Zi to send you all the food from now on?"

 Otherwise, what’s the point of not being able to eat every day?

Jing Shirong was not so pretentious, "It's okay, just get used to it."

 In the past, I only ate dry food.

Sister Ying shook her head, "When I was away, I ate dry food. But now that I'm here, I'll give you lunch every day."

 People may have objections to giving away three meals, but it is still okay to give away one meal.

Jing Shirong nodded, "Okay, then I'll deliver it at noon."

 He is there at noon, and sometimes goes out on patrol at night.

Seeing that he agreed, Sister Ying was instantly happy, "Okay, then I'll bring you some more buns, noodles or something, and you can put them in your pocket so you can have them as a supper at night."

  She has the skills to make dry food and dried fruit snacks. When the time comes, she will bring more for him and he can put it in his arms so that he can take it out to eat at any time.

Jing Shirong was moved by her heart, lowered his head, held her face, and kissed her for a while.

  Until the bull horn sounded at the gate of the military camp, it was time for him to leave.

"I'm leaving."

Sister Ying hummed and waved to him.

 After Jing Shirong left, Mr. Zhong came over with the stroller.

“Sister Ying, are you up yet?”

 “Here it comes~”

Hearing Young Master Zhong’s voice, Sister Ying quickly got up to freshen up, and then ran out to eat.

Mr. Zhong asked her to slow down, "Don't be in a hurry. Eat slowly."

Jinghan asked them, "Are you going to see the lambs today?"

Mr. Zhong hummed, "Yes, I went to the ranch last night and asked about ordering an extra batch of lambs and calves."

Hearing this, Brother Zheng and Brother Yuan also want to go.

 “Mother, we also want to go see the lamb.”

Jinghan told them, "Go and ask the Prince Consort, not me."

The two brothers immediately hugged Young Master Zhong’s thigh, "Prince consort, can we go see the lamb?"

 After Mr. Zhong had a son, he looked at the children more kindly.

 Smiled and said to Brother Zheng, Brother Yuan, "Okay, I'll take you to play on the grassland in a while."

"But you should wear a hat, the sun is very poisonous."

Jinghan nodded, "Yes, it's getting hotter and hotter recently, even the wind is very hot." It's like he's next to the stove.

Mr. Zhong wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "No, I just started to feel thirsty after walking all the way."

Sister Ying said while eating breakfast, "I'll take some sour plum soup with me on the road, so that we won't run out of food on the grassland."

 (End of this chapter)

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