The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 727: , a drama between two men and one woman

Chapter 727, the drama between two men and one woman

Sister Ying waved her hands and said, "That's not what you said."

 “No matter how generous a man is, he still has a bottom line.”

"Heimu likes you so much. If he finds out that you provoke Kawuli again after giving him a chance, do you think he will die of grief?"

 When the time comes, he will just pack up and go back. Even if you want to win him over, your chances will be slim.

 Asari was confused when she heard this, "How could this happen? What should I do?"

Since everyone said they wanted to try Brother Kuromu, wouldn't it hurt him if he was made sad and left.

 She doesn’t want to hurt Brother Kuromu.

Sister Ying gave her an idea, "If you don't want to hurt Heimu's heart, just stay by Heimu's side and don't talk to Kawuli during the dinner. Don't let Heimu misunderstand!"

Asari said "Huh?" "You didn't talk to Brother Kawuli during the entire dinner?"

Would that be too difficult?

Sister Ying glared at her, "What's so difficult about this? Do you still want to turn around?"

Ashari pouted and shrugged, "I didn't."

 Besides, Huitou grass is called Huitou grass only after it has been eaten. She has never eaten it at all, right?

Sister Ying nodded her head and said, "It's good that you know."

"Anyway, you are right to listen to us, otherwise you will regret it in the future."

Ashari was dubious, and didn’t know if she could bear not to talk to Kawuli at night.

  After all, I have liked a man for more than ten years, and it feels a bit difficult not to look at him if I don’t want to.

 But Sister Ying said that this would hurt Brother Heimu, so she had to control herself as much as possible.

At night.

 After Aisali dressed up beautifully, she took Sister Ying and Jing Han to the banquet.

 As soon as she came over, she felt Kuromu's eyes on her.

Blackwood's eyes were affectionate and focused, and it was difficult for Asari not to notice.

Kawuli also came at this time.

 As soon as he arrived, the atmosphere became a little subtle.

 After all, everyone in the family knew that Kawuli was going to break off his engagement with Asari. Some sisters were watching the joke, while others were waiting for a good show.

 Ashari also felt this embarrassment and lowered her head, not daring to look at Kawuli.

Kawuli saw that she lowered her head and did not dare to look at him, and felt that he might have been a little merciless before.

He does want to break off the engagement with Aisali, but he will also give Aisali face so that it will not be difficult for her to live as a girl.

He looked at Aisali and wanted to go over and say hello to her, but Aisali suddenly ran to Kuroki as if she had seen a ghost.

 “Brother Kuroki.”

She suddenly hid behind Kuroki, making Kawuli look confused? ?

Heimu’s eyes were a little cold after Kawuli came over.

 He knew that Kawuli didn’t like Ashari, but Ashari liked Kawuli.

 Although they were going to break off their engagement, he felt a sense of crisis before the matter was announced.

He blocked Aisali in front of Kawuli and glared at Kawuli with an evil look.

Kawuli was stared at in confusion by him, but he quickly reacted.

 He looked at Heimu who was guarding the calf, and then at Asari who was hiding behind Heimu, and vaguely understood something.

Ashari didn’t dare to come out at all, for fear that if she looked at him one more time, she would be tempted to talk to him.

 Finally, Kuroki pulled her over and asked her to sit next to him.

 “Eat grapes.”

 Asari raised her head and glanced at Kuromu carefully. Seeing that his tone was no longer gentle as before, she could feel that he was angry.

 She reached out and pulled Heimu's sleeve, "Brother Heimu? Are you angry?"

Heomu looked at her scared eyes, tried his best to suppress his anger, sighed, and touched her hair, "As long as you don't talk to him, I won't be angry."

 Asari was speechless, and when she met his sincere and suppressed angry eyes, she nodded, "Okay"

 This is a promise.

Hei Mumu was very happy when he saw her giving up Kawuli for him, and the corners of his mouth raised. He stroked her hair with his big hands and asked happily, "Are you hungry? Do you want some milk?"

 Asari saw him smiling and smiled too, "Okay."

The two of them interacted so intimately that others looked at each other.

 Asari's father and mother were very happy when they saw this and asked them to have some snacks first. There will be a program later.

Sister Ying and Jing Han were at the guest table, sitting on the floor with them on a beautiful blanket.

 While they were eating, they observed the situation at Asari’s house.

The main seat is occupied by Aisali's parents, and next to them are the second lady, the third lady, the fourth lady, and even the sixth, fifth and seventh ladies.

I didn’t expect this old man to marry so many wives.

Moreover, every lady has her own children, so when a large number of people come together, the population is indeed very prosperous.

Asari has a distinguished status and can sit in the front row, while other **** can only sit in the back.

Kawuli glanced at Aisali and Kuroki strangely, wondering if Aisali changed her mind too quickly?

You were so in love with him before that you couldn't help yourself, but after being rejected by him, you immediately went to find Kuroki?

Although it was a good thing that she didn't bother him, Kawuli still felt a little weird when he saw her turn around and find other men.

 I always feel that the woman’s love for me is not particularly deep.

If it was really deep, why would she immediately fall into the arms of other men?

 Asari could feel Kawuli's gaze when she was eating grapes.

 She raised her head, looked over quietly, and immediately met Kawuli's eyes.

The two looked at each other, and Aishali felt awkward for no reason.

Especially there was a strong line of sight above her head that she could not ignore.

 She looked up and knew that it was Heimu looking at her.

 “Brother Kuroki?”

She felt a little guilty, feeling that she had been caught peeking at Kawuli, and she felt inexplicably lacking in confidence.

Hearing this, Heimu didn't speak or pay attention to her.

 He is angry.

Angry, why does she still look at Kawuli?

 “Do you still like him?”

 Finally I couldn't help but asked.

 He asked in a low voice, so only Asari could hear it.

Seeing him asking this, Aisali waved her hands quickly, "No, I just haven't looked at him for a long time, so I'm curious."

Even though they hadn’t seen each other for just a few days, she felt as if several years had passed. It felt like a long time for some reason.

When Heimu saw what she said, he mistakenly thought that she was treating Kawuli like three autumns after not seeing him for a day, and his face became even darker.

 “In that case, let it go.”

 After saying that, he stood up angrily, turned around and left his seat.

Ashari was stunned and hurriedly chased after her.

 “Brother Kuroki.”

 Everyone was confused.

 After all, it is known to everyone that Asari likes Kawuli.

Now that he suddenly no longer wants Kawuli and pursues Heimu instead, he will naturally be curious.

Kawuli felt even more strange. He stood up and followed him, wanting to see what was going on.

Blackwood walked to the gate, and Asari thought he was really going to leave, so she grabbed his sleeve.

 “Brother Heimu, don’t leave.”

Kuroki did not shake her away, but stood still and smiled bitterly.

“He’s already here, but I won’t leave. I’ll stay and watch your love?”

Aishali was ashamed and hurriedly explained, "You misunderstood. I have really let go of Brother Kawuli. You see, I didn't talk to him or sit with him at night. So don't be angry."

 (End of this chapter)

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