Chapter 734, Sister Ying retches

Sister Ying saw him frowning and looking worried, and asked, "What's wrong? What are you thinking about again?"

Jing Shirong raised his head and asked her, "Do you prefer a son or a daughter?"

 He always felt that his son was solid and easy to feed, but he was troublesome and he wanted to like him, but he also found him annoying.

If it’s a daughter, she feels too weak and delicate, so she can’t be beaten or scolded. She wants to like her but feels a headache.

I just want to hear Sister Ying’s opinion.

Sister Ying did not expect that he would ask this, so she thought for a while and said, "Actually, sons and daughters are the same, so there is no difference to me."

 Because regardless of whether the child is a boy or a girl, as parents, we have to raise the child to adulthood.

The education of love cannot be neglected. Both men and women must be properly educated to avoid harming others and themselves.

 In addition, when children grow up and have their own thoughts, lives, and private spaces, it is time for them to let go, whether they are sons or daughters.

 For example, when a son gets older and marries a wife, he will have his own family, his own children, and his own life circle.

 When the daughter gets older and gets married, she also has her own family and her own children.

 At that time, both men and women have a new life, and for those who are fathers and mothers, the task is over.

 As for whether raising children to prevent old age or not, it mainly depends on yourself!

 The next step is education.

They save more pension funds for themselves while they are young, so that they can still live a harmonious and beautiful life when they are old.

As long as the children are taught well, no matter where they go in the future, if their parents are in trouble, no matter whether they are sons or daughters, they will definitely come back to help.

 Education is very important, but men and women are secondary.

Otherwise, some people give birth to a son and dote on him lawlessly. Not to mention taking care of him in old age, his family property will be ruined, he will cause trouble, and he will end up in jail.

 Some people say they are filial, but are encouraged by their daughters-in-law to have an affair with their parents early on. When they are old, they still feel that their parents are a burden.

The same goes for a daughter. If she is not treated well, it will only make her feel like an outsider. After she gets married, she doesn't have to worry about her mother's family's affairs.

 After all, it is still a matter of education.

Jing Shirong nodded and agreed with her point of view.

“You are right, men and women are secondary, good education is the main thing.”

 But the question now is whether it can survive or not is still one thing.

He looked down at himself and felt that his health was fine, but he was afraid that the poison would damage his foundation for spreading the news and receiving family members.

Seeing that he was depressed again, Sister Ying sighed and comforted him, "Oh, nothing will happen. Maybe it's just that the fate has not come. Don't scare yourself."

 Normal men would not think that they cannot have children, but generally think that women cannot have children.

 It was different when I got to her house.

Sister Ying was so angry and funny that she took a skewer of roasted lamb from the grill, blew on it, and inhaled the aroma of the barbecue, "Hmm~ It smells so good."

 She opened her mouth and took a bite of the mutton, "Hmm~"

Just when I was about to praise him, the smell of mutton in my mouth suddenly filled my brain, and my stomach suddenly started to churn.


 He retched all of a sudden.

Jing Shirong was startled and rushed over to see, "What's going on?"

He quickly took the mutton skewers from Sister Ying's hand and smelled them, "Isn't it poisonous?"

Sister Ying naturally knew that it was not poisonous, so she waved her hand and said, "I'm fine, maybe it's not cooked."

And the mutton seems to have a bit more flavor.

Jing Shirong breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that she was okay, "Bake it for a while longer, and I'll bake you a bun first."

Sister Ying sat down to take a breath. After spitting out the mutton, she felt no longer nauseous.

After a while, Jing Shirong grilled the mutton until it was thoroughly cooked, then took a handful of cumin and sprinkled it on, and then dipped it in some chili powder.

 “Here, try again.”

Sister Ying took a deep breath, took the roast mutton that was full of dry ingredients, and took a sip. It was indeed delicious and she didn’t feel nauseated anymore.

 But when I took the second bite of radish, my stomach suddenly started to churn again, and I vomited again. Jing Shirong suddenly panicked, "How could this happen?"

 She used to eat very delicious food and would vomit if she ate too little.

 “Let’s go and find a military doctor.”

The military doctors here are very skilled. Jing Shirong picked up Sister Ying and quickly went to the military tent.

The military doctor still remembered him and Sister Ying. When he saw them coming, he smiled and asked, "Why are you here so free?"

Jing Shirong put Sister Ying on a chair and hurriedly said, "Please show her quickly, she keeps retching."

“She never vomited before eating. It tasted delicious, but she vomited twice at night.”

His eyes were red.

The military camp looked at the two of them and remembered that they seemed to be in a relationship, so he looked at Sister Ying's belly and asked her to stretch out her hand.

"Let me see."

Sister Ying handed over her wrist, and the old military doctor carefully felt her pulse. After a while, she said, "It's a happy pulse."


Sister Ying and Jing Shirong were both confused.

 “Happy pulse??”

No way?

Just now I said I couldn’t give birth, now my pulse is high?

Jing Shirong was even more confused, "How could it be? I understand."

He quickly stretched out his hand and said, "I have been poisoned by water lily before. The poison has been latent in my body for three years. I don't know if it will affect fertility. Could you please help me find out."

This old military doctor was in the same class as Gu and Gu. His poison skills may not be as good as Gu's, and his medical skills are not as good as those of the old Medicine King, but he won't be too far behind.

He was particularly interested when he heard that Jing Shirong had been poisoned by Nymphaea lily. He immediately felt his pulse, took some of his blood, and studied it carefully for a long time.

 Finally, he came to the conclusion, "The water lily in your body has been eliminated, so I guess there is nothing wrong with it."

“As for whether it will affect fertility, isn’t your wife already pregnant?”

Even though he said this, Jing Shirong was still worried.

“This poison is very strange. I wonder if it will affect children?”

If Sister Ying is not pregnant, he will worry that he will not be able to give birth.

 But Sister Ying was already pregnant, and he began to worry about whether the poison would affect the child.

 When he said this, Sister Ying was also worried.

 “Are you sure I have Ximai? How long has it been?”

 The old military doctor stroked his goatee and said, "About a month or so."

Sister Ying was surprised, isn’t that the same as her cousin’s gestational age?

Jing Shirong was also surprised, "Really, is it Ximai? Is it confirmed?"

 The old military doctor nodded, "Of course."

Although he sees a group of gentlemen every day, this young lady’s happy pulse is already very obvious, and it comes out immediately, and it is not as obscure as the moonlight.

 So he was very sure that it was Ximai.

Sister Ying and Jing Shirong looked at each other in disbelief.

 It’s one thing to know, but it’s another thing to accept it.

 The two of them stared at each other quietly for a while, still not fully digesting it.

In the end, Sister Ying asked quietly, "Then what should we pay attention to when we go back?"

 After all, I am a new mother and I still don’t understand many things.

Jing Shirong was stunned, like a young and ignorant young man, and he asked silently, "Do you want to rest in bed when you go back?"

The old military doctor laughed when he saw how stupid they looked. "You need to rest, but you don't have to stay in bed every day. Just rest normally."

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 (End of this chapter)

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