The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 739: , the joy of my mother’s family

Chapter 739: My mother’s family’s happiness

Mrs. Wu hurriedly said, "Yes, yes, yes, I have to go and fulfill my wish."

The two of them were chattering, saying, "I'd like to buy some baby supplies when I'm done, and I'll send them to Sister Ying when the time comes."

“Otherwise, there is probably nothing in the remote countryside over there.”

Mrs. Liang felt that the place where Sister Ying went was particularly desolate, and she wished she could send all the things in the house there.

Mrs. Wu nodded, "Yes, I will go shopping tomorrow and send everything there. This will save her from having no experience in giving birth for the first time and not knowing what to buy."

 On the second day.

Mrs. Wu and Mrs. Liang went to Shuangzi Temple early with baskets in hand to pay their respects and add money for sesame oil.

 After coming back, the two of them went shopping together on the street and bought everything the mother could use.

 After buying, I washed them cleanly, dried them in the sun and wrapped them before sending them in large and small packages.

Even after sending all the things, Wu still felt that it was not enough.

“Mom, tell me, this is the first time Sister Ying has given birth to a baby, and we are not with her, will she be scared during the birth?”

 If possible, she would really like to go there and accompany her daughter.

 After all, giving birth to a child is like going to hell, and the mother will still be worried.

Mrs. Liang also said, "It's a long way over there. Wouldn't it be too tiring for you to go there alone?"

 And all the way there, it was not safe for her as a woman.

Sister Yang remembered what Jing Shirong said last night about poisoning and pregnancy, and wanted to take a look, so she said, "Why don't you let me go?"

“I know medical skills, so I can help my sister give birth, and I know poisons and needles, so I can protect myself.”

 Wu objected without thinking.

“Where do you girl go to the border, do you want to worry me to death? I don’t agree!”

Sister Yang muttered, "Then if you are worried about me, you must also care about the eldest sister. She is far away from home alone and is pregnant. She will have a big belly and no one to accompany her. How pitiful."

“Besides, giving birth is very dangerous. There is no doctor with good medical skills to look after it. When the time comes.”

Mr. Wu, don’t be startled. “Bah, bah, bah, kid, don’t talk nonsense.”

She was so frightened that she slapped her chest.

Sister Yang kept up her efforts, "You see, I have grown up and am tall. I can also use poison. I have also traveled far and know how to protect myself."

“And I will accompany the eldest sister. You all can rest assured, and the eldest sister can also rest assured. Isn’t this good?”

  Wu nodded her forehead, "I think you just don't want to stay at home!"

"Is there a thorn in this house? Why is it so difficult for you to behave yourself at home?"

Sister Yang stuck out her tongue and said, "Then I'm worried about my eldest sister. Is it possible that you can rest assured and let your eldest sister give birth alone?"

 Wu was naturally worried.

 But the little girl didn’t feel at ease going there alone.

 Now she is also in trouble, but what should she do?

Liang Jin said, "Let Sister Yang pass."

"She has been at home peacefully for a year. Let her go out to get some air. Then she will come back with a settled mind. Then she can get married."

 Otherwise this girl wants to go out every day, and if she is asked to get married now, she might run away from home.

In this case, it’s better to just let her go and come back naturally when she makes up her mind.

Sister Yang glanced at her father gratefully and said, "Dad, you really understand me best."

 She is really someone who can't stay indoors and likes to go out.

 In addition to cultivating myself at home for more than a year, I also want to spend time with my parents.

 But after staying for a long time, I still want to go out and get some fresh air.

 She doesn’t want to get married so early, and she doesn’t think it’s fun to get married.

After Mei Xian'er got married, she didn't stay at home. She went to the pastry shop every day to tinker.

 That is to say, she cannot go out until she is married, otherwise she would also want to go out and play.

 Wu had a headache when he saw her.

"You are definitely the reincarnation of a monkey, you can't sit still for a moment." Sister Yang hugged her arm, "Then can I go?"

 Wu still hesitated, "Let me think about it."

Sister Yang curled her lips and said, "Okay."

When the couple returned to the room, Liang Jin asked Mrs. Wu, "You really don't want Sister Yang to go?"

Mrs. Wu changed his coat and sighed, "You think this child is so uneasy, will he be able to stay with his wife when he gets married?"

Don't get married for a month and she starts making noises about coming back. That will cause a headache.

Liang Jin knew his daughter very well.

“She is different from Sister Ying. She is very active and doesn’t like to be trapped in a yard.”

Even though she was trapped, it was because she had herbs to study, otherwise she would have wandered out long ago.

Especially since she has come into contact with the myriad worlds outside, she doesn’t like staying in the square backyard even more.

Mrs. Wu was melancholy, "What should we do? She's already got haircut, and she still can't make up her mind. It's really sad."

Liang Jin advised her, "Don't worry, fifteen is still early. When she turns eighteen, she will probably be mature."

There are many girls in their street who are very sensible at the age of fifteen, get married at sixteen, and can be the head of the family long ago.

I hope Sister Yang can calm down after playing for a few more years.

   Wu felt mysterious.

 “I always feel that this child is either on his way out or has already gone out.”

I originally thought that she would be settled after returning from a long trip, but I didn’t expect that An Fen would be settled. But after just over a year, she immediately wanted to go out again.

 “And she is also very courageous, and she dares to walk even long distances.”

Liang Jin also sighed, "That's all, let her go, otherwise she won't be able to go when she gets married."

The older Liang Jin gets, the more tolerant he becomes. He feels that life is only a few decades long. If you don’t do the things you like when you are young, you won’t be able to do them anymore when you are old.

Mrs. Wu smiled when she saw him sighing like this, "What didn't you do when you were young? Are you still worried?"

Liang Jin chuckled, "What I wanted most when I was young was to marry you."

 Because he did it, he has no regrets.

 He has no regrets, and he doesn’t want his children to regret either.

For example, Brother Seng is now a detective. He was worried at first, but gradually he saw that he was becoming more and more impressive, so he felt that it would be a good thing to let him do it.

As for Sister Yang, she is a girl and will not have the freedom to marry in the future, so let her be as she is before she gets married.

 Wu Shi nodded and agreed.

 But, “What should I say if my neighbors ask?”

Girls with haircut hair are always away from home. If word spreads, it will affect Sister Yang's reputation.

Liang Jin gave her advice, "Tell it truthfully."

Anyway, I'm going to find my biological sister. If you dare to spread the gossip, let's see how to deal with them.

Mrs. Wu smiled knowingly, "Okay, I'll do whatever you want."

“But let Brother Seng take him on this journey. He came back the day before yesterday not to track down a case. Let him take Sister Yang there. The two siblings can take care of each other.”

Liang Jin remembered, "If there is such a thing, then let them come together."

  After the two of them had finished discussing, they went to rest.

 On the second day.

Mrs. Wu called Sister Yang and Brother Sen back and told them about the matter.

 Sister Yang is happy.

 “Thank you, mother~~” After saying that, he hugged Wu and kissed her fiercely, “Okay~”

Mrs. Wu glared at her and said, "When your eldest sister gives birth, come back to me right away. If you don't come back for fun, I will go and catch you by myself!"

 (End of this chapter)

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