Chapter 729, Jing Han appears again

 “Brother Heimu, I’m afraid…”

It was the first time that she had acted coquettishly in front of him, and Heimu could not resist.

He has liked her for many years, but seeing how pitiful, helpless and injured she looked, it was too late to feel distressed, so how could he leave her.

So he sighed, touched her messy hair, and sighed, "Okay, I won't leave, but the door must be open."

 Asari nodded sweetly in her heart, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

She was so obedient, which made Heimu's heart soften a little.

Ask her, "So, have you really given up on Kawuli?"

This is a knot in his heart. After all, he has seen with his own eyes that Asari has liked Kawuli for so many years. It is still a bit difficult to make him believe that she has really let go.

Asari understood that he would not believe it so quickly. She sighed and stopped arguing. She said calmly, "It's up to you whether you believe it or not. If you really don't believe it, just send me back. I won't come back in the future." Sorry to bother you."

After saying that, he pursed his lips, snorted, and turned away from him.

She is like this, and Heimu can't do anything to her.

"Okay, I won't ask you anymore. You go to bed first. I'll take you back tomorrow."

 Ashari said oh and lay down to rest.

The two didn't speak to each other all night, but Heimu really took care of her all night.

 He lay on the edge of the bed and squinted for a while. When he got up the next day, his legs were numb.

 Asari felt distressed when she saw it, but felt that he deserved it.

Who told him not to believe her?

 Woke up early in the morning, and everyone in the Kuroki family was also surprised by the changes in the two people.

 After all, Kuroki likes Asari, and the family also knows it.

Now that the two of them can get better, the family will naturally be happy.

Kuroki ’s father also signaled that Kuroki went to Aishari's family to pursue a relative, so as not to fly the ducks in his mouth.

Kuroki thinks this is a good idea, but he still wants to make it more grand and needs to make some preparations first.

 He sent Asari back first.

Before leaving, I asked Asali, "If I come to your house to propose marriage, would you agree?"

 He looked at Asari nervously, fearing that she would refuse.

Seeing his nervous look, Aisali asked with a smile, "If I refuse, will you not marry?"

Kuroki was stunned for a moment, then opened his mouth to deny, "Impossible!"

 “You can’t refuse me!”

 Asari laughed, "Why can't I reject you? You were even cruel to me last night."

Heimu scratched his head in embarrassment when he saw her mentioning last night, "I got a little too emotional last night, so I got angry at you. I won't do it again in the future."

 Asari approached him and asked, "Then, next time you see me and Kawuli, will you get angry again?"

The matter between her and Kawuli cannot be concealed, and he also knows it.

If he keeps paying attention to this matter, there may be quarrels in the future.

Kuroki opened his mouth, "I"

 He was not sure about this either.

 After all, if I like her, I will be jealous.

 If I am with her in the future, I may continue to be jealous.

 Ashari sighed, "If you get angry with me because of Kawuli again, then I will be wronged."

“If you really can’t let it go, then I won’t marry you. I’ll marry someone else.”

 After saying that, he ran away.

Heimu grabbed her and said, "You are not allowed to marry anyone else."

 Asari looked at him, "Then are you still angry with me?"

Heimu was silent and shook his head, "I won't get angry with you anymore."

 Most likely to get angry with Kawuli.

 He touched her cheek distressedly, and suddenly regretted getting angry at her.

The two of them just looked at each other, until the servant coughed and reminded them, and they reluctantly separated. Sister Ying and Jing Han's eyes widened when they heard this, "You mean, he is coming to your house to propose marriage?"

Asali blushed and nodded, "Well, I said I'll come back in a few days when I've prepared the wedding ceremony."

 “Then are you willing?”

 Asari nodded shyly, "I am willing."

 She may not have thought about getting married at first, but after Heimu mentioned it, she was willing in her heart and had no intention of rejecting it at all.

Jinghan asked tentatively, "What about Kawuli?"

 Speaking of Kawuli, Asari is obviously much calmer.

“Brother Kawuli is very good, but he doesn’t like me. I’ve seen it clearly. It’s better to marry someone who likes you. You will be happier.”

After getting along with Kuromu last night, she felt that she would be happier if she spent her wedding day with Brother Kuromu.

Seeing that she had figured it out, Sister Ying nodded in praise.

 “It’s good that you can figure it out.”

Azali was very happy and invited them, "Speaking of which, you all helped with this marriage. You must come to the wedding banquet when the time comes."

Sister Ying nodded to Jinghan, "That's natural."

Asali smiled and said, "My mother-in-law said she would take me to pick out the fabric for my wedding dress tomorrow. Do you want to help me pick it out?"

Sister Ying and Jing Han looked at each other and said, "Just leave this matter to your mother, she will choose it for you."

 After all, the customs are different, and their preferences may not match the customs here. It is better to let Asari's mother choose.

 Asari understood and nodded, "Okay, then you can come and play with me more often when you have time."


The three of them chatted for a while longer before the world dispersed.

Sister Ying was walking back with Jing Han and saw some food and wine sellers on the road, so she bought some and went back, planning to have a drink in the evening.

 The next day.

Mr. Zhong pushed his son out and went to the farm with Sister Ying to see how the lambs were doing.

Brother Zheng and Brother Yuan also went together. When the two brothers saw the lamb, they were very happy and kept chasing the lamb.

 Including the little pigs dancing happily when they saw the lamb.

Jinghan looked at the cute appearance of Little Piggy and chatted with Sister Ying, "Brother Zheng was just like Little Piggy when he was a child. He was plump and cute."

 Now that the child is older, he is no longer as cute as when he was a baby.

Brother Zheng was unconvinced, "I'm cute now too!"

 Brother Yuan also chimed in, "I'm cute too."

Jing Han rolled his eyes at them, "I'll go there, you guys will be there everywhere, it's so annoying."

 She is still a daughter. I really want to have a daughter.

As she was speaking, her stomach suddenly turned violently, she made a sound of "vomit~" and vomited.

Sister Ying and Young Master Zhong looked at each other, "You don't know how, do you really have it?"

 A month ago, I didn’t get a pulse, but now it’s been a month, and I’ve had a reaction.

Jinghan touched his belly and was already a little sure, "I guess it's true."

The whole group was very happy and quickly took her to see the doctor.

After feeling the pulse, it was indeed, "Congratulations, madam, happy pulse."

Jinghan was helpless and happy, and breathed a sigh of relief, "I just said yes." A woman's sixth sense is still very accurate.

 After returning home, Brother Zheng and Brother Yuan told Murong Yun about the happy event. When Murong Yun heard this, he was not as happy as expected, but had a headache.

Jinghan saw him like this and asked him unhappily, "What, you don't want it?"

She doesn’t want it yet, who asked him to touch her.

Murong Yun blushed, "That's not what I meant."

 He was afraid that she would suffer if she got pregnant.

  When I gave birth to my second child, I yelled even louder than when I gave birth to my eldest child. I scolded him half to death in the delivery room.

 (End of this chapter)

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