The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 738: , friends are like relatives

Chapter 738: Friends are like relatives

 Because Mr. Zhong has come here to buy baby products before, he knows very well which store has better products.

If you can't buy a good one, go directly to Murong Yun and ask him to ask someone to buy it. Someone will send it to you in a few days.

By the time they got home after shopping in large and small packages, they were all exhausted, so they took a shower and went to bed.

 After midnight, Jing Shirong hurried back after training the spies.

 When he got home, Sister Ying had already fallen asleep.

 Because shopping consumes energy and the pregnant woman is sleepy, she doesn’t even know Jing Shirong is back.

Jing Shirong crept in, smelled his own scent, and planned to take a cold shower first.

After washing, I went to bed. I pinched Sister Ying's face first. Seeing that she was fast asleep, I didn't want to wake her up. I hugged her and lay there for a while, then looked at her belly, and finally slowly closed her eyes. , fell into a deep sleep.

 Early the next morning, he got up early and left again.

When Sister Ying woke up, it was already noon. She looked at the place beside her and found that the pillow had been touched, which meant that Jing Shirong had returned.

That guy really came back in the middle of the night.

 She got up to eat, and Jing Han and Murong Yun also came out to eat.

While eating, someone came in with food from outside the door.

Xiao Zi went to take it over. They were all children's things. At a glance, she knew that Murong Yun had bought them.

Jinghan asked Murong Yun, "Have you bought all the blankets and quilts for children?"

Murong Yun nodded, "Well, you are pregnant in the summer and will give birth in the spring. Winter is not far away. It is always good to be more prepared."

Jinghan went to see the things he bought. They were all exquisite, and he could tell that they had put a lot of thought into them.

She was so happy that she hugged his neck for the first time, "You're the third person and you're still so considerate, right?"

Murong Yun smiled and said, "Of course you have to be considerate to me, so as not to scold me again when you are born."

  When I was giving birth to Brother Yuan, I really scolded him badly. He was such a bastard. He was so scolded.

Jinghan also smiled as he recalled the past, "Isn't that painful?"

 When the pain started, I couldn’t care anymore, so I just wanted to vent and divert my attention.

Sister Ying was a little scared when she heard this.

They say that giving birth to a child is like having your ribs broken, your belly torn open, and your legs broken by a hammer. Life is worse than death.

She has also seen women screaming so heart-wrenchingly when they gave birth that it was scary to think about it.

Jinghan saw her stunned and frightened, and quickly comforted her.

“Oh, I’m just kidding, don’t worry, giving birth won’t be that painful. I’m already my third child, so you have to believe me.”

Sister Ying was dubious, and she was even more unsure when she remembered that Mrs. Wu had screamed once when she gave birth to a child.

 Furthermore, the death rate during childbirth was quite high in ancient times, and she began to feel uneasy.

 “Cousin, I’m afraid.”

 The mother's mood changes all the time. It was clear just now, but now she will start to feel depressed.

 As a pregnant woman, Jinghan naturally understood her mood and held her in her arms. "It's okay. I'm with you. Brother Zheng and Brother Yuan are also with you. We are all with you."

 The presence of such a large group of people can give her a sense of security.

Brother Zheng and Brother Yuan came over and hugged his thigh, "Aunt Cousin, we are with you, don't be afraid."

The little warm man coaxed Sister Ying to smile.

“Well, as long as you protect my little aunt, my little aunt won’t be afraid anymore.”

 Thinking about having a lovely child in a few months, the pain of childbirth should be worth it.

Jinghan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that she was no longer afraid, and began to change the subject and ask Murong Yun.

 “What’s going on with the eldest prince?”

Murong Yun went to the eldest prince to discuss business in order to find out whether Sister Ying was in the eldest prince's residence.

I don’t know what’s going on with the eldest prince.

Sister Ying was also curious about this and came over immediately to listen. She soon forgot about giving birth to a child. Seeing this, Jing Han snickered, knowing that gossip can cure depression to some extent.

Murong Yun saw the two of them looking at him eagerly, as if they wanted to listen to the show. She was really a gossiping mother who watched the excitement and didn't take it too seriously.

 He coughed and told them, "The eldest prince has been busy mining recently and has no time to think about other things."

Just mining is very busy. After all, it is not easy to dig out a big hole in the gold mine.

The emperor sent him manpower, but it was still not enough. He could only call everyone in the mansion.

As for the sixth prince, he also secretly lit a fire for Lao Liu. The feud between the two deepened and they fought fiercely in secret.

 The eldest prince has to dig mines and deal with the sixth prince at the same time. He is simply unable to do both.

Jinghan asked, "Didn't he ask you to help?"

 “I called, but I couldn’t go.”

 It is not appropriate for him to go to the local gold mines.

Jinghan nodded, "Yes, so what have you been doing recently?"

Murong Yun replied, "Do business with Kawuli."

“And over at the farm, Sister Ying is pregnant, and I have to go and help take care of her.”

As soon as Sister Ying heard about the farm, she said, "It's okay, I can do the farm myself."

Other than being unable to eat greasy food, she has nothing wrong with her. She doesn’t feel dizzy or vomiting, so she can still go to the farm.

Murong Yun was not at ease, however, "A Jing specifically told me that I should go to the farm. You and Jing Han should eat and drink at home, and don't go out to bask in the sun."

Sister Ying looked at the sun outside and was afraid of heatstroke, so she had no choice but to give up.

“Okay, I’ll bother you first, and I’ll take over in the fall.”

Murong Yun waved his hand to tell her you're welcome.

"You are your first child, so you should take good care of your baby at home. If your health is good, your mood will naturally be good."

Jinghan also put his arm around her shoulders, "Brother Yun is right, you are the first born, so you have to be careful not to overwork yourself. First, sit the baby firmly, and I will accompany you wherever you want to go."

Sister Ying felt the warmth of their natal family and was particularly moved, "Cousin."

Jinghan touched her head and said, "Fool, let's go and eat the fruit."


The two of them happily ate the fruit, temporarily leaving their worries behind.

 Across the Yangtze River, Sister Yang was surprised and happy after receiving Jing Shirong's letter.

Hurrying out to report to Mrs. Wu, "Mom!! Come quickly."

 She suddenly shouted so loudly in the middle of the night. Mrs. Wu was startled and rushed over to take a look.

"What happened?"

Sister Yang asked her to read the letter, "Look, it's a letter from my brother-in-law, saying that my eldest sister is pregnant."

Mrs. Wu was delighted, "Really?"

She stamped her feet with joy, clasped her hands together, and muttered, "God bless, God bless."

Liang Jin rushed over and heard this, with surprise and joy on his face.

 “Oh my god, am I going to be a grandfather?”

 What a great joy.

Mrs. Liang was overjoyed when she heard the sound and said, "Hurry, hurry, prepare the incense offerings."

Members of my family have to pray when they are pregnant, as a wish.

Mrs. Wu and Mrs. Liang have been praying to gods for the past few years, and they begged Sister Ying to have a child as soon as possible.

 The two of them naturally didn’t push it at first, but as time went by, they inevitably worried about something going wrong with the two children.

The day before yesterday, they went together to pay their respects to the Empress. They didn’t expect that she would actually be born, so they had to go and fulfill their vows quickly.

 (End of this chapter)

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