Chapter 722, Murong Yun comes over

But Murong Yun didn't understand, what was the purpose of the eldest prince kidnapping Sister Ying?

Is it possible that he discovered Jing Shirong’s identity? Want to use Sister Ying to make Jing Shirong listen to him?

 But it shouldn’t be.

Jing Shirong keeps a low profile in the capital, let alone the border border, which is thousands of miles away.

People here don’t know Jing Shirong’s life background at all, let alone know that he is an important official of the imperial court.

If you don’t know Jing Shirong’s identity, then why did the eldest prince kidnap Sister Ying?

Just as Murong Yun was thinking about it, the eldest prince came over.

 The eldest prince is tall and well-muscled. At first glance, he looks like a typical prairie macho.

Murong Yun had investigated the preferences of the princes of these neighboring countries before coming here. Knowing that the eldest prince was an ambitious man, he did not want to cooperate with him.

 He is just a businessman who loves money but is not greedy for it.

He has already figured out what kind of business can be done and what kind of business cannot be done.

The eldest prince was ambitious and wanted to be the next king, but he was struggling with not enough money. He approached him several times, asking for his help both in and out of words.

Murong Yun is not a native of the country, so naturally he does not want to participate in this drama of seizing the throne.

 In addition, the relationship between the two countries is already somewhat tense. It is impossible for him to help his neighboring country become stronger. If he wants to help, he will also help his own country.

 The reason why we cooperate with the emperor of neighboring countries is just the emperor's wish.

The emperor did not want to start a war, so he wanted to betray the emperor of a neighboring country and get Murong Yun to cooperate with him.

Murong Yun’s business methods can indeed bring benefits to neighboring emperors, but equally, they can also bring benefits to their own country.

This kind of trade without losing money can not only make the other party owe you a favor, but also make a sure profit without losing any money. Why not do it.

The eldest prince came in and saw Old God Murong Yun drinking tea. He looked him up and down, and then came over to say hello to him.

“Mr. Murong Yun, long time no see.”

Murong Yun also nodded politely, "Yes, I have been busy recently and I don't have time to say hello to you."

The eldest prince knew that he was being polite and didn't point it out. He sat down and talked to him, "Master Murong is so busy, why do you have time to come here today?"

Murong Yun twitched his lips lightly, "That's right. You said you had some business to discuss with me, and asked my wife to bring me a message, but I wasn't free in those few days, so I didn't come over."

“I’m rarely free today, so I came over to see if you have any good business that I would like to cooperate with.”

After hearing his answer, the eldest prince was not sure whether he knew that he had kidnapped his mother-in-law's friend, so he smiled for a moment, trying not to reveal any flaws.

“Master Murong is interested. I did have a business deal with you before, but I’m afraid you won’t like it because of the lack of money.”

Murong Yun pretended to be polite, "How is that possible? No matter how small a fly's legs are, they are still meat. Tell me, what kind of business is this?"

The eldest prince looked outside and whispered, "To tell you the truth, I discovered a gold mine when I was patrolling the year before last. If you have enough money, I can sell the gold mine to you."

Murong Yun was stunned, "Gold mine?"

 “Have you sent someone to confirm?”

The eldest prince nodded, "I have dug it, but only half of it. I'm afraid you have to dig the rest yourself."

The jade mine was not far from the foot of the palace. He did not dare to move too much for fear of being discovered by a few of the king's brothers.

If they knew there was a gold mine there, they would definitely come out to fight with him.

 When the father finds out about it, the gold mine will probably have to be turned over to the national treasury, and then his work will be in vain.

When Murong Yun heard this, he thought it was mysterious.

The gold mine is only half dug, how can you be sure that there is gold in it?

 Besides, this is their territory. If the emperor of a neighboring country knows that he is digging gold mines on his land, shouldn't he be held accountable?

If this were a gold mine in other areas, he would buy it generously.

 But on other people's land, if you buy one, you will be snatched back. It's a waste of money.

He thought for a while and said, "That's it, prince. After all, the gold mine is in your territory. If I buy it, your father will probably take it back when he discovers it one day. After all, it belongs to your territory."

 The eldest prince is afraid of being discovered by his father, which is why he is so passive.

If the gold mine was farther away, he would send people to dig it. It's not too far away, so the knocking will definitely be heard.

 But it was very painful for him to hand over such a big piece of fat.

 He asked Murong Yun, "Do you have any other way to secretly dig out the gold mine?"

Murong Yun shook his head, "The mining operation can only be big or small, and people will definitely discover it."

 This is what the eldest prince is worried about.

 How can you secretly put this gold mine in your pocket? He was so worried.

Murong Yun asked him, "Have you told the king about this?"

The eldest prince looked at him like an idiot, "If I can talk about this, why do I need to call you?"

If I could tell my father, he would have gone long ago.

For such a big happy event, if you tell your father about it, you will be rewarded with some gold, silver and jewels at most, and the rest will belong to your father.

Compared to a gold mine, a box of gold and silver jewelry is the difference between an ant and an elephant. He still wants the gold mine.

Murong Yun couldn't help him.

 He came here today just to see if Sister Ying was here.

The secret guards have already gone to search at this moment.

 He still had to hold back the eldest prince.

Murong Yun thought for a while and gave the eldest prince an idea, "Actually, you can tell the king about the gold mine, and then offer to help sell the gold mine. Then you can secretly earn a layer for each batch you sell."

Give the rest to the king, it is better than getting nothing at all.

The eldest prince was stunned. He didn't expect that there was such a way.

His eyes lit up and he looked at Murong Yun with great admiration. He finally understood why all the princes were rushing to cooperate with him. This man was indeed very smart.

“Then…when the king hands over the gold mine to you, how much can you earn for me every month?”

Murong Yun took out a mini gold abacus and showed it to him, "At least this number every month." He compared it by three.

The eldest prince guessed the number, "Three thousand taels per month?"

Murong Yun, “It’s thirty thousand taels.”

The eldest prince opened his mouth in surprise, "You can give me 30,000 taels a month? So much?"

  Thirty thousand taels a month, 360,000 taels a year.

 This was much more than he expected.

After all, his father is also very greedy for money. If he lets others do it, he can only make a thousand taels a month at most, but he doesn't dare to think about ten thousand taels.

 The more he thought about it, the more excited he became, but also felt pity.

“If you don’t give me father, how much can you earn for me every month?”

Murong Yun crossed his fingers and said, "One hundred thousand."

 The eldest prince felt pain in his body, "One hundred thousand."

That year there were 1.2 million.

 There is a big difference between 1.2 million and 360,000.

But three hundred and sixty thousand is better than one thousand taels a month.

"Okay, I will tell my father about this tomorrow."

Murong Yun said, "Go now, otherwise if the gold mine is discovered by other princes, you won't even have 360,000 taels."

The eldest prince was surprised and said, "That's right. I'll go to the palace first and you wait for me to come back."

 (End of this chapter)

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