Chapter 721, Sister Ying was kidnapped

The man felt that he was about to fall, so he quickly called to the people behind him, "Come out quickly!"

Just as the secret guard was about to take action, when he saw someone coming out of the darkness, he immediately retreated.

Sister Ying just gave the order to see where the other party is taking them first, so as not to alert the enemy.

If someone just takes them down, the mastermind behind the scenes will not be seen.

 You have to know who the other party is and what their intentions are so that Jing Shirong and the others can take precautions.

The secret guard knew what she said was right and admired her courage.

But they were still afraid. After all, this was the master's heart. If he was injured, he would be beaten when he returned.

 But they also knew that it was best to find out the matter, so they held back.

The group of people didn't know that there were secret guards in the dark, wearing gauze hats and covering their faces tightly. They rushed over and carried Sister Ying away in a sack.

Jing Han who was next to her was not arrested. Those people just ignored her and ran away.

The secret guard felt strange, why only one of the two was captured?

 But he still hurriedly chased after her, wanting to see where they were taking Sister Ying.

Sister Ying was already a little confused when she was drugged, and because they were carrying a sack in a sack, she was even more dizzy.

 After realizing that there was no danger in a short period of time, she glanced at her and fell into a semi-drowsy state.

The secret guard saw that the place they were running to was actually a neighboring country, and immediately reported to Jing Shirong.

Jing Shirong learned the news and immediately chased after him.

However, he did not alert the snake and followed him along the path.

Sister Ying fell asleep in a daze, and when she woke up, she was already in bed.

She opened her eyes and looked at the top of her head. It was a beautiful colorful curtain, which looked expensive at first glance.

 Looking at the other decorations in the house, everything shows wealth.

She stood up slowly, looked around and found that Jinghan was not there, and was surprised, "Where is my cousin?"

The secret guard didn't answer her, probably because it was inconvenient to show up.

But Sister Ying can feel their presence.

Just as she was about to get out of bed to investigate the situation, she heard footsteps outside the door.

 Hurry and lay back down again, pretending to be unconscious.

With the door creaking, two figures came in.

Even with her eyes closed, Sister Ying could feel the line of sight above her head paying attention to her.

“Your Majesty, my subordinates have gone to check and found out that this woman has been married to a young general in the military camp.”

“But this woman seems to have a very good relationship with the wife of the wealthy businessman Murong. If we are discovered by then, then...?”

 After all, their eldest prince wants to cooperate with Murong Yun. If Murong Yun's wife knew that the eldest prince had kidnapped her friend, she would probably be angry.

The eldest prince snorted coldly, "If you don't tell me, and if I don't tell you, who will know?"

Even if they knew, "Do they still dare to kill me?"

This is their territory. As an imperial merchant, Murong Yun still dares to take action?

"That's right. When will we send the person to the king?"

 The eldest prince looked at the "Sleeping Beauty" on the bed with a greedy face, "Wait a moment."

If you want to present a beauty to his father, you must at least train her so as not to displease his father.

The eldest prince looked at Sister Ying on the bed with a lustful look on his face, and sighed, "She is so beautiful~"

The only drawback is that I have been married. It would be perfect if I were not married.

The subordinate asked cautiously, "This is not a virgin. Your Majesty won't blame her, right?"

The eldest prince looked confident, "What do you know? A woman who has the taste of a woman is much more beautiful than an ignorant girl."

 What little girl has his father not seen before?

 Sending someone shy is boring.

 It would be better to give this kind of charming woman as a gift.

“Then, my subordinates are going to find Aunt Huang now?”

Mammy Huang is the old man in the palace and the king's nanny. She knows the emperor's preferences well.

As long as you let Aunt Huang train you, you will definitely be able to please the king.

The eldest prince hummed unhurriedly and waved his hand, telling him, "Go out." The subordinate understood immediately and went out immediately, closing the door for him.

After listening to their conversation, Sister Ying felt confused.

 She was kidnapped and presented to the king of a neighboring country?

 No wonder these people didn't hurt her, it was because they were afraid of damaging her.

 This is not a good time.

I don’t know if there are many people in the eldest prince’s palace. If there are many people, a fight will inevitably happen.

With the secret guard's martial arts, it shouldn't be difficult to rescue her.

I'm afraid that there are experts in this house, and when the time comes to fight, both sides will be hurt.

But now is not the time to worry about this. The big pervert in front of her is still staring at her face, making her turn over even if she is afraid of revealing his secret.

Sister Ying thought about enduring it and passed by, but the eldest prince looked at her infatuatedly for a while, then stretched out his hand to touch her face.

Sister Ying could feel the warmth of his big hands. Just as she was about to give him an injection of sleep acupoint without warning, there was movement outside the door.

 “The eldest prince, Murong Yun is here.”

The eldest prince was stunned, "Why is he here?"

How did you find this businessman?

 Obviously he did not arrest his wife, how could he guess this?

 “Did Murong Yun say anything about finding a solitary person?”

The subordinate reported back, "I said I was looking for the eldest prince to discuss business."

 Now the eldest prince was even more confused.

 “You want to discuss business with me, the prince?”

 This is strange.

 He had made appointments with Murong Yun before, but he declined them all. Why did you come here on your own initiative today?

Is it possible that he knew that he was the mastermind of the kidnapping?

The subordinate asked, "Do you want to see me?"

 The eldest prince thought for a while, waved his hand, "See you, invite him to the living room."

 Since the business is delivered to your door, there is no reason to reject it.

Even if Murong Yun suspected that he was the one who arrested him, but he refused to admit it, there was nothing he could do to him.

As soon as Sister Ying heard that Murong Yun was coming, she knew that she would be saved.

 She continued to pretend to sleep, and did not open her eyes until the eldest prince left the room.

 When the footsteps were far away, she got off the bed and tried to open the window, but found that it was locked.

 I pulled the door and found that it was also locked.

 It’s really impossible to get out now.

She whispered softly, trying to call the secret guards in the dark, "Are you there?"

 But the room was quiet, and no one responded to her at all.

It seems that her secret guard did not follow.

  Presumably the eldest prince's palace was heavily guarded, and they did not dare to enter rashly for fear of being discovered.

But if he didn’t come in, he probably wouldn’t have gone too far, and he should be lying in wait nearby.

 Forget it, now that it's here, let's make peace with it. Let's see what's going on with Brother Murong first, and then we can save ourselves.

The other end.

After Murong Yun entered the eldest prince's residence, his dark eyes calmly took a look at the layout of the residence.

There are many rockeries here, and there are many places to hide experts. It seems that we cannot act rashly.

 He himself sent secret guards to protect Jing Han. When he learned that Jing Han was drugged into a coma, he became angry.

 Happily, the group of people didn't touch Jinghan, probably because they didn't want to break up with him.

 In addition, the two secret guards communicated with each other, and it was said that the eldest prince's men were responsible.

Jinghan was worried about Sister Ying after he woke up, so he naturally asked Murong Yun to rescue her.

Even if she didn't say anything, Murong Yun wouldn't let her go. After all, she was the wife of a good brother, so there was no way he wouldn't save her.

 (End of this chapter)

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