Chapter 719, Sisters Struggle

Sister Ying was puzzled, "Why don't you want to fight?"

“Is it possible that you really don’t have any feelings for Kuromu at all?”

 Asari shook her head, looking a little disappointed.

 “I’m just afraid.”

She was afraid that Heimu wouldn't like her by then, so wouldn't what she did have the same ending as her previous pursuit of Kawuli?

 If it’s the same, then why bother doing it? It will hurt others and yourself when the time comes.

When Sister Ying heard that this was the reason, she comforted her.

“You haven’t even finished this matter yet, and you’re already worried about being rejected?”

“Besides, everything is a process. Your process is just the beginning. Isn’t it a pity to give up halfway?”

Jinghan also said, "That's right, you chased Kawu Lichui so hard before, why did you end it when you got here to Heimu? Isn't this unfair to Heimu?"

Moreover, that Kuroki looks quite gentle and has deep affection for Asari. It would be a pity to give up like this.

 Asari was persuaded by them one by one, and finally she was convinced.

“Then what should I do next? Amina is stubborn and won’t give up easily.”

 In fact, she understood that not only Amina was stubborn, but she herself was also stubborn.

 But if she really wanted to compete with Amina for a man, she felt that she couldn't do it.

Jinghan was puzzled and asked, "Why? Before I came to you, I had heard about your custom. As long as the girl or boy you like, sisters and brothers can compete with each other."

 As long as you like the other person, you can compete. This is what Jing Han heard on the way here.

Ashari nodded, knowing that she was right, but she still sighed.

 “The main thing is that I don’t want to cause too much trouble.”

Her mother-in-law and the second lady don’t get along. If she and Amina try to grab black wood together, her mother and Amina’s mother will definitely fight, and the house will be in chaos.

Her father is getting older. If the house is in a mess, he will probably get angry and have to take medicine for dizziness.

 Although she is usually arrogant, she still cares about her parents at home.

Sister Ying gave her an idea, "Then let's not argue with her for the time being. Let Amina try it first and see if Heimu has that intention for her."

“If Kuroki is not interested in Amina, you can ask Kuroki what he means.”

As long as she didn’t argue with Amina beforehand, but waited for Amina to be rejected before going, then Amina would have nothing to say even if she was not convinced.

Asari thought this was a good idea and asked, "Then I will wait for their situation first?"

Sister Ying nodded and told her, "Actually, you can also use this time to help the family."

Girls don’t have to be melancholy about love every day, they can also do other careers.

 Either open a shop, or study, or learn to run a business.

 What’s not better than talking about love?

Ashari was stunned for a moment, but she had never thought about this problem.

“You said you would help my father with his business? But I can’t.”

 All business at home is handled by father and brothers, and girls like them are not qualified to interfere.

Sister Ying was helpless, forgetting that women rarely did business in this era, so she thought about it and asked her, "Then, who is in charge of the family finances in your family?"

 Asari replied, “My mother-in-law is in charge.”

Although women cannot take care of business matters, the eldest lady of the family can still take care of the finances.

 After all, there are dozens of people in a family who need to eat, and men will not take care of this, leaving it to the eldest lady to take care of it.

Sister Ying understood it and taught her, "Then you can learn to be a housekeeper from your mother."

“By the way, learn from her how to manage a family’s food and clothing expenses. These will be beneficial to your future marriage.”

 Asari seems to understand a little bit. He said to Sister Ying, "Actually, my mother-in-law also told me what you said, but at that time, all I could think about was Brother Kawuli and I didn't listen at all."

Thinking about it now, it seems that what Sister Ying said makes sense.

 “Then I won’t worry about Brother Kuromu during this period and learn to be a housekeeper first?”

Sister Ying nodded, "Yes, learn how to manage a house first, and you will reap good rewards after a while."

Jinghan also interjected, "You can't just ignore Heimu. Pay more attention to his movements to avoid being too passive."

 Ashari listened and nodded obediently, "Okay."

This is the first time someone has given her advice.

In the past, when she was in a bad mood or confused about life, no one would tell her this at all.

 The sisters in the family were all born to different mothers, so naturally they couldn’t get along with each other.

Even though her sisters were all married, she couldn't go to other people's homes every day, so she didn't have many good friends.

 Asari is very happy to have two close friends today.

She looked at Sister Ying shyly and said to her, "I was wrong for being harsh on you before. I apologize to you."

Sister Ying saw that she knew her mistakes and corrected them, so she smiled and said, "It's okay. You are still a good girl if you know your mistakes and can correct them. I forgive you."

“Then you’ll be here today, and you and your mother-in-law will start learning housekeeping from tomorrow. We’ll come back to check the results in a few days.”

 Asari nodded seriously, "Okay, I understand."

The two of them stood up and prepared to go back. Asari also stood up and walked them to the door.

 Just when she came out, Heimu also came out.

 Ai Shaoli looked back and saw him, still a little embarrassed, "Brother Heimu?"

Seeing that she didn't dare to look at him, Kuroki asked strangely, "What's wrong? Why don't you look up at me?"

 Asari’s ears felt a little hot, and she always felt inexplicably guilty when facing him.

 After all, she used Kuroki as a test subject. If he knew about this, he would probably be angry. That's why she didn't dare to look at him.

Seeing her lowering her head and not speaking, Kuroki was very puzzled, "Little Asari? Are you really not going to talk to me?"

Didn’t you give him grapes at noon? Why don't you say this again?

 Asari felt a little embarrassed when he saw him calling her that. She raised her head and glared at him, "Don't call me that."

 She is already a big girl, why do you still call her little Asari?

Seeing her embarrassment, Kuroki raised his head and smiled, "You are still so cute, like a child who has not grown up."

His words are doting and doting, and it doesn't look like he's lying at all.

 Ashari looked into his eyes, as if she was attracted for no reason. She suddenly became shy, turned around and ran away.

Heimu looked at her running back in confusion, "Why are you running?"

 This little girl, is she so easily shy?

Weren't you very bold before and dared to call him brother, but now you feel embarrassed?

Amina, who was peeking on the sidelines, was almost furious.

Angrily came out and asked Heimu, "Why do you only talk to Asari and never pay attention to me?"

  This has been the case since childhood. Hei Mu came to the house and only played with Aisali. He didn't care about her at all, which made her mad to death.

Kuroki did not shy away from her question and answered frankly, "Because I like her."

Amina was stunned for a moment, "What did you say? Do you like her?"


 (End of this chapter)

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