Chapter 728: Make a pair

“Brother Heimu, don’t leave. If you don’t like me watching Kawuli, I won’t watch it next time.”

 Her previous liking for Kawuli was true, and it was reasonable that she would like him.

  But the look he was looking at was not mixed with anything else, she could be sure of this.

She originally thought that when Kawuli came over at night, she would be unable to help but approach him again.

 But the miraculous thing was that with Heimu's presence, she was actually very calm inside. When facing Kawuli, she was not as hot as before, nor was she staring at him all the time.

 I only glanced at it out of curiosity occasionally, but I lost the love I had before.

Who knew that Brother Heimu had misunderstood her, thinking that she was still obsessed with Kawuli.

 At first she thought that her old love for Kawuli would rekindle, but with Heimu around, it seemed that this love could not rekindle.

Especially when Heimu was angry, there was no Kawu power in her eyes. She was afraid that Heimu would be angry, so she focused on observing Heimu's expression.

Who knows he is still angry.

 Asari pulled Kuromu's sleeve and shook it, "Brother Kuromu, don't be angry. I won't look at Kawuli next time, I swear."

Heimu didn’t know whether what she said was true or not. After all, this girl had liked Kawuli for many years.

At this moment, she said that she didn’t like Kawuli, and he was still a little doubtful.

  After all, he has a deep understanding of love. He has also liked Aishali for many years, and it is impossible for him to forget Aishalie right away.

 So he felt that Asari was coaxing him.

“Tell me the truth, do you really not like Kawuli anymore, or are you lying to me?”

Ashari was stunned for a moment, looked up at his face, and saw that he had a serious look on his face. She thought about it and answered seriously.

"actually, I."


 She thought for a long time and found that she was at a loss for words.

 She wanted to say that in fact, her enthusiasm for Kawuli seemed to be gradually letting go, but when the words came to her mouth, she was afraid that Heimu wouldn't believe it, and she couldn't think of a more appropriate word. It took me a long time and I couldn't figure out why.

Kuroki saw her hesitating for a long time, thinking that she still couldn't let go of Kawu Li, and her heart ached faintly. When the night wind blew, she felt cold all over her body and her heart was also cold.

I have liked her for so many years, but it seems destined to be fruitless.

He felt a chill in his heart, and slowly pulled out his sleeves, with a look of despair on his face, "I'm going back first."

 After saying that, he seemed to be running away and left Asari's mansion.

Asari was stunned and hurriedly chased after her, "Brother Heimu, don't leave!"

 Kawli looked a little puzzled, walked out, grabbed Asari's arm, and asked her, "What's going on between you and Heimu?"

For the first time, Eshali felt that Kaogi was a bit annoying, and shook his hand angrily, "What is your matter!"

Kawuli boldly guessed, "Are you trying to use black wood to attract my attention?"

 Otherwise why did she suddenly become attached to the black wood?

  I loved him so much before, but suddenly became so cold at night. She must be trying to get his attention by finding other men.

 Asari looked at him with a ghostly look on her face, "Why do you think so?"

I liked him before, and it was indeed a big deal, but I never thought of finding other men to attract Kawuli's attention.

  She is a pure person. If she likes her, she likes her wholeheartedly. If she doesn't like her, she will do it easily.

 Ashari shook off Kawli's hand and made a statement to him. "I did like you before, but you didn't like me. I'm tired after so many years, and I don't want to like you anymore."

"I'm sorry for causing trouble to you before, but I won't do it again. Please don't come close to me, lest Brother Kuroki misunderstand me."

"Also, what I said is true. I am not trying to attract your attention. Don't you want to terminate the engagement with my family? Then go and make it clear to my father. I have already agreed."

 After saying that, he turned around and ran after Kuromu.

 But Heimu was riding a horse, so she could only run to the stable, lead the horse and chase after him.

Kawuli saw that she left quickly, but she still didn't react.

He looked at the figure disappearing in the darkness and snorted to himself, "You are so willful, Asari."

When you like him, you don't care about his thoughts at all, you just want to chase him. I don’t like him anymore, so I dump him as soon as possible, which is really heartless.

 Fortunately he didn't marry her, otherwise he would have died of anger sooner or later.

 Because of this incident, he lost his mood and went back early.

It was Sister Ying and Jing Han who left after having their fill at the dinner table.

The two of them went back together, and Jing Han asked, "Asari went out just now and didn't come back. Will anything happen to them?"

Sister Ying waved her hand, "No, Heimu is here and nothing will happen to her."


“But they won’t quarrel, right?”

 It was not easy to get this couple together, it would be a pity if they broke up.

Sister Ying also wanted to know, "How about we come back and see you tomorrow?"

Jinghan nodded, "Okay."

  After the two of them went back together, they took a shower and went to sleep.

 On the second day.

Jinghan and Sister Ying went to the farm to work for a while, then went home, took a shower, and tidied up before going to Aisali's house.

 But the maid informed that Asari did not come back last night.

Sister Ying and Jing Han were stunned, "You're not back? Then you didn't look for it?"

The maid replied in a low voice, "I went to find her. My young lady spent the night at Master Heimu's house last night. Master Heimu has sent someone back to send a message, saying that he will bring Miss Asari back tomorrow."

Jinghan and Sister Ying looked at each other and smiled.

 I think this pair should be done.

 They went back together and prepared to come back tomorrow.

On the second day, Sister Ying continued to work on the farm. After dinner in the evening, she and Jing Han went to find Aisali.

As soon as Asari saw them coming, her face turned red.

 “Are you here?”

Sister Ying reached over, hugged her shoulders, and smiled, "Tell me, what happened between you and Heimu these two days?"

 Asari blushed, "Oh, it's nothing."

Jinghan also came over, "If you don't say anything, can we leave?"

 Asari covered her face and said, "Okay, okay, I said that's it."

 In fact, she went to chase Kuromu that night, but Heomu didn't want her to catch up at first.

 But she accidentally fell off her horse, and Kuroki was so frightened that he hurried back to look for her.

 Fortunately, the person is okay, but his palm is sprained and a little painful.

Kuroki quickly carried her to the doctor.

The doctor said that I need to stay in bed and cannot do anything for the past month.

Hei Mudu remembered it and asked her to rest for one night before going back.

The relationship between the two people actually heated up because of this fall.

 Ashari asked Kuroki, "You stay with me at night, I'm afraid."

Kuroki was helpless and said, "Silly girl, we are not married yet, so we cannot live in the same house."

 He said this so naturally that Asari immediately blushed.

"I" Kuroki blushed when he reacted, "I mean, a man and a woman alone cannot live in the same room for the night. It will be bad for your reputation."

 Ashari blushed, feeling shy for the first time.

“But it’s my first time to spend the night alone at someone else’s house, and I don’t feel comfortable with it.”

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 (End of this chapter)

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