Chapter 731, Competition

Jing Shirong pointed it out to her, "First look at Qi Yuanming's formation. Does it look like a large square iron shield?"

Sister Ying looked in the direction he pointed and said, "It looks quite similar."

 “Look at General Wang’s formation again and see what it looks like.”

Sister Ying looked at it from different positions, and finally saw it, "It looks like a spear."

With one gun and one shield, do these two people want to attack and defend one by one?

Jing Shirong shook his head, "It's not enough to look at the front, you have to look at it further."

 Qi Yuanming used a defensive method at the beginning, but actually he used defense to attack.

Although General Wang's formation seems to have strong attack power, the rear guard is not very rigorous.

Sister Ying also noticed it.

“But his arrow array looks good, and its lethality is pretty good.”

Jing Shirong saw that she understood immediately and pinched her earlobe appreciatively.

 “Otherwise, let’s have a bet?”

Sister Ying raised her eyebrows excitedly, "Okay, what do you want to bet on?"

 The couple have not played betting yet.

Jing Shirong raised his lips, "What about you? What do you want to bet on?"

Sister Ying tilted her head and thought for a while, "Well, I want you to stay at home with me for two days during the holiday."

 The couple spend less time together and more time away from each other. They meet in a hurry and separate in a hurry every time.

 It was a big prize to be able to take two days off for him.

Jing Shirong didn’t expect her to mention this, and thought, “I thought you would let me take you out to play.”

 Unexpectedly, I would just stay with her at home.

 It seems that she is at home alone, somewhat lonely.

 He rubbed her head distressedly, "Then who do you want to bet on?"

Sister Ying remained unchanged, "Of course it's Brother Qi."

Judging from the current situation, General Wang's team looked high-spirited, but within a moment, flaws were revealed.

 Qi Yuanming seems to be very talented in formation formation.

 He can attack or defend, and he is especially good at judging the situation.

 So the soldiers he taught were very good at reading the situation and knew how to counterattack just by looking at each other.

 “Their loophole is out, hurry up!!”

As soon as Qi Yuanming's soldiers saw a loophole in the defense of the opponent's camp, they immediately outflanked them.

 Some of them attack the upper plate and some attack the lower plate.

 The remaining ones surrounded them from left to right.

 In just a moment, the opponent's camp fell.

 “The game is over! General Qi’s team wins!”

 The hourglass was only halfway up, and the game was over. General Wang never dreamed of it.

"how so."

 He was originally quite confident that he would be able to defeat Qi Yuanming.

 After all, Qi Yuanming has only been here a few months and is just a newcomer. How can he be so powerful? "

 He looked at the third princess suspiciously, wondering if the third princess helped this brat?

 The third princess knew what he was looking at and ordered her troops to march out.

“General Sheng, since you have time left, let your team try it too.”

 General Sheng was already eager to try, but when he heard the order, he immediately clasped his fists and said, "Yes."

 He went down to take command, "Set up the formation!"

  General Sheng’s team is all veterans.

They all have a capable and decisive air on their faces, and they are not easy to mess with at first sight.

 As soon as they came out, the aura of a strong person hit them.

The soldiers under Qi Yuanming were still a little scared.


 They looked at Qi Yuanming, asking for his blessing.

Qi Yuanming's broadsword struck the ground with a clang, "What are you afraid of? You won't be a coward on the battlefield, just beat me!"

He is strong and powerful, making the recruits feel very safe.

"The general is right, there are no cowards on the battlefield, brothers, come on, don't let the veterans think we are cowards!" The new recruits are inherently competitive, and if they are looked down upon by the veterans, they will definitely have to fight for it.

So they re-arranged their formation and faced off against the veterans with high spirits.

Sister Ying watched with great interest, "This time it's interesting. Who do you think will win between these two teams?"

Jing Shirong watched calmly and answered truthfully, "Not necessarily."

He has never seen Sheng Jiangjun's formation, so he has no way of understanding the opponent's layout habits.

But looking at the experienced veterans, I think they won’t lose.

Sister Ying became nervous when she saw it.

Especially when the veteran attacked unhurriedly, she felt, "The veteran seems to be more powerful."

 After all, they have been training for a long time and have been in the camp for several years.

Not only his physical strength, but also his observation ability and adaptability are definitely better than those of the new recruits.

Qi Yuanming also looked nervous on horseback.

 It wasn’t until the new soldiers were about to be outflanked that he gave the order, “Change formation!”

  The recruits immediately changed their formation, from a circle to an umbrella shape.

General Sheng saw this and gave the order, "Attack!"

 The veteran saw the right moment and attacked.

The new soldier immediately raised his iron shield in an umbrella shape and said, "Defend!"

While holding up the iron shield to protect themselves, they rotated their formation, intending to disrupt the opponent's line of sight.

But the opponent is not weak either. After they change their formation, they also change their formation.

 The troops on both sides change quickly, and their attacks are fast and accurate.

 At half a stick of incense, both teams were already sweating profusely.

 The third princess nodded with satisfaction.

Looking at Qi Yuanming, I didn’t expect that the bigger this guy got, the more promising he would be.

Even though I didn’t come to the military camp very often, the training effect was so good.

If she had let him come here earlier, his formation ability would probably have surpassed hers by now.

Sister Ying also looked very nervous while sitting on the horse.

Seeing that the hourglass is about to end, the two teams have not yet decided the winner.

  The recruits were beginning to lose their physical strength because they had already fought a battle.

Qi Yuanming saw it and immediately gave the order, "Hold on, I don't want to lose! Even if you don't win, you are not allowed to lose!"

As long as the fight ends in a draw, you will still be able to gain face in the military camp in the future.

 If you lose, your persistence will be in vain.

 The recruits understand this and must grit their teeth and defend.

 It wasn’t until the hourglass was completely empty that the young general on the stage shouted, “Time’s up!”

 When the recruits heard this, they collapsed from exhaustion.

 On the contrary, the veterans are in good physical strength and the team is still in order. The old **** is standing and listening to the orders.

 The third princess stood up and praised a few words first.

“General Qi’s team performed well, much better than General Wang’s.”

When the recruits heard the praise from the third princess, their faces were filled with smiles. It was obvious that the joy of being recognized was beyond words.

 When she was happy, the third princess said something else.

"However, don't be too happy too early. Look at the veterans of the Shengjiang Army. They were not lying on the ground panting just after the fight. If this was on the battlefield, it would be a dead end."

  The recruits were unconvinced, "But we have already fought one battle."

The third princess snorted, "Don't be unconvinced, even if we fight three times, they won't lie on the ground panting."

The recruits lowered their heads, looking at the seriousness on the faces of the veterans, and felt that what the third princess said was right.

So everyone fell silent.

But the third princess is also very clear about rewards and punishments.

"You all performed well today. Even if there are shortcomings, you can improve in the future. I will have a night off and prepare a whole sheep feast for you."

 The recruits were happy when they heard it.

 “Oh my God, the whole sheep feast is so good.”

 (End of this chapter)

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