Chapter 717, delivering lunch

Jinghan hummed and asked Xiaozi to put the sour plum soup in a water bag and bring it over later.

Xiao Zi sighed and packed five bags of sour plum soup for them, along with the snacks she bought yesterday.

Sister Ying told her, "From now on, you will send Brother Rong's lunch to the military camp."

“Pack the snacks I bought yesterday together.”

Xiao Zi understood it instantly and smiled, "I know."

Sister Ying saw that she was in such a good mood and asked her, "Has Nuer replied to your letter?"

 Nur has not come over these days, saying he is busy, which makes Xiao Zi depressed for several days.

 She was smiling so happily today, thinking it was Noor who had sent her a letter.

Xiao Zi chuckled, "It's not a letter, it's that he stopped by to see me this morning and said he would come to our house next month to propose marriage."

Although the two have known each other for a short time, it feels like they have known each other for several years, and their relationship is getting better and better as they get along.

As soon as Xiao Zi saw Nuer, she seemed to be a different person. Her whole person became feminine and ready to bloom.

Jinghan also heard about this and laughed.

 She told Sister Ying, "I don't know what happened to Aisali over there."

  That day they persuaded Asari to associate with her brother from a noble family, but they didn’t know whether their development would be smooth or not.

Sister Ying raised her eyebrows, "How about we go over there tomorrow and take a look?"

Since you want to help her, you must be a good person and do it to the end.

Jinghan chuckled and said, "That's what I meant. Then go over to her house tomorrow and ask."

Sister Ying raised her eyebrows gossiping, "Okay."

Mr. Zhong didn’t understand what they meant, but he thought it was a bit funny, so he came over and asked, "What are you talking about? What Aisali? Who is it?"

Jinghan raised his eyebrows and looked at Sister Ying, asking her if she could speak.

Sister Ying blinked, "It's okay, Brother Zhong is one of our own."

 That can be said.

Jinghan chuckled and walked over to describe Aisali's affairs to Young Master Zhong.

Mr. Zhong is indeed a housekeeper. He became very interested when he heard this gossip.

“Then you will take me with you tomorrow?”

It was idle at home anyway, and he wanted to join in the fun.

Sister Ying nodded, "It's not impossible."

With a man here, he might be able to read the other person's little brother's mind.

Jinghan thought it was very good, so he made an appointment to go find Aisali together tomorrow.

The three of them went to the pasture first, looked at the lambs, and paid a deposit.

He also went to a local herdsman’s house to ask about grass seeds.

By the time these things are settled, it will be almost dark.

Children were running carefree on the grassland, chasing lambs and butterflies for a while, laughing very happily. I forgot about eating and drinking water.

Jinghan still felt tired and called them back quickly, "Drink all the sour plum soup. I see you are all sweaty from running."

 The two children drank the sour plum soup in one gulp obediently, obviously they were very thirsty.

Sister Ying and the others also drank a bottle of sour plum soup and were very thirsty.

 “Let’s go, we’ve been busy all day, let’s go back and eat.”

 Master Zhong asked, “What do you want to eat at night?”

Since the third princess has not come back recently, he has stopped cooking. He eats whatever the kitchen does and is too lazy to do anything.

Jinghan looked at Sister Ying and asked, "What do you want to eat?"

Sister Ying wiped the sweat from her forehead, her mouth was dry, "I want to eat watermelon~"

There are also cantaloupe and rock sugar water.

But there is no ice here, only cool pear sweet water.

Jinghan smiled when he saw how thirsty she was, "You, you can't skip eating when you're thirsty, otherwise you can eat cold noodles at night."

 The weather is hot and no one has the appetite to eat, so a bowl of cold noodles is still enough.

 Everyone had no objection after hearing this, so they ate cold noodles at night.

 After eating, they went to sleep. The next day came.

 Everyone didn’t get up until the sun was shining for three days, obviously they were all tired.

After Sister Ying got up, she went to drink a bowl of white fungus and lotus seed soup.

Jinghan also came over after waking up.

 The cook also served her a bowl of white fungus soup, and also served it to the children to cool down.

After finishing breakfast, Sister Ying asked the cook to prepare some delicious food. She planned to ask Xiao Zi to send it to Jing Shirong at the military camp at noon, and also sent a portion to Qi Yuanming along the way.

 After thinking about it, the third princess also gave one as a gift.

  After all, in someone's military camp, it is appropriate to please them.

 At noon, the third princess and Jing Shirong received a delicious meal together, and their behavior was similar.

Jing Shirong raised the corners of his mouth and smiled heart-warmingly.

The third princess snorted coldly and did not let anyone take it down. She picked it up and started eating.

Qi Yuanming devoured it even more, "My mother, it's been a long time since I had a normal lunch. The food in the military camp is like feeding pigs."

Xiao Zi passed the message back and brought two more meals.

 Seeing that the time was almost up, Jing Han put on her veil, held hands with Sister Ying, and went to Aisali's house.

 Because Mr. Zhong couldn’t get up, he didn’t go.

Aishali also lives in a wealthy area. As soon as they passed by, they were stopped by the guard. A servant went to inform them, and soon Aisali ran out to pick them up.

 “Are you here?”

We were quarreling before, but now we are good friends.

Aishali warmly welcomed them to sit in her courtyard, poured them tea and fruits.

Jinghan asked her gossiping, "How's it going? Have you gone to see that young master Heimu?"

Ashari nodded with a rare embarrassed look on her face.

“Yes, my father and I went to visit his house yesterday, and he happened to be at home, so we chatted a little more.”

During the chat, she discovered that Brother Kuromu was indeed very gentle to her, much stronger than Kawuli.

However, she is just observing people and doesn’t like them immediately. She is just trying them out.

Sister Ying asked, "Then do you think he likes you?"

 Asari shook her head, "I can't tell for the time being."

After all, Kuroki has a good temper and seems to be quite polite to everyone. She can't tell if he treats her any differently.

 “Then keep observing and have more contact.”

As long as we get along often, we can still see some clues.

 Ashari nodded, and for the first time she stopped wandering around Kawli.

The three of them chatted together in the yard for a long time when they heard guests coming in from outside the door.

 Asari pricked up her ears to listen, then her eyes widened in surprise and she looked at Sister Ying.

 “It’s Heimu who’s coming.”

Sister Ying and Jing Han looked at each other, very excited.

 “Let’s go and have a look.”

 Ashari was inexplicably embarrassed, "Don't go."

 Fortunately, Sister Ying and Jing Han just lay by the door and peeked, and did not go out.

 Asari scratched her head in embarrassment, "What are you looking at?"

Sister Ying smiled and said, "Let's see if your brother Heimu is handsome."

Jinghan also smiled and said, "I think he is quite handsome and tall, but he is a little thinner."

 Compared with Kawuli's muscles, he is indeed a little thinner, but he looks very elegant.

Ashari nodded and lay beside the door with them to watch.

“Brother Heimu has been thin since he was a child. I don’t know why. His mother-in-law gave him a lot of medicine and dietary supplements, but he still can’t gain weight.”

 Fortunately, he is not short and his body proportions are quite good.

 Although she is thin, she is not fat.

 (End of this chapter)

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