The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 742: , making a big fuss at Xiao Zi’s wedding

Chapter 742: Making a fuss at Xiao Zi’s wedding

 Little Liddy has always been very confident about her appearance.

 In addition, Jinghan was already asleep, the children were asleep, and there was no one in the courtyard. She felt that God was helping her.

As long as she can hook up with this rich man, her life will definitely be good in the future.

 So she looked at Murong Yun shyly and coquettishly, and said in a charming tone, "Master~~"

 Speaking, he leaned over so that the gauze clothes on his shoulders would not fall off.

Murong Yun was fetching water at that time. When he saw her coming towards her with a seductive look like a snake girl, he immediately picked up a bucket of cool spring water and poured it over her head.

  With a sound of "Wow~", Little Liti trembled as the cold spring water poured over her.


She was frightened and frightened, and didn't understand why Murong Yun was like this.

With a small face, Qi Qi Ai Ai said, "Master, do you dislike me so much? I am very good at serving others, so just accept me."

 Speaking, he began to untie his wet clothes.

Unexpectedly, Murong Yun actually picked up another bucket of cold water and poured it on her again.

 That's right, this time I used a splash.

Such a big bucket of water was poured directly into Little Liti’s face, destroying Little Liti’s self-confidence.


Murong Yun snorted coldly, "You are not overestimating your own abilities."

What stunning beauty have you not seen in him? Would you like her for a small role?

If he hadn't been worried about Sister Ying's face, he would have thrown her out directly.

But if those two buckets of water are thrown away, this little maid will probably give up.

 Little Liddy was really smitten by him.

 She was very confident before, thinking that with her looks, she could seduce the master.

Who would have known that Jing Shirong was not interested in her and did not see her as a living thing.

Later she turned her attention to Murong Yun and felt that Murong Yun was obviously richer.

Unexpectedly, people didn’t take her seriously at all.

Little Liti suddenly felt like she was getting old?

 Perhaps your appearance has deteriorated? Otherwise, what's the matter with neither of them wanting to sleep with her?

 She was really puzzled and began to doubt life. The next day, she asked to leave.

Sister Ying did not hold her back and waved her away.

 Originally, she didn’t take it seriously when there was such a powerful figure in the family.

 After all, Mr. Zhong kindly sent the person here, and if she just kicked him out, Mr. Zhong would probably blame himself for not choosing the right person, so he kept him.

 This girl is quite good at hiding on weekdays and won't hang out in front of them.

 She would only go out for a walk when Jing Shirong and Murong Yun were alone.

Now that she had been beaten down by Murong Yun and lost her confidence, she no longer wanted to stay.

 She wanted to go to other houses to see if other men disliked her so much.

If that were the case, she would not be alive either.

Xiao Zi saw that she was about to leave, so she kindly gave her some dry food, but she closed the door very skillfully.

Just as Little Litty was about to say thank you, the door slammed shut.

The words of thanks were not spoken, and turned into, "Bah, dogs look down on people." Then he cursed and left.

 After she left, nothing changed in the family.

Murong Yun personally picked out a few servant women and maids, all of whom were honest local people.

Those people don't talk much, but they are practical and don't cheat. He also found the midwife in advance and kept her at home.

 Because the family has a large number of people, we simply upgraded our house to a larger two-story house.

Not only is the house magnificent, it is also well-equipped with guards and thugs. There are flowers, grass, fruit trees, and a place for children to play in the courtyard. It was suddenly transformed from a slum area to a wealthy area.

Sister Ying saw his generosity and secretly praised that he was indeed the richest businessman in the world. He was really rich.

Jing Han smiled, "Your A Jing is also rich, but he is busy and has no time to arrange these for you."

 In addition, the family courtyard was close to the military camp, so she was not given a different place.

The rich area is nice, but the neighbors on the left and right are not familiar with each other, so they didn’t change it for her.

 But now that they have a big belly, they really need to improve their environment.

Sister Ying counted the days and estimated that Sister Yang and the others would be arriving soon, so she asked Xiao Zi to go to the city gate every day to see if Sister Yang and the others had arrived.

Xiao Zi accepted the order and left with a smile.

Six months ago, Nuer came to the house to propose marriage. Sister Ying agreed and specially called Jing Shirong to come back and host the wedding for them.

It was only after they married Xiao Zi that they realized that Nuer was actually a junior general, not a servant, which was quite surprising.

When they got married, Nuer's family came to make a fuss, saying they did not agree with the marriage.

The reason for their quarrel was because they had arranged a marriage for Nuer. The girl was the eldest daughter of a landlord. Because she was ugly, she was not married at 20 years old. Finally, the landlord promised that as long as he would marry his daughter, he would marry him to a big house. The yard, and the gold.

As soon as the Nuer family heard about this good thing, they started to fight for it. After all, they all had many sons.

However, when the eldest lady saw the sons, they were not satisfied and thought they were not handsome.

After being rejected, a relative of the Nuer family refused to give up and thought of Nuer.

Although that boy is not tall, he is handsome.

So they took the eldest lady to take a peek at Noor, and it really happened.

The eldest lady thought that Noor's hard work was charming, so she said she would marry him.

For the sake of gold, the Nuer family got together and wanted to bring Nuer back to marry the eldest daughter of the landlord's family.

Who would have thought that Noor would actually get married, and she would be marrying a maid.

They didn't agree, so they came to make trouble and called Noor's grandfather.

Nur was naturally unwilling, so he said that he had broken away from them and it was not their turn to decide on his marriage.

 The Nur family refused to give up, so they made a big fuss at their wedding and even wanted to beat up people.

Jing Shirong looked at them coldly and cursed them, saying that they were vixens and not serious, and that Nuer had no conscience and was unfilial.

When they were about to start, he stood up tall, grabbed the whip from his waist, and swung it with a "snap~" sound.

His whip was filled with internal force. Although it hit the ground, the internal force was so great that the Nuer family members covered their faces in pain.

 “Ah, my face.”

They looked at Jing Shirong in the center of the hall with fear. When they saw that he was holding a dao in his hand, as if he was a Shura, they instinctively shrank their necks.

It was the elder Uncle Noor who came out to speak, "Who are you? How dare you hit us?"

Jing Shirong said coldly, "I am Nuer's master. Without my order, where do you want to take him?"

The Nuer family members looked at each other and said, "We will take him back to get married. After he gets married, we will redeem his body."

Jing Shirong glanced at them coldly, "What we signed is a death contract. You want to redeem him, just dream!"

His eyes are cold, his face is stern, he is tall, and he is not easy to mess with.

  The members of the Nuer family looked at each other and did not dare to act recklessly in the face of such a tough big man, so they tried to persuade him with kind words.

"Master, as long as you let Nuer go back and get married, we can give you three times the ransom."

Anyway, the eldest lady has money. As long as he loses Noor back and asks for money from the eldest lady, he won’t lose anything.

 (End of this chapter)

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