Chapter 732, Whole Sheep Feast

“Yeah, I haven’t had a whole-sheep feast for a long time, and I’m really craving it.”

The rice cooked by the military camp cooks every day was just boiled and had no delicious taste at all. They were all tired of it.

 It was rare to have a whole-sheep feast, so they had to roast a sheep to eat.

The recruits were very happy. They all stood up and lined up and thanked the third princess, "Thank you, General!"

Their voices were loud and clear. The third princess looked at the high spirits on their faces and nodded happily.

“Vegetables and meat will be delivered in a moment. Go and help prepare firewood.”


The recruits were happy and hurriedly carried the pots and sheep.

 The veterans left the field well-trained.

 Only General Wang's team was in a low mood.

 General Wang realized for the first time that his formation was so rubbish. The new recruits couldn't handle it, and they didn't even have a chance to compete with the veterans. It was really embarrassing.

That Qi Yuanming has only been here a few months and has already defeated him.

Now he was completely shameless in the military camp.

 He knelt down in front of the third princess in frustration, "General."

His performance is so bad this time, I don't know how the third princess will punish him.

The third princess glanced at him and said, "How? Do you know your own strength?"

General Wang was dejected and said, "The general will know now."

 His ability was originally very average and low.

Just because he had been in the military camp for many years, and because the third princess had been away for more than half a year, no one in the military camp cared about him, so he was so flattered by the two spies that he forgot what his level was.

Unexpectedly, the third princess didn't care about him, but didn't take him seriously at all.

 Any one of her men could crush him to death.

Even the new guy compared him to the dirt.

This time he really understood his level and would no longer be blindly confident.

The third princess asked him to participate in today's competition, not only to see the level of the recruits, but also to slap General Wang in the face.

 After all, some people won’t recognize the facts unless their faces hurt.

General Wang already knew his mistake and knelt on the ground, very frustrated.

 “General, last general”

 The training of the soldiers was so bad that he had no shame in continuing the training.

The third princess originally wanted Qi Yuanming to train new soldiers.

 But directly asking General Wang to let go will inevitably cause resentment, so this method works very well today.

"General Qi is still lacking in training new recruits, so why not let General Qi continue training."

The third princess glanced at him and said, "Are you sure?"

General Wang nodded, "Yes, the last general is indeed not suitable."

 This is considered as willingly giving up the new soldiers.

"The previous patrol was due to the general's carelessness. This time, please give the general a chance to make up for his mistakes."

 He was patrolling at the city gate, but because the third princess was on maternity leave, he came to the military camp to help.

Now the military camp training is not suitable for him, so he can only go back again.

 The third princess had other arrangements for this.

"No, you go to the Desert River and patrol it in the morning and evening."

 The road on the desert river side is not easy to walk, and it is very hot, especially in summer.

General Wang has been there and knows that it is very difficult to go there in this kind of weather. People will lose a layer of skin in a few days.

 He thought this was the punishment given to him by the third princess, so he bowed his head and accepted the order without complaining.


The third princess knew what he was thinking and said, "Although the desert river is sparsely populated, the water resources there are the source of our drinking water. Originally, General Chang was responsible for this task. Let him take a few days off and wait for you to adapt." Then take turns with him in the morning and evening.”

General Wang was stunned. He didn't expect that the third princess meant this. He thought the third princess sent him there to punish him, so the old man blushed and said, "The general is too narrow-minded."

The third princess waved her hand and said, "Your specialty is patrolling, which is different from being aware of the surrounding environment. If someone poisoned the desert river, I would have to ask questions only from you."

General Wang was deeply moved. He felt that the third princess was indeed a general with a broad mind and she trusted him so much.

 “Yes, the last general will receive the order.”

 After saying that, he went out.

Sister Ying and Jing Shirong watched the game outside and asked, "You are going to have a whole sheep feast tonight, can I stay?"

 “Would it be inconvenient?”

After all, they are all men. Even if she is disguised as a man, her figure will not look the same.

Jing Shirong pinched her cheek and said, "It's okay, let's go to a small corner to eat."

 Besides, the recruits were busy roasting the whole lamb, so there was no time to watch them.

Sister Ying smiled and said, "That's great. I want to eat roast lamb too."

 It must be delicious if grilled on site.

 At night, the recruits set up the grill and lit the fire.

 They are good at washing vegetables and washing rice, and they have very strong life skills.

Qi Yuanming also went to help cut the meat.

Sister Ying went home and brought them some baking ingredients.

 Qi Yuanming was happy when he saw cumin and chili noodles.

 “That’s what I wanted.”

“Just wait, I’ll give you a taste when it’s cooked.”

Sister Ying laughed and said, "Okay. By the way, Brother Qi, Sister Yang wrote to me before and said that you didn't reply to her letter, and she was worried about what happened to you."

Sister Yang wrote home before and casually asked what was wrong with Qi Yuanming, but she didn't reply no matter how hard she wrote to him.

The two of them have traveled long distances together after all, and they are considered life-or-death friends. He has been here for so long, but he didn't even say hello or reply to his letters.

Qi Yuanming felt ashamed and explained to her, "It's not that I didn't reply to the letter, it's that I only received the letter in the morning."

That stinky flying eagle was busy fighting with the female flying eagle when delivering letters last time, and lost all the letters from Sister Yang. He only discovered it when he saw it while patrolling.

 Plus I'm busy today, so I don't have time to reply.

“I will write it at night and send it to her tomorrow.”

With a smile on his face, he said while applying sauce to the mutton, "I haven't seen Sister Yang for a long time, and I don't know if she has grown taller."

 I have been training here every day, and when I have no time to come down, I don’t even think about her.

 Now that Sister Ying mentioned it, I had time to think about it.

Just as he was talking, Mr. Zhong pushed his son over.

 Little Piglet is almost five months old now.

Learn to make sounds every day, babbling is very lively.

When the recruits saw that the prince-in-law was coming, and he was bringing his children with him, they went to see him very curiously.

“Prince-in-law, is this the general’s son?”

Mr. Zhong nodded proudly, "Yes, he is our son!"

 Little Piggy made a couple of cooperative noises, making the recruits laugh.

 “He is so strong, he deserves to be the son of a great general.”

Mr. Zhong said to Yourong Yan, "That's right, it doesn't matter who supports him."

 He is fed carefully every day, but he is fat and strong in vain.

Qi Yuanming looked at Mr. Zhong's stinking look and poked Jing Shirong in the arm, "Look at me, my son is so big. You should go and take some medicine."

Jing Shirong rolled her eyes at him and said, "You single guy have the nerve to talk to me?"

He doesn’t even have a girl he likes. How dare he laugh at him for not having a son?

 (End of this chapter)

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