The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 723: , the competition among princes

 Chapter 723, competition among princes

The eldest prince hurriedly entered the palace, while Murong Yunze was drinking tea in the living room.

 After drinking tea, he walked out with his hands behind his back and calmly looked at the layout of the courtyard.

 The eldest prince's men stared at him closely, fearing that he would see something.

Murong Yun looked at the roof and saw Jing Shirong coming, so he winked at him as a greeting.

Jing Shirong observed around the nearby trees and found that many masters were ambushing around the prince's residence.

 Some are from the eldest prince, and some are secret guards sent by other princes.

Jing Shirong didn’t get too close for fear of being discovered.

 On the other hand, Sister Ying took out the flute around her neck and hesitated whether to play or not.

If there are masters nearby, you may hear the sound of this kind of flute.

 Don't blow it, Brother Rong may not be able to find him.

She thought for a while and just blew it to try.

  After all, only masters with deep inner strength can hear the sound of this silent flute.

There are many people who are good at martial arts, but there are only a few who have deep internal strength.

So she walked to the window, opened a crack as much as possible, put out the thin silver flute, and blew hard.

This kind of flute is silent and only sends out a wavy line in the air.

 Those with deep inner strength can feel the frequency of this vibration.

Jing Shirong moved his ears and immediately knew which room she was in.

However, he did not act impulsively. He scanned the nearby masters first and saw that they were motionless, so he deliberately threw a stone.

The stone fell into the courtyard of the Grand Prince, and a sharp sword immediately came out and split the stone in half.

  This means warning.

 The master in the secret was telling Jing Shirong that there were masters in the courtyard, so just come over if you are not afraid of death.

Jing Shirong squinted his eyes when he saw this, but did not move for the time being.

Going in openly now will only put yourself in danger. Not to mention saving Sister Ying, it will make Sister Ying worried.

His eyes narrowed slightly and he immediately thought of other ways.

With a quick step, he went to the other prince's mansion.

Then he pretended to be a secret guard and conveyed news to other princes, saying that the eldest prince had suddenly entered the palace, and it seemed that there was something big and good. Let the other princes go and have a look.

Once the other princes heard that the eldest prince had something good to report to his father, they didn't have time to think about it and hurried into the palace.

With both of them entering the palace, the eldest prince's dream of making money suddenly became in jeopardy.

The king in the palace seemed to want to test the abilities of his sons, so he said to the other princes, "Your eldest brother has discovered a gold mine over at Jinshan Mountain and is reporting to Gu."

 When the other princes heard this, they said, “Gold mine??”

Everyone's eyes lit up, obviously they didn't expect that the eldest prince, who was usually not outstanding, could actually discover a gold mine.

You know, gold mines are very valuable.

If you can exchange it for money, you will definitely be able to raise enough soldiers and horses in the future to develop your own power.

 No wonder the eldest prince came into the palace in a hurry. It turned out to be such a good thing.

Naturally, the other princes would not let the eldest prince take it all, so they said, "Father, since we have discovered a gold mine, why don't we let our sons help dig it."

“When the time comes, sell the gold mine to the merchant, give the bulk of it to the father, and give the remaining fly legs to the sons.”

They have always been bold and did not hide their ambition for money. After handing over a large amount of money, asking for interest would appear to be generous, so as not to arouse the resentment of their father.

Sure enough, when the old king heard their request, he smiled boldly.

“Haha, Lao Liu, Lao Liu, you still have such a big appetite. How dare you **** the interest from the gold mine your brother discovered?”

 The sixth prince is the most cunning. He knows what his father likes to hear, so he picks out the good news. "My father is right. I discovered the gold mine first, so let me give the big share to you. We will work for my father and your brother, and share some of the little fly legs. I wonder if my brother is willing to let some of my younger brothers work for you and your father." Working part-time?”

His words were half-joking, and others thought he was being modest and courteous.

 In fact, he was setting a trap for the eldest prince.

While grabbing other people's business, he also threatened him with words, meaning that if the eldest prince disagreed, he would be disrespectful and would slap the king in the face.

The eldest prince was very angry when he heard the trap in the sixth prince's words, but he couldn't show it on his face, lest his father think that he was a stingy person.

 But it was really hard for him to accept the idea of ​​just giving a big share of the money to a few brothers who took advantage of him.

 Originally, he came to the palace to offer gold mines, which was already the biggest concession.

Now he has to give out more than half of his 30,000 taels per month, how can he accept it?

So the words of agreement were stuck in my throat and I couldn't say it out.

 When the king of the neighboring country saw that he did not answer, he asked, "Does the eldest prince have any objections?"

Of course the eldest prince had objections. He thought about his father's favoritism this year and the sixth prince's pressing pressure, so he didn't want to give in.

 But refusing directly would offend his father, so he thought about his words.

“Father, this year it will be my sixth brother who will help you handle important court affairs. Since the gold mine was discovered by my son, let him behave and make it nice for you.”

“Including how to mine and how to sell the minerals, my son wants to make it perfect for you. Just give your son a chance to perform.”

After saying this, he saw the cold face of the sixth prince.

 The eldest prince felt proud and felt that Murong Yun was indeed a talent.

After he gave some advice, he didn't act impulsively, and he even said it so beautifully. Now he could refuse to share the profits with those princes, and he didn't offend his father. It was like killing three birds with one stone.

 He was so happy.

 The kings of neighboring countries had already said this when they saw him, so naturally they would not contradict him again.

 After all, the gold mine was discovered by someone else, so it would be good to give him a little sweetness, lest the eldest prince say he is partial.

So the king waved his hand and said, "Okay, I'll leave the gold mine matter to you. I'm waiting for your good news."

When the eldest prince saw that the matter was settled, he felt happy in his heart, and his face showed a bit of joy, "Thank you, father, my son will definitely do a good job for you."

 After saying that, he turned around and left.

The other angry princes were indignant.

After the princes left the palace, they gathered together to complain.

“When did Brother discover the gold mine? We didn’t even discover it.”

 Luckily, they sent secret guards to monitor, so why didn’t they notice any movement?

The sixth prince thought more deeply, "Maybe the secret guard we sent was discovered by them."

 It seems that we need to replace a new group of people.

Otherwise the surveillance was so inadequate, how many major events would have been delayed.

 “What about the gold mine?”

  It’s rare to make a little profit, but it flies out of your mouth, which is really a pity.

The sixth prince gave them an idea, "Let your people sneak into the gold mine and see if they can steal some."

 Didn’t the eldest prince not let them earn money?

Then they go in and steal, and they can always make a profit.

The princes smiled sinisterly and said, "This is a very good idea."

 They want what the eldest prince doesn’t want to give!

 Even if he steals, he will still steal it. How proud he will be when he sees it.

 (End of this chapter)

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