The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 743: , wants Noor to marry a daughter

Chapter 743: I want Nuer to marry a rich man

Jing Shirong glanced at them coldly, and just as he was about to say something, Xiao Zi couldn't bear to lift the red hijab.

 “Fuck your mother’s ass!”

“Why should I give my man to you?”

 Speaking, he directly asked the person who presided over the wedding to continue reciting the marriage vows.

Local weddings are different from those in the capital. Sister Ying thought that Nuer was a local, so she simply held the two weddings together.

First they worshiped the heaven and the earth, and then went through the wedding ceremony on Nuer's side.

After the speech was finished, Xiao Zi dragged Nuer up and went into the bridal chamber, leaving everyone stunned.


 “This, this, this”

Everyone was confused. They never expected this woman to be so fierce.

Jing Shirong even called the eagle in the sky and gestured to it, "Peck!" The eagle immediately chirped and shot at those people like arrows.

The members of the Nuer family were frightened by the two-meter-long flying eagle, especially when it pecked people with severe pain. "Ah, help." They ran around holding their heads in pain.

The eagle pecked it happily, and even called the female eagle to come over.

Originally, it didn't like this not-so-pretty female flying eagle, but there were no other female flying eagles here, so it just made do with it. It was just a useless eagle.

A male and a female just pecked the Nuer family members and ran away, and the courtyard became clean again.

The Nuer family members returned home with wounds on their faces. They were afraid that it would be difficult to explain, so they simply went to the landlord's house to complain, saying that Nuer was detained by Sister Ying and others, and they were beaten out. It was not that they did not let Nuer come over.

When the landowner heard this, he was naturally angry and took his men there overnight, preparing to **** his son-in-law.

Unexpectedly, Jing Shirong guessed that they would bring people and brought out troops to patrol early.

A whole row of tall and mighty troops stood at the gate, frightening the landowner so much that he did not dare to move.

Jing Shirong glanced at them with a smile on his face, "What? Do you want to come and cause trouble?"

 Having said that, let the army "move out!"

The strong and powerful army immediately formed a formation, with more than ten kilograms of sword frames in their hands drawn out, and the shining white blades were scary to look at.

The landlord was also very discerning. Seeing that this family could actually lead an army and that he was a general, he was not easy to mess with at first sight, so he immediately handed over and said, "It's us who are causing trouble."

 After saying that, he took his servants and ran away.

From now on, let alone looking for Nuer, I won’t even mention it.

When the relatives of the Nuer family found out, they were angry for a while. They felt that Nuer didn't know how to appreciate it, and it was a poor life to ask for a maid instead of such a good marriage.

Actually, Noor doesn’t care about this at all.

 He doesn’t care what his relatives think or what they think.

 All he wants is to live in peace.

If Jing Shirong didn't help him that day, he could actually solve it, but the process would be more troublesome.

But now it’s better, they all helped him, and he was moved in his heart.

 No wonder Xiao Zi trusts them so much, it turns out that this family is really good.

 Xiao Zi is happier.

 Actually, she doesn't care whether Noor is a young general or not. As long as she can marry him, she will be satisfied.

After three days of marriage, Noor had to leave.

The third princess asked him to do something, but he could only kiss her forehead and come back when he could.

Xiao Zi understood that his job was the same as that of his uncle, and was busier, so she kissed him and let him go.

 Although he only came back once a month, she was already satisfied.

Like today, she happily ran to the city gate to see if her young master and lady were here.

It happened that Brother Seng also saw her.

 He drove over and was very happy to see Xiao Zi, "Sister Xiao Zi?"

When Xiao Zi heard his voice, she didn't recognize it. When Brother Sen walked up to her, the face that looked like Liang Jin suddenly made her feel friendly, "Master?"

 Seng Geer nodded at her, "It's us."

Xiao Zi was very happy, "Great, you are finally here." Sister Yang also jumped down happily, "Oh my God, we are finally here."

Xiao Zi smiled and said, "Come on, come back with me. There are a lot of delicious food waiting for you at home."

Sister Yang was very happy and hugged her arm, "Let's go back and eat something delicious."

God knows she was afraid of eating solid food along the way, and she lost five pounds while riding.

Xiao Zi also noticed that she had lost weight, "Oh my god, how come the third lady is so thin? Did she eat solid food all the way?"

Sister Yang pursed her lips and began to complain, "We all took a shortcut here. There were no inns or hot meals on the way. I was almost exhausted, wuwu~"

Although I am whimpering, I am pretending to cry.

Xiao Zi felt distressed and touched her head, "Oh, poor Third Miss, stop crying. I'll prepare something delicious for you when I get back soon. Then I'll ask the cook to make something delicious for you every day, and then I'll be able to make up for it." came back."

Sister Yang swallowed her saliva and then she became happy, "Okay, okay, I want to eat a lot of delicious food."

 Xiao Zi smiled, "Yes, yes, yes."

 Seng Geer led the carriage and followed them, snorting disdainfully, "Glutty."

Sister Yang gave him a snort and said, "If you can, don't eat it."

 Seng Geer twitched his face, "Why do I listen to you?"


Seeing that they were about to quarrel again, Xiao Zi smiled and persuaded them to make peace, "Okay, okay, I see your mouths are peeling, I think you are thirsty, please stop arguing."

“Hurry up and get in the carriage and go back, I will lead the way.”

The two siblings did not object. They got on the carriage and asked Xiao Zi to drive. They soon arrived in the wealthy area.

Sister Yang opened the curtain and looked around, sighing, "Wow, the houses here are very special and beautiful. They are much different from those mud houses I saw just now."

Xiao Zi told her, "This is a wealthy area, so the houses are naturally better."

 Seng Geer also opened the curtain to take a look.

 They soon arrived in front of their house.

Xiao Zi led them in and shouted, "Miss, the third lady and the fourth young master are here."

Sister Ying was so happy that she hurriedly ran out.

 “Sister Yang? Brother Sen?”

 She trotted over with her belly puffed out.

 “Good guys, you are here.”

 She was worried about them along the way.

 Sister Yang happily rushed towards her, and just as she was about to hug her, she was stopped by Brother Sen with a sword.

 “What are you doing?”

Brother Sen pointed at Sister Ying’s belly and said, “Be careful.”

Sister Yang finally reacted, "Look at me, my memory."

“But sister, your belly looks so small, it doesn’t even look like you’re pregnant.”

Jinghan also came out after hearing this, "You guys are here."

Both Sister Yang and Brother Sen still remember her and call her politely, "Cousin."

The siblings looked at Jinghan's big belly, then at Sister Ying's belly, and looked at each other.

They all seem to be wondering, "Why are your bellies so big and small?"

 Didn’t we say that the months are only a few days apart? How come they are one big and one small?

Sister Ying said, “My belly is not small, but my belly is in good shape.

Her belly is long in the middle, round and pointed, and you can’t tell she has a belly from behind.

Jing Han’s belly is sideways, with the entire belly sideways.

 Because it is long horizontally, it looks bigger.

 (End of this chapter)

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