Chapter 718, Blackwood vs. Kawuli

When Sister Ying and Jing Han heard her praise of Heimu, they raised their eyebrows in amusement.

Like old foxes, the two of them came over and asked, "What do you think is better, Kawuli or Heimu?"

 Asari was stunned for a moment, "This."

  She held her face in her hands, comparing their looks in her mind.

Logically speaking, Kawuli should be better-looking. After all, he has a strong appearance and deep facial features. At first glance, he is the kind of person who attracts everyone's attention.

Of course, Brother Kuromu is not ugly either.

 It's just that he looks gentle and doesn't seem to have much offensive power. Compared with Kawuli, he is a little weaker.

But Asari knows that Brother Heimu is still very good.

Sister Ying and Jing Han looked at each other and saw that her judgment was fair. She raised her lips and smiled. She felt that this matter might be interesting, so she urged her.

“You go and take a look at Heimu first. Let’s rest in the yard for a while. Go quickly~”

 Asari was a little embarrassed, "But it's me"

“If Brother Kuromu is here to discuss business, I’m afraid it would be bad for me to rush there like this, otherwise I’d better wait for him to finish his work.”

Sister Ying said, "It's okay. Just go over and take a look and give them some fruit. If they are busy, you will come back."

Jinghan also said, "Just go and deliver some fruit. Anyway, the maid will deliver it in a while. You should be the first to go and see what they are doing. Don't lose the opportunity."

Azalie was encouraged by them, and after thinking about it, she didn’t refuse, and walked over with a plate of large grapes.

As soon as she left, Sister Ying pulled Jinghan up to the roof, intending to take a look at the situation there.

The two of them were sneaking around, nestling by the attic window, secretly watching the situation in the main courtyard.

 I saw Aisali walking into the main courtyard carrying a plate of crystal clear grapes. She glanced at Kuromu shyly, then lowered her head and brought the grapes to him.

 “Brother Heimu, why are you here?”

I don’t know why, but every time she approaches Heimu, she feels guilty and doesn’t dare to speak loudly. She has no confidence at all.

Seeing her coming to deliver fruit, Kuroki smiled gently, "Why are you delivering fruit?"

Asari blushed, "I, I just saw you coming over, so I gave it to you specially."

 After saying that, he ran away shyly.

Seeing this, Asari's father touched his beard thoughtfully and smiled, "That kid probably likes you coming to our house. Every time he sees you coming over, he always rushes to look for you, just like when he was a child. Same."

Kuroki also smiled when he heard this, with a gentle smile.

“Yeah, she hasn’t changed at all, she’s still so innocent.”

 Asari’s father thought that this pair was actually quite good, so he deliberately brought them together.

“Perhaps you haven’t been to my house for a long time, why don’t you stay for a few days and then go back?”

There is still business to be done next, so stay a few more days and save yourself the hassle of traveling back and forth.

 This reason is quite appropriate. After hearing this, Heimu thought about it and finally did not refuse.

 “Okay, then I’ll bother my uncle.”

Asari's father stroked his beard and smiled, "Don't bother me, don't bother me. I have treated you as my own child since you were a child. You can live comfortably at home. Don't be polite to me."

Sister Ying and Jing Han saw that they were talking happily, and the more they watched, the more interesting it became.

 Asari was eavesdropping at the door, and she was a little nervous when she heard that Kuroki was going to stay at their house for a few days.

Several of her sisters came for a walk and saw her standing here and asked her, "What are you doing here?"

 Ashari quickly said, "No, I was passing by."

 After saying that, I wanted to run away.

 But her half-sister stopped her, "Why are you running? Are you here to eavesdrop?"

 Asari quibbled, "No."

Her half-sister didn't believe it, so she waved people to surround her and took her to a corner to question her. “Tell me, are you hiding something from us?”

This girl suddenly stopped looking for Kawuli in the past two days and instead came to find Heimu. This is really abnormal.

“Let me tell you, Asari, you couldn’t seduce Kawu, so you came to seduce Brother Kuromu instead, right?”

 “I can tell you, Brother Heimu is mine!”

 Asari was very dissatisfied when she saw her half-sister being so arrogant.

 “What’s yours? Who agreed!”

Her mother is the eldest lady, and this sister is the daughter of the second lady. She is also very favored at home, so she is so arrogant.

 Before, she didn't care who her sister liked, but if someone wanted to steal it from her, she would not let it go.

Seeing that she still dared to talk back, Amina said angrily, "I didn't bother with you before when you grabbed Kawu Li. Now that I like Heimu, you want to grab it too? Are you deliberately going against me?"

The smelly girl, relying on she was so domineering that she was born, who could bear it.

 Asari was at a loss for words, "Me."

 Well, this is indeed her fault.

   But Brother Kawuli doesn’t like her, and she can’t take it by force, so she can only learn to let it go.

As for Brother Kuromu, she didn’t know beforehand that her sister also liked Brother Kuromu.

  After thinking about it, I didn’t want to start a quarrel, so I said in a good voice, "Sister likes Brother Kuromu, so does Brother Kuromu like my sister?"

 Through Sister Ying's teachings, she gradually understood that love is a two-way street.

 If the other person doesn’t like you, it’s useless no matter how much you like him.

Amina was stunned by her question, "What do you mean?"

 “You mean Brother Kuromu doesn’t like me?”

How can it be!

Every time Brother Kuromu comes to their house, he is always kind to her. How could he not like her?

Eshali saw her previous shadow on others for the first time.

 I didn’t expect that she was so blindly confident before?

  I think that Brother Kawuli likes me. But this is not the case.

 Amina is in the same state as she was before.

She persuaded him with good words, "Sister, I advise you to ask Brother Heimu, so as not to mistakenly express your true feelings."

Amina looked at her with a ghostly look and said, "Are you possessed? You usually love Kawu Li to the death, but now you say this again?"

 Normally he looks like he is risking his own life for love, but now he is nagging, maybe he was hurt by Kawuli?

Seeing that she didn't listen, Aisali advised again, "You'd better ask Brother Heimu. If he doesn't mean anything to you, break it off as soon as possible to save yourself from heartache in the future."

 After saying that, he pushed away his servants and returned to his own yard.

When Sister Ying saw her coming back, she quickly asked, "How was it? What's new?"

 Asari shook her head in a depressed mood, "No."

 She suddenly felt so lost that Sister Ying and Jing Han were confused.

 “Why are you in a bad mood suddenly? Who provoked you?”

 Ashari sighed and talked to them, "I feel like I'm a little stupid."

 I didn’t think so before, and I thought that as long as I was good to Kawuli, Kawuli would definitely be moved.

 But after seeing Amina today, I realized how blind and arrogant I used to be, without any self-awareness at all.

“And Amina likes Brother Kuroki, then I”

 Sisters' quarrels often happened in the local area, but she couldn't do it.

 (End of this chapter)

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