The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 740: , Sister Yang is going to find Sister Ying

Chapter 740, Sister Yang is going to find Sister Ying

Sister Yang said "Huh?" and was instantly discouraged.

 “Why are you like this? You can’t let me stay for a few more months.”

Mrs. Wu poked her forehead, "It took you more than half a year on the way there, and another half a year when you came back. You will be sixteen or seventeen when you come back. Do you want to rebel?"

Sister Yang pouted and retorted, "So what if you are sixteen or seventeen? There are many people who get married at eighteen or nineteen."

 She still wants to play, but she doesn’t want to get married so early.

Mrs. Wu pinched her ear and said, "You have to come back to me whether we are married or not, otherwise I will go there myself. If something happens on the way, don't cry!"

Sister Yang knew that her mother meant what she said, so she could only reluctantly agree.

“I know, I will come back after the eldest sister has given birth.”

 After finishing speaking, I was still very unconvinced.

Wu took a deep breath angrily, not wanting to quarrel with her, and turned to tell Brother Seng.

“Your third sister is naughty, please keep an eye on her and don’t let her get lost.”

 Seng Geer nodded, "I know."

He is now taller than Kang Geer. He practices martial arts every day and has a very strong figure. At first glance, he looks like a cold and handsome man.

Especially because of his cold and silent expression, he looked very serious, much like a serious detective.

 With Brother Sen around, Mrs. Wu is quite relieved.

 The younger son has a stable character and is reliable in his work. With him around, they can rest assured.

Sister Yang also knows that her younger brother is good at martial arts. With him around, the road is indeed safe.

After Mrs. Wu handed them over, she went to tell them it was luggage.

 Pack up everything you need to eat, drink, and wear.

 After a long time of packing, a carriage was actually loaded.

Seeing this, Brother Sen frowned and said, "Mom, just bring a baggage, you don't need any of that."

 Just a change of clothes, a cloak, and a few dry food cakes are all you need. You don’t need to bring so much.

But Mrs. Wu said, "You are a man, so you can do whatever you want outside. Your sister is a girl, so you need to be more prepared."

You have to prepare things like menstrual cloths and lotions for girls. These are all necessities.

 And it is best to bring original bellybands, underwear, and underwear, so as not to abrade the skin and cause pimples.

 Seng Geer’s brows furrowed more and more as he listened.

“We can’t carry that much on horseback.”

Mrs. Wu said "Huh?" "On horseback? Aren't you in a carriage?"

Those who travel long distances will be very tired if they don’t ride in a carriage.

Brother Sen explained to her, "It's almost the rainy season, so we need to get out of the south of the Yangtze River as soon as possible to avoid making it difficult to walk on the muddy road."

Furthermore, "My son is going to investigate a case. Taking a leisurely carriage in a carriage would be too much of a delay."

 After he became a detective, he attached great importance to the concept of time and did not want to waste a single minute.

Mrs. Wu was helpless, "Instead of riding in a carriage and only riding a horse? Then, wouldn't it be too tiring?"

 Seng Ge'er is okay, he's used to it.

But Sister Yang is not as strong as Brother Sen, and her martial arts skills are half-baked. It would be too tiring for her to ride a horse for a long distance.

Sister Yang was very able to endure hardships, so she quickly said, "It's okay, I can do it, so just bring a baggage."

 Bring what you need to bring and don’t need anything else.

Wu Shi sighed, "That's okay, then just accept a baggage."

 After rearranging it, there were only two bags, one for each person to carry.

But Sister Yang’s one is obviously bigger.

Seng Geer saw this and said in disgust, "Girls are trouble."

Sister Yang and Mrs. Wu both glared at him, "It sounds like you won't get married to a girl in the future."

 Seng Geer looked like a straight man and said, "I don't need it."

 What are the good things about girls? They are pretentious, have many things to do, and love to cry. It makes me feel troublesome.

   Wu and Sister Yang:.

 “Are you stupid in the Yamen?”

  What do you do if you dislike a girl?

Brother Sen snorted coldly, "Are you ready? I have to leave."

Sister Yang quickly got on her horse and put on her gauze hat, "Okay, okay, let's go." Brother Sen said "drive~" and left immediately.

Sister Yang followed closely, "Wait for me."

You bastard, you are really not considerate at all.

Mrs. Wu looked worried and asked Mrs. Liang, "Are these two children okay?"

 Orange Mrs. Liang still trusts her grandson.

 “No problem, I’m half-grown and can be on my own.”

 Besides, "Seng Ge'er is good at martial arts and has rich experience in going out. He will protect his sister well."

He said so, but Wu was still worried.

 Because Seng Geer has become more and more arrogant and cold since he became a detective and is no longer as cute as before.

Mrs. Liang smiled and said, "Boys become arrogant when they get older. They feel that they are men, so they become arrogant."

"Just wait, when he meets the girl he likes in the future, he will definitely become gentle."

  Wu smiled helplessly, "I hope so."

That guy had a cold face and looked at everyone as if someone owed him money. It was strange that a girl liked him.

Even if there were, they would all be scared away.

Old Mrs. Liang laughed and said, "Don't worry, there will always be silly girls who like him, so don't worry about it."

  Wu also smiled, "It's impossible not to worry."

 As long as the two children did not reach their destination, she would definitely be worried.

Seeing her like this, Mrs. Liang shook her head, "You, the longer you live, the worse you are becoming than me."

Look at her, she is tolerant and generous. She goes to play cards with her poker friends every day, relax and chat about gossip. How pleasant it is.

 She looks young without worries. She is much younger than her grandmother of the same age.

  Wu snorted, "Of course you have nothing to worry about."

 She takes care of everything at home, including eating, drinking, and taking care of the children. Naturally, Mrs. Liang has time to relax.

Old Mrs. Liang coughed and felt embarrassed, "What about that? I'm going to your Aunt Zhang's house."

 Then he ran away.

Mrs. Wu smiled helplessly and went back.

 This head.

After Sister Yang and Brother Sen left Jiangnan, they continued to follow the map.

 Seng Geer's horseback riding was fast and accurate, and he took every path correctly.

Sister Yang was panting as she chased after her.

Although the horse is running, the rider will also be tired.

 “Brother Seng, take a rest.”

It kept rest for a month. Except for eating and drinking Lazar, all on the road were almost scattered.

Even if you stop to eat, you have to rush.

Sister Yang was almost limping, and her thighs were hurting so much.

  But Seng Geer was cold-faced and said, "It's going to rain. We'd better hurry up. We'll reach a small town ahead."

Sister Yang couldn't help it, "I also want to hurry, but my legs hurt so much."

 The inner thighs are the most painful when riding horses, and the waist and shoulders are also very sore.

She felt that her thighs were bruised and the wounds were stuck to the fabric, which was why it hurt so much.

Brother Sen frowned, but he also knew that she was not pretending to be sick, so he hummed, "Okay, then slow down."

Sister Yang raised her lips and smiled, knowing that he had a hard mouth but a soft heart.

The two of them were walking slowly. Dark clouds began to gather before it got dark.

 “Oops, it’s going to rain.”

Sister Yang blamed herself, “They all blame me.”

 Sen Ge'er didn't blame her and jumped to the tree to check if there was any shelter nearby.

 “Let’s go, there is a dilapidated temple ahead, go and hide first.”

 (End of this chapter)

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