The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 720: , it’s best to go both ways

Chapter 720: It’s best to go in both directions

 She really didn’t understand why Blackwood liked Asari.

  She is obviously prettier than Asari, slenderer than her, and her eyes are more attractive than hers. Why doesn't Kuroki like her?

 “How am I inferior to Asari?”

Growing up, whenever Heimu came to the house, he would only play with Aisali. After so many years, he is still like this, which is really puzzling.

Heimu looked at Asari's yard and said in a serious tone, "I just like it, there is no reason why."

  Maybe it’s destiny.

 He has no feelings for the women around him, but he is particularly tolerant of Asari and likes to be with her.

  Whether he is watching her eat or seeing her angry, as long as he can be with her, he feels happy.

Amina was very unconvinced, "But she likes Kawuli! Dad also said that he would marry her to Kawuli, so just give up!"

 In fact, the family is already preparing to terminate the engagement with Kawuli.

 Because Kawuli made it clear that he did not want to get married, this marriage is basically impossible.

 But Amina just didn’t want to take advantage of Asari, so naturally she couldn’t do what they wanted.

Kuroki Ding looked at her for a while and said nothing.

If he hadn't come here today, he might have believed Amina's words.

 But this trip today was quite fruitful.

Amina's father had told him just now that the marriage between Aisali and Kawuli might have to be abandoned. How could he not be tempted by this?

Especially Amina's father also spoke, saying that if he likes Asari, he should boldly pursue her. He agrees.

 With the old man’s approval, Kuroki will definitely not give up this excellent opportunity.

 I just don’t know if Asari can accept him?

If she still insists on choosing Kawulli, then he is powerless.

 Very early on, he knew that Asari liked Kawuli, so much that he only had Kawuli in his eyes and heart.

 He was still sad about this for a while, and he didn't come to Asari's house for a long time.

 I really missed her until later, so I came over.

He thought that even if she didn't like him, it would be nice to look at her quietly.

In this way, he came to stay with Asari all the time, listening to her chattering about Kawuli.

Although he felt bad, he was still very satisfied to be her close friend.

  Until today I learned that she and Kawu were helpless, that silent heart finally started to stir again.

 He believed that as long as he persisted in being good to Aisali, he would have a chance to marry her.

 Amina saw that he didn't speak, but there was a firm expression on his face, and she became more and more unwilling.

 “Do you really have to do it with her?”

“Even if she doesn’t have you in her heart, do you still want to be with her?”

Heimu looked at her with firm eyes, "Yes. Even if she doesn't have me in her heart, I will marry her."

 He only has this one chance, if he misses it, he will never get it again.

 Amina saw how determined he was, so she cried and ran away.

 Perhaps she was crying too loudly. Asari heard the commotion and came out to see, "What's the matter?"

Kuroki blushed when he saw her coming out, "It's nothing, just tell her clearly that I don't like her."

 When he said it so directly, Aisali was stunned for a moment, and then she said oh, pretending to be calm.

 I didn’t expect that he really didn’t like Amina, that’s great, she still has a role to play.

Oh no, she just promised Sister Ying and the others to study hard.

 Yes, let’s study.

So she closed the door, not looking into Kuroki's affectionate eyes, and took several deep breaths, fearing that her heartbeat would be heard too fast.

Kuroki smiled when he saw her running away.

I think the weather is really nice and Aisali is so cute.

When Sister Ying and the others went out, they saw Heimu's figure.

The two of them were guessing, "Do you think Kuroki will confess his love first?" Jinghan shook his head, "I don't know, but the way he looks at Aisali doesn't seem to be emotionless. He probably just likes Aisali." sari.”

Sister Ying shook her finger, "No, he just likes Asari."

Jinghan was puzzled, "How do you know?"

Sister Ying smiled and said, "I happened to see it that day."

  Last time after they had a quarrel with Asari at Kawuli's house, when she went out, she saw Kuroki secretly watching Asari in the alley.

The worried look in his eyes didn't look like he was faking it, so he guessed that this man liked Asari.

 In addition to Aisali's description, saying that Heimu has been with her for many years, it becomes more certain that Heimu likes Aisali.

 In this way, if Asari is asked to chase Blackwood, there is a high probability that she will succeed.

Jinghan asked me, "Okay, you must observe carefully enough."

Sister Ying smiled and said, "I learned it from Brother Rong."

Having been hanging out with Jing Shirong and the others for a long time, it is inevitable that I have learned something.

Every time they go somewhere, they first check whether the people around them are in danger, including the location of the main entrance and alleys, so that they can escape if they encounter danger.

Sister Ying has learned a little bit, but it works quite well.

Jinghan covered his mouth and smiled, "Then the possibility of this happening is very high."

“If it works out, we’ll still be matchmakers, and we’ll be able to have wedding banquets by then.”

Sister Ying also laughed, "This is also my first time to be a matchmaker. I hope they can have a two-way relationship."

 Don’t have unrequited love, otherwise it will be uncomfortable for them to look at you as matchmakers.

The two of them were walking when they suddenly felt something was wrong.

Sister Ying was more sensitive, so she stopped and looked behind her. Then he said to Jing Han, "Do you feel like someone is following us?"

Jinghan shook his head, "It must be the secret guard."

 They went out without their maids, but the secret guards followed them.

Sister Ying shook her head, "No. We are all used to the habits of secret guards. This feeling of being followed is different."

 When she said this, Jing Han also became wary, "Are you going to run?"

Sister Ying shook her head and said, "Let's go around and take a look."

 Find out who is following them.

 If it's a little kid, just give it a good beating.

 If he is a bad guy, he must be tracked back by the secret guards.

 “Let’s go, take the alley.”

 The alley is narrow, and if you want to continue to follow them, your traces will inevitably be exposed.

 When the secret guard chases after him, he will know who it is.

 “Okay, I’ll listen to you.”

Jinghan trusted her very much, holding her hand and walking together in the alley.

As soon as they entered the alley, the pace behind them was getting closer and closer. Sister Ying winked at Jing Han and gestured with her fingers, "One, two, three!"

The two men suddenly turned around and sprinkled the powder in their hands behind them.

 Unexpectedly, people also sprinkled the powder.

Sister Ying knew it was drug as soon as she smelled it and asked Jing Han to hold his breath.

The secret guard was secretly observing the situation. After looking down on the opponent's face, he did not take action, wanting to see what the opponent's intentions were.

Sister Ying took some intoxicant and felt that the intoxicant was different from what she usually smelled. Maybe the ingredients tasted different in different places.

 She felt a little dizzy, so she pretended to faint.

Jinghan fell to the ground after him, and the two of them were half-conscious and half-fainted.

 The man behind him was also caught in their smoke. Fortunately, he held it back, but his steps were still shaky.

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 (End of this chapter)

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