The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 736: , the child is called Ergouzi?

Chapter 736: The child is called Ergouzi?

Sister Ying.

 “Are you itchy?”

 “Why did you name your child Ergouzi?”

 I wonder how many people called Ergouzi? There is no creativity at all.

Jing Shirong thought for a while, "What about Sangouzi?"

There are many people who call them Ergouzi, but not many people call them Sangouzi, right?

Sister Ying.

"screw you."

He kicked him angrily.

Jing Shirong laughed, "Then think about it again."

Sister Ying gave him a cute look and said, "When your daughter is born, I will call her Ergouzi. Do you think that sounds good?"

This time, let’s change the scene and explain the banyan tree

 “Madam, I was wrong.”

It’s okay if the son is called Ergouzi, but if the daughter is called Ergouzi, forget it.

“Then think about it again, there are still nine months, let’s think about it slowly.”

Sister Ying laughed angrily.

“It’s good to know. Go to bed first and think about it later when the month is over.”

Jing Shirong hummed, feeling tired, so he hugged her and fell asleep.

 On the second day.

Xiao Zi woke up early and happily told Jing Han and the others the good news.

Jinghan was very happy when she heard that Sister Ying was pregnant.

“It’s really great. If my aunt knew about it, she would be very happy.”

 “No, I have to write a letter to my aunt.”

Xiao Zi stopped her and said, "Don't go. I went to write last night, hehehe."

Jinghan was happy when he heard this, "The ghost is clever."

“But it’s also fate. Sister Ying is the same month as me this month, so we were destined to be born in the same month.”

Xiao Zi also fantasized, "If you and the lady give birth on the same day, it will be a double happiness?"

Jinghan covered her mouth and smiled, "Yes. I don't know whether the child we have is a boy or a girl. If they are sons, they are brothers. If they are daughters, they can be close friends."

 It would be interesting if it were a man and a woman.

 She and Xiao Zi looked at each other and said at the same time, "If it's a boy and a girl, we can be childhood sweethearts, hahaha."

Xiao Zi also laughed, "My uncle will definitely be angry when the time comes."

 No, maybe her family is a boy and her cousin’s family is a girl.

Jinghan also hoped that the baby would be a girl. He touched his belly and said, "I hope I can get a girl this time."

They both have two sons, and she also wants a daughter.

After Sister Ying woke up, Jing Shirong had already gone to the military camp and came back.

 Maybe he wanted to rush back to see her, but his hot forehead was covered with sweat.

  It was such a hot day that he was completely tanned.

However, the face is still very manly.

Sister Ying rubbed her eyes, sighed, and stretched.

Seeing Jing Shirong sitting on the edge of the bed sweating, he was startled, "You didn't leave?"

Jing Shirong wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "I left, but I'm back again. I'll finish lunch with you before I leave."

Sister Ying touched his neck and it was very hot. It looked like he had run back on horseback.

“You look hot, go take a cold shower first, don’t rush back later, be careful of heatstroke.”

Jing Shirong shook his head and grinned, "I'm fine. I'll just blow some wind in a while."

But in this hot weather, the wind is very hot, and the wind is getting hotter and hotter.

Xiao Zi sprinkled some cold water outside the door, so the yard became cooler.

Sister Ying got up to get dressed. Jing Shirong wanted to help her, but then he looked at his dirty hands that he hadn't had time to wash, so he pulled back.

The two of them were eating together in the kitchen, and Jing Han and the others also came.

Jinghan was happy when he saw Sister Ying and took a look at her belly.

“What a coincidence, we got pregnant together.”

Sister Ying nodded shyly, "Fortunately, you are here. I can ask you for help if I don't understand anything in the future." Jinghan patted his chest and promised, "Don't worry, I will teach you."

Xiao Zi went to fill up the chicken soup, giving each of Sister Ying and Jing Han a bowl first.

Jinghan smelled the chicken soup and hurriedly waved his hands, "I feel sick to my stomach and can't drink it."

Sister Ying also waved her hand, "I don't want to drink either, I want to drink sour plum soup."

Jinghan raised his hand, "I also want to drink sour plum soup or tremella and lotus seed soup."

Two pregnant women were afraid of heat and had poor appetites. Neither wanted to drink chicken soup, which made the man next to them worried.

Murong Yun was okay, he had already experienced it twice, so he asked the cook to cook some Tremella fungus and lotus seed soup.

Jing Shirong was worried because it was his first time becoming a father.

He asked Murong Yun, "Is it really okay if they don't eat something nutritious?"

Two pregnant women drank sour plum soup when they got up early in the morning, which was not nutritious at all.

Murong Yun was someone who had been here before. He patted his shoulder and comforted him, "It's okay. I had a bad appetite in the first three months. It will be better in the fourth month."

 Some people don’t have to wait four months, and it will be fine in the third month.

 Some people have no reaction at all and it tastes delicious.

Jing Shirong still likes Sister Ying to eat delicious food, but he is afraid that she will lose her appetite and not be able to eat anything.

He held the chicken soup and coaxed him, "The soup is still warm, why don't you take five sips?"

  If you can’t drink a bowl, you can take five sips.

Sister Ying didn’t want to drink it because of the hot weather. “You can drink it at night. You drink yours first.”

Jing Shirong refused to give up and bargained, "How about three? Just three? I won't hurt you."

Sister Ying was startled, thinking that the tone of these words was so similar to what her father said.

When Mrs. Wu was a child, she went to a relative's house to help with weddings, leaving Liang Jin at home to watch her.

At that time, Liang Jin fed her food, but she didn't want to eat, so her father said, "Take one bite, just one. Dad won't hurt you."

At this meeting, Shi Rong looked sincere, and it could be said that he spoke sincerely, making Sister Ying laugh and cry.

 “Just three mouths?”

Jing Shirong was immediately happy when he saw that she agreed.

“Yes, just three mouthfuls, I’ll count them for you.”

 Speaking, he quickly scooped up a spoon and handed it to her mouth. "one."

Sister Ying drank it, and he continued with the second spoonful. "two."

 Sister Ying felt nauseated after the third spoonful. She covered her mouth and waved her hand at him, "I want to vomit."

Jing Shirong hurriedly took the chicken soup away and gave her sour plum soup, "Use this to squeeze it?"

Sister Ying picked up the sour plum soup and poured it into her mouth. The sweet and sour plum juice suppressed the turmoil in the stomach at once.

Jing Shirong breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that she didn't vomit.

 It seems that two mouths is the limit, so we have to take our time.

Sister Ying estimated the time and urged him to eat quickly.

“Eat quickly and go back to the barracks after eating. Don’t leave your post without permission.”

 After all, he is a person with a job, and it is not good for him to leave his post without permission.

Jing Shirong knew it, so he hummed and lowered his head to eat, drank another bowl of chicken soup, and reluctantly went out after finishing the meal.

"I'm leaving?"

Sister Ying nodded, "Go ahead. There's no need to rush back tomorrow. You're too tired."

Jing Shirong didn't listen, "I'm leaving. If anything happens, send someone to find me."

Sister Ying nodded, "I understand."

He also gave him a bamboo hat and said, "Wear it, don't let it burn your skin."

Jing Shirong hummed, put on his bamboo hat and rode away.

Jinghan looked at it and covered his mouth in amusement, and told him, "Ah Jing is indeed Murong Yun's good brother. When I was pregnant with Brother Zheng, he was also so nervous that he took time out to come back and have dinner with me every day."

However, he is a busy man, and it is really tiring to rush back and forth every day, so Jinghan does not let him rush back frequently, and goes to see him when he has time.

Sister Ying understands that their husband-in-law is a very busy man, so sometimes they don't complain when they can't come back, and they just stay at home.

 (End of this chapter)

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