The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 725: , making a sound in the east and attacking in the west

Chapter 725: Attacking in the east and west

 The note said, "I will set a fire tonight and come to pick you up then."

Sister Ying understood what he meant and searched in the lunch box. Sure enough, she found a bottle of medicinal powder and a key to unlock the door.

 She hid the things, smelled the food, and saw that it was not poisonous, so she ate it.

At night.

Jing Shirong was optimistic about the timing of the sixth prince's departure and threw a fire into the eldest prince's mansion.

 The eldest prince is still at the gold mine at this time.

 He was so excited that he wanted to dig out the gold mine quickly, and he was so busy that he didn't even think of coming back until midnight.

  Until the government came to report, "Your Majesty, it's not good, there's a fire in the house."

 It was still his room.

 The house next door was also burned down.

The eldest prince was stunned, "Who did it?"

 The mansion is heavily guarded, how could it catch fire?

The subordinate replied, "The fire fell from the roof. There was no firelight at first. Someone should have put powder in the firelight."

 Normal fire is bright, but the treated flame is black and blue. You have to wait until the fire burns out to see the light.

By the time the servants found out, the house was already on fire.

There were many rare treasures placed in the eldest prince's house. The servants were frightened and rushed to rescue them immediately.

Sister Ying found the right moment, ran to the window and pried open a crack, then stretched out her thin hand and opened the lock with the key.

Perhaps the servant thought that she was a weak woman and would not be able to escape, so she didn't pay much attention when locking the window. The chain was loose and she could reach it with just one hook.

After the window opened, she found the right time to get out. Jing Shirong took advantage of this and jumped over, picked her up and ran away.

 The masters in the dark were called out to put out the fire when they saw the fire.

By the time he reacted, Jing Shirong had already taken the person away.

When they went to chase them, they were sprinkled with a handful of sneezing powder, which made them sneeze non-stop when they sniffed.

By the time the eldest prince comes back, it will be too late.

 Half of the house was burned down. Fortunately, everything was fine.

 But the beauty ran away.

 The eldest prince was angry, "Who did it?"

I really ate Xiongxin Leopard and dared to burn the room, and snatched his beauty!

The secret master came out and answered, "I only saw a figure, not the other person's face."

“That man was extremely skilled in martial arts and disappeared in the blink of an eye.”

 Although their martial arts are good, they are still far behind the professional killers in the Central Plains.

The eldest prince kicked him angrily, "Go and check! Find out who dares to go against me!"

The subordinate guessed, "Could it be the sixth prince who did it?"

 After all, the Sixth Prince is cunning and cunning. He looks smiling on the outside, but in reality he is the worst. He will do anything for profit.

The eldest prince also felt that it was the sixth prince who did it. After all, he suffered a big loss at his own hands today, and he might be the one who came to harm him.

 “Go and find out where the Sixth Prince went at night.”


The secret guard quickly went to investigate and came back to report.

"My subordinates went to check. The sixth prince went on a far journey at night. I asked other secret guards, but they were all lost."

 The eldest prince frowned, "Lost?"

Where did that kid go?

Could it be that he deliberately lit a fire and ran away at night, so that he would not be able to catch him?

Thinking about it this way, the possibility is not small.

 After all, the Sixth Prince was not present, so he had no evidence even if he went to complain to his father.

 After all, he is really not here, so it would be unconvincing to file a complaint.

The eldest prince was very upset.

"You can't just let it go. Go check it out and see what he did."


The next day, the secret guard came to report, "My subordinates are incompetent and still couldn't find the Sixth Prince." The eldest prince was in a bad mood. He frowned and thought for a while, as if he suddenly remembered something.

“No, could he have gone to the gold mine at night?”

 Having said that, quickly ride to the gold mine to have a look.

Sure enough, when we arrived at the gold mine, we saw that the far gate had been opened into the gold mine, and it actually collapsed? ?

 Finally opened a hole to dig in, but it collapsed.

 And it looked like it had been knocked down manually.

 The eldest prince is so angry!


He knew that the sinister guy Lao Liu would definitely not set a fire for no reason.

He must be making an attack in the east. He first set fire to let him go back quickly, and then took advantage of the chaos to come out and collapse the entrance of his gold mine.

In this way, he not only delayed the progress of mining, but also set the house on fire. He might be scolded by his father when the time comes.

That **** is so insidious.

 “Wait for me, Prince!”

The subordinate saw that he was about to explode with anger and asked, "Then, do you want me to take revenge and go back?"

The eldest prince was furious, but he held it back and said, "dig the mine first."

 Since Lao Liu wanted to destroy his gold mine, he didn't get what he wanted.

He had to dig out the gold mine this time.

 When the time comes, he makes money, buys troops and horses, and then goes to destroy his Sixth Prince's Mansion. Let's see how proud he is!

 “Then, where is that beauty?”

 Speaking of beauties, the eldest prince felt heartbroken.

 “If I had known she would be snatched away, I should have enjoyed it first.”

It is really a pity that such a beautiful beauty was snatched away even when she reached her mouth.

 But there are still so many things in front of us, so we can only put them aside for now.

 This head.

Jing Shirong carried Sister Ying home that night, and it was already the middle of the night when she got home.

Xiao Zi didn’t know that when she was taken away, she thought she had fallen asleep before she came back from playing with Jing Han.

Jing Shirong carried Sister Ying into the house. As soon as he closed the door, he hugged her tightly, as if he was surviving the disaster.

Sister Ying patted his back and coaxed a child, "Are you scared?"

Jing Shirong smiled when he saw that she was still energetic and pinched her waist, "Why are you so heartless?"

Having been taken away, you can still laugh.

Sister Ying buried her head in his chest and giggled.

  “Didn’t I know that you would come to save me?”

Moreover, the third princess, Qi Yuanming, Young Master Zhong, and Jing Han are all here. With them here, there will definitely be a way to save her. This is the sense of security that comes with strength in numbers.

Jing Shirong smiled helplessly when he saw that she was in such a good mood.


 However, these incidents also reflect that the security here is still somewhat lacking.

 But there’s nothing we can do about it.

The two countries are still on good terms with each other, and both sides have business contacts. It is impossible to be so sharp-eyed and able to catch people accurately when checking people at the city gate.

 Furthermore, the lack of security at the city gates is not limited to their side, but also to neighboring countries.

Because we have to open the door for business, caravans from several countries come and go. It is not that easy to detect spies, so we have to be careful.

“By the way, where are my secret guards?” Why are they all missing?

Jing Shirong touched her head and told her, "I asked them to find out about the relationship between several princes from neighboring countries."

Since it’s all over, let’s go and get to know the situation of the princes in neighboring countries, so that we can know ourselves and our enemies and be victorious in every battle.

As for why the eldest prince kidnapped Sister Ying, Jing Shirong didn’t understand and asked her, “Why did the eldest prince arrest you?”

 After all, Sister Ying is an ordinary woman and has little benefit to the eldest prince. It is really puzzling that the eldest prince wants to arrest her.

 (End of this chapter)

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