Chapter 735, Sister Ying is pregnant

Shi Rong didn’t understand his normal resting scene.

 “Don’t you need to pay attention to anything else?”

 Aren’t pregnant women all delicate?

 He is afraid that if he does not serve well, the child will be hurt.

The old military doctor smiled helplessly, "Don't you have experience in raising children? Go back and ask him for advice."

 Otherwise, he is an old man and has never given birth to a child, so how would he understand?

“But one thing to remember is that you are not allowed to have **** within the first three months.”

The couple looked stunned and coughed, "No way."

It’s so embarrassing to say all this.

The old military doctor also explained, "As for morning sickness, it is unavoidable. Try to choose something that can be eaten. Don't skip eating. It is not good for adults and children."

“Also, don’t climb high places, don’t go out on hot days, and only go out at night.”

 As for other aspects, there is nothing for the time being.

Jing Shirong looked at Sister Ying's belly and asked, "Then, will my poison have no effect on the child?"

The old military doctor touched his beard and asked, "When was your poison cured?"

Jing Shirong went back and said, "Last year."

 “That’s okay.”

Since the child was born after detoxification, the impact should not be big.

"Observe first. If you feel any discomfort, come to me or go to the old medicine king."

Since the old medicine king can detoxify him, I think he should be able to solve any situation.

Jing Shirong listened to these words, thanked her and took Sister Ying back first.

Qi Yuanming saw them leaving in a hurry and was surprised, "Where are you going? You haven't eaten yet."

Jing Shirong looked back at him and snorted proudly, "I want you to take care of it."

Qi Yuanming was humiliated and looked confused, "What's going on?"

 Why are your moods so changeable? You were angry just now, now you are proud again?

 Qi Yuanming scratched his head, feeling that married men were really difficult to understand.

Jing Shirong took Sister Ying home on horseback and told Xiao Zi, "Your young lady is pregnant. Keep an eye on her more in the future."

Xiao Zi said oh at first, and then she realized what she was doing.

 “You, you, you, you said the lady is pregnant???”

 No, is it true or false?

Xiao Zi looked excited and looked straight at Sister Ying's belly, checking up and down, "Miss, are you pregnant?"

Sister Ying touched her belly and felt nothing.

“The military doctor said it’s possible. I checked my pulse and it seemed like I had it, but I didn’t feel anything in my stomach.”

The Jing family started to feel things as soon as they were pregnant, but she was just like a normal person and didn't feel anything at all.

When Xiao Zi heard about it, she jumped for joy, "That's great, that's great. I'm going to write a letter to the master and his wife to announce the good news."

Sister Ying didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but she agreed, "Go ahead and write two copies and give one copy to your parents in Beijing."

Xiao Zi sighed, "I'll go right away."

 She was so happy that Sister Ying was also affected by the emotion.

 “This girl, the roof shook when she jumped.”

Jing Shirong also smiled, "You."

Having such a big heart.

 She was pregnant, but she acted like a normal person. She went to the farm, the chicken coop, and Aisali's house every day, and she never stopped all day long.

Sister Ying didn’t feel anything.

It's only a little over a month old now, and the little guy in my belly is still a little bean.

Jing Shirong was happy and worried at the same time, "Should we write a letter to the old Medicine King?"

Sister Ying shook her head, "Yaowang Island is so far away, so it's not practical to write letters." Besides, Yaowang Island is shrouded in smoke, so flying eagles may not be able to find it.

Even if he found it, asking the old medicine king to come all the way would be tiring for him.

Jing Shirong knew that the old Yao Wang was old, so he thought for a moment, "Why don't we ask Sister Yang to come over?"

Yang Jie'er's medical skills were trained by the old medicine king and the ancients, and her medical skills are very good.

 In addition, coming here from the south of the Yangtze River is much closer than coming here from Yaowang Island.

Sister Ying did not agree, "Isn't it good? She is a little girl, and she has come all the way here. My mother should be worried."

 Not only her mother, but also she herself was worried.

Jing Shirong knew that she would not agree, so he sighed, "Okay, just pretend I didn't say anything."

 But what is really going on with the real child and what should we do?

Sister Ying felt that he really thought too much tonight, so she pulled him away and said, "Is this called prenatal syndrome?"

 Some women will suffer from prenatal syndrome.

 Some men do the same.

Sister Ying didn't feel anything about her pregnancy, but Jing Shirong was worried about this and that, looking preoccupied. It was a lie to say that he was fine.

Jing Shirong sighed and sat beside her dejectedly, "I don't know what's wrong with me. I've just been feeling weird these past few days."

 On those days when women are in a bad mood, men will be too.

 It means that you will suddenly lose your mood, feel very sad, and don’t know what’s wrong with you.

 This is how Jing Shirong feels now.

Sister Ying had no choice but to sit up and hug him, "Okay, don't think too much, we got pregnant after you were detoxified, so it won't harm the child."

“Besides, even if there are any problems, we can solve them together. As long as we are safe, we can solve anything together.”

“Besides, Brother Murong and the Third Princess are both here. We still have friends like them, so everything will be fine.”

 When she said this, Jing Shirong felt a little relieved, but he still secretly sent a letter to Sister Yang.

 At night, the couple were lying on the bed. Jing Shirong lifted up her clothes and touched her belly. Eyes serious.

Sister Ying couldn’t laugh or cry, “It’s only been a month, what can you touch?”

Jing Shirong was serious, “I’m adapting.”

He is about to become a father. He is still a little confused and needs to get over it slowly.

Sister Ying nodded, stretched out her hand to cover it, and felt her belly, "I didn't expect that we would also have a child. It's really amazing."

 The two of them were busy with their own affairs before and never thought about this.

Now the child comes just as soon as he says, without any warning, which is quite unexpected.

Jing Shirong also said, "No wonder my mood has been ups and downs recently. My feelings are that this child is telling me that he is coming."

Sister Ying smiled, "Is it true or not?"

Isn’t this feeling coming from being a mother?

Jing Shirong snorted and pouted, "No, dads have feelings too. It shows that this child likes me more."

Sister Ying was unconvinced, "I don't believe it, it definitely likes me more."

Jing Shirong pouted and refused, "I like me more."

 “Like me better!”

 The couple said something to each other and suddenly laughed.

“Madam, do you think this will be a boy or a girl? Should we start naming them?”

Sister Ying shook her head, "It's still early. You see, Little Piggy isn't famous yet."

  It is said that a nickname makes it easier to make a living. Young Master Zhong became superstitious when he had a son. Before he was one year old, he only called his son a pig and did not even give him a proper name.

The third princess also felt that it would be easier to make a living with a nickname, so she let him go.

Jing Shirong remembered that the little pig was really fat and easy to feed, so he said, "Then let's give it a nickname. How about calling it Ergouzi?"

 (End of this chapter)

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