Chapter 726: Sowing discord

Sister Ying coughed, her big eyes were filled with guilt and she didn't dare to tell him.

  "Who knows what kind of nerve he has, don't care about him."

Jing Shirong frowned, how could he ignore it.

He reacted quickly and immediately thought, "Isn't he attracted by your beauty?"

 Other than this, he couldn't think of any other reason.

 After all, Sister Ying has never made any enmity with anyone, nor has she ever been to the palace of a neighboring country, let alone the eldest prince.

 The reason why the eldest prince arrested her may be that he met her by chance on the street and fell in love with her beauty, which inspired him to take action.

Jing Shirong pinched Sister Ying's waist, "When did he see your face?"

He clearly remembered that Sister Ying wore a veil every time she went out. How did the eldest prince see her true face?

Sister Ying scratched her head and thought back, "It seems like that time I went shopping with my cousin to a neighboring country."

But that time it was just a quick glance, who knew the eldest prince would be interested in her.

And he also said that he would dedicate her to the king of a neighboring country.

But don’t say this anymore. Someone in the province will get mad and go to kill people all night long.

Jing Shirong is not stupid and would not be able to guess if she didn't tell her.

His eyes narrowed slightly and he guessed it immediately, "Is it possible that he wants to dedicate you to the old king?"

Sister Ying coughed and rolled her eyes, "Then how do I know?"

Jing Shirong pinched her waist and stretched his big hand to the belt, "Huh? You don't know?"

 Ask a question and pull the string on your belt.

Seeing that his coat was about to fall apart, Sister Ying hugged his neck and started acting coquettishly.

 “I am a victim, why are you angry with them? They are so sad, 嘤嘤嘤~” Fake crying.

Jing Shirong laughed angrily at her.

Knowing that she was pretending to cry, she kept her big hands up and raised the corners of her mouth like an old fox, "If you are still crying, it means you are in good spirits."

 After saying that, he picked up the crying little white rabbit and went to the nest.

Sister Ying was lying on the bed in confusion, "I was frightened today and you still bullied me?"

Jing Shirong smiled arrogantly, "I'm just helping you forget your worries."

Sister Ying, you are like a rice bug.

 Having said it all, the unpleasantness of being kidnapped was temporarily forgotten.

the next day.

Jinghan learned that Sister Ying had been rescued and hurried over to see her.

 She looked up and down at Sister Ying and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that she was fine.

 “You scared me to death.”

 She went out normally, but she was kidnapped, leaving her unable to sleep well all night.

Sister Ying hugged her and acted coquettishly in her arms, "Isn't it okay?"

 With the presence of secret guards, you can actually avoid being caught.

 She mainly wanted to see who was the mastermind behind it, whether he wanted to assassinate Jing Shirong, or was an imperial spy or something.

Now that I know the truth, I feel more at ease.

Jinghan was also speechless, "You said the same goes for the eldest prince. There are so many beauties here, but he wants to kidnap you. Jing will definitely take care of him in the future."

Sister Ying smiled and said, "He set fire to the eldest prince's residence yesterday. He also provoked a feud between the eldest prince and the sixth prince. There will be some trouble between the two brothers in the future."

Jinghan laughed when he heard this, "I'll just say it. A Jing is not a person who refuses to avenge his grudges."

“Then shall we go to Asari’s place today?”

“Yesterday Aisali wrote a letter saying that there was a banquet at her house tonight. It was her father’s birthday and she asked us to come over and have a drink.”

Sister Ying nodded, "Go, of course. If there is excitement, of course you should join in the fun."

Jinghan was happy to see that she didn't look like she was surviving the disaster.     “You have such a big heart.”

Sister Ying hugged her arm and said, "Actually, I didn't suffer much yesterday."

The eldest prince was busy digging gold mines and had not had time to bully her.

  If you really bully her, the needle in her hand will be inserted into it.

Jing Han saw that she was not suffering, so he said, "Okay, let's go find Aisali, she even asked us to dress her up."

Sister Ying was happy, "Let's go."

The two of them were laughing and joking, having already forgotten the man behind them.

Jing Shirong and Murong Yun looked at each other and felt that they were useless.

The two brothers shrugged and looked at each other, "Have a drink?"

 Jing Shirong, “Okay.”

After Sister Ying and Jing Han arrived at Aisali's house, Aisali warmly welcomed them in.

“Come on, I bought several outfits yesterday. I really don’t know which one to wear. Please help me choose.”

Jinghan went to help her choose clothes, and Sister Ying asked her, "Have you followed your mother's example of housekeeping in the past two days?"

Asari hummed, "Yes, but I'm a slow learner and can't do many things. It was Brother Kuromu who gave me the answers, and I finally understood a little bit."

 At first she did go to her mother to learn how to manage the housework. Her mother was very happy when she mentioned this, so she took the time to teach her.

 But Asari is not very good at math, and sometimes the price of food is always inaccurate.

Heimu heard her calculating accounts in the pavilion, so he went over and asked her, "What are you calculating?"

Asali was already worried about calculations. When she saw him coming, she immediately asked him, "Brother Heimu, can you calculate accounts?"

Heimu naturally knew how to settle accounts and immediately sat down to teach her.

 He is very gentle and patient, and he will not get angry no matter how wrong the answer is.

Ashari herself was embarrassed, and said, "Shall I make buns for you to eat tonight? It can be considered as repayment."

Kuroki said politely, "Okay."

 The relationship between the two people quickly heated up because of teaching.

 Speaking of Black Wood, Asari blushed.

“I didn’t realize that Brother Kuromu was so powerful before. I thought he was just a rich man who didn’t care about anything at home.”

 I didn’t expect him to be very powerful.

 In the past, she only had eyes for Kawuli and did not realize the advantages of Heimu at all.

 After two days of getting along, she discovered that Brother Kuromu still had many advantages.

Sister Ying and Jing Han looked at each other, raised her lips proudly, and asked Aisali, "Did you dress up today for Kuroki?"

 Asari blushed, "Not entirely."

Her father is hosting a birthday party, and there will definitely be many guests. As the young lady of the family, of course she has to dress up nicely.

 And Kawuli will also come at night.

Sister Ying frowned when she heard this, "Kawuli is coming too?"

 She looked Aishaly up and down, "You're not dressing up for Kawhi's sake, are you?"

 That’s not possible.

 Asari blushed, "That's not entirely true."

Even if Kawuli doesn't like her, she doesn't want to appear ugly in front of him. It's just the spirit of not wanting to admit defeat that keeps her fighting.

Sister Ying could understand her emotions, so she said, "Then you must control your temper and don't chill Heimu's heart."

“If Kuroki misunderstands that you still like Kawuli by then, he will probably leave sadly, and then you will really have nothing.”

 Men will also be sad. If Asari didn't do a good job, Kuroki might just give up in despair.

 Asari said "Huh?", a little nervously, "Is this going to happen?"

“But, Brother Heimu has always been very generous.”

Even if she talks to Kawuli, there shouldn't be a big problem, right?

 (End of this chapter)

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