The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 733: , worried about poisoning the body

Chapter 733: Worry about poisoning the body

Qi Yuanming laughed loudly, "I don't care about you."

 After all, he and Sister Ying have been married for two or three years. If they don't have children, everyone will think that there is something wrong with them.

Jing Shirong snorted angrily and looked down at Sister Ying's belly, feeling depressed.

Sister Ying was skewering meat, but when she saw his troubled expression, she asked in confusion, "What's the matter?"

 Didn’t you feel fine just now? Why are you suddenly depressed?

Qi Yuanming coughed and said, "It's nothing. I guess he is envious because he has a son."

 As soon as his big mouth came out, Jing Shirong immediately rolled his eyes.

 “You say it again?”

Qi Yuanming looked at the tip of the dagger in his hand and felt a pain in his buttocks, "I was wrong~"

 After saying that, he ran away.

Jing Shirong was so angry that he almost threw the dagger in his hand again.

Sister Ying quickly stopped him and said, "No."

“It’s so far away that you can’t even throw it.”

 Qi Yuanming who was just about to be moved

 It turns out that they are a fox couple, both of them are so wilted.

Sister Ying smiled helplessly and hugged Jing Shirong's waist, holding a skewer in her hand.

He raised his little head and looked at him, "So you are envious of other people having sons?"

 “Why haven’t I heard you say that before?”

 He didn't care about his children before, so why is he envious of others this time?

Jing Shirong pouted, his handsome face was unusually awkward, "It's not that I don't care." I just didn't have time to care.

When he was in the capital, he was a little touched when he saw that Jing Yu was going to be a father.

 But I was busy and tired all the way here, so I didn’t have the time to think about it.

 After coming here, they were also busy. The couple got together less and separated more, so this matter was delayed again.

However, I do have some worries about this matter. I'm just busy and don't have time to think about it.

Today I saw Mr. Zhong bringing his sons, and Jing Han also brought two, and there is another one in his belly. It is difficult for him, who has been married for two or three years, not to feel depressed.

He held Sister Ying in his arms, lowered his head, and pressed his face against hers with a helpless expression, feeling very sad.

“Tell me, is there something wrong with me?”

Otherwise, why can’t I get pregnant if I’m so good?

Sister Ying was stunned, "What did you say?"

 “You have a problem? What’s your problem?”

This guy, isn't he here to be his uncle? I feel so depressed and still want to think too much.

Jing Shirong pouted and had no scruples at all in front of her, "Then how come Young Master Zhong, who is very sick, can get pregnant by the third princess of his age? Why can't I?"

 When Mr. Zhong got married, he was as thin as a stick and could fall down with a gust of wind. Otherwise, the third princess would be pregnant.

 He is so strong, but he did not get Sister Ying pregnant, so there must be something wrong with him.

 But it was difficult for a man to tell anyone about his illness, let alone see a doctor, so he could only feel depressed in his heart.

Sister Ying said "fuck" and almost wanted to laugh.

 She lowered her head and looked at Jing Shirong's waist, confirming with him, "There is nothing wrong with you, maybe I am the one who has the problem."

This guy is so strong that it is outrageous to say that he has a problem.

Jing Shirong felt that she was comforting him, "I have been poisoned for such a long time before, maybe I really can't give birth."

This is what he is worried about. He is afraid that the poison of water lily will poison his heirs, so he is in such a low mood.

Sister Ying was stunned and forgot about it.

“Don’t be impatient, I’ll write back and ask Sister Yang about this first.”

Jing Shirong refused, "Don't tell me." Once you tell me, you will know everything.

 After all, you are a man and you still want to save face.

Sister Ying was ashamed and comforted him, "You always need to see someone when you are sick, right?"

"Besides, Sister Yang has a very strict mouth. She won't say anything if I tell her."

 “Or maybe I write to ask the old medicine king?”

 After all, the old medicine king knows this poison better. Jing Shirong thought about it and felt embarrassed.

 Even started to argue, "If I can't give birth, will you dislike me?"

Sister Ying saw that his handsome face looked pitiful, and she wanted to tease him, "Yes."

 “If you can’t give birth, then I’ll have to find someone else.”

As soon as he spoke, he saw a look of disbelief on his face and his mouth opened wide.

 He opened his mouth, with an expression that he didn't recognize her.

Sister Ying suppressed her laughter and grabbed his collar, "So you have to cure this disease, do you hear me?"

Jing Shirong felt aggrieved and turned his head away from her, feeling aggrieved.

Sister Ying patted him on the shoulder and said, "I will write a letter in the evening. You can skewer the meat for me now."

Jing Shirong pouted and snorted, "You bully me."

The recruits not far away were surprised when they saw them so close, "Isn't that General Jing? Why is he so dejected?"

The recruit shook his head, "I don't know, I guess he was scolded."

“But isn’t the soldier next to him a little too thin?”

Their voices were blown by the wind. Jing Shirong immediately turned around and glared at them before the two soldiers ran away.

Sister Ying pressed the beard on her nose and asked him to quickly brush it.

After Murong Yun applied, he also brought Brother Zheng and Brother Yuan in to have a look.

 Because the atmosphere was relaxed at night, everyone was happy to see the children.

The recruit looked envious, "You think, when can we get married and have a son?"

Veteran, "That's nice to think about. We haven't even started a family yet, but you still want to have a son. Just go ahead and dream about it."

The recruit laughed loudly, "Who doesn't want his wife and children to be on the hot bed? Don't say you don't want to."

 The veteran was depressed, of course he meant it.

Who doesn’t want his wife and children to be on the hot bed? There’s no chance.

 The third princess is actually working on solving this matter.

However, local girls don’t really like to marry rough military men like them, and it’s not easy to successfully match them all.

But the emperor has already sent people to do this.

 It is estimated that the brides will come next year.

Jing Shirong skewers the skewers and grills them slowly on the charcoal grill.

Sister Ying came as soon as she smelled it.

Brother Zheng and Brother Yuan were also running around in Kulai happily, hugging Sister Ying's thigh, "Cousin, we want to eat too."

Murong Yun just taught them not to call them cousin, so as not to reveal their secrets.

 So the brothers cleverly called them cousin.

Jing Shirong frowned displeased when he saw how they hugged Sister Ying's thighs. Just as he was about to say something, Murong Yun asked his two sons to skewer the meat.

 “Eat your own skewers.”

Brother Zheng and Brother Yuan said oh and gathered around to ask Sister Ying to teach her.

Sister Ying patiently taught them, "First take a piece of meat, then a carrot, then a potato, and then the meat."

   Same as one string.

 Brother Zheng and Brother Yuan learned it seriously and showed off happily.

 “Cousin, we did a good job.”

Sister Ying praised, "Okay, okay, they're all very good. Let's bake them for your cousin."

Jing Shirong was watching the scene of her interacting with her children, and suddenly felt that the scene of a family of four was quite warm.

 It's a pity that these two boys are not his sons.

Moreover, my son seems to be a bit too naughty.

 The food was not delicious. He ran around and disappeared after a while. Murong Yun didn't have time to rest and kept following them.

 (End of this chapter)

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