The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 744: , sister and brother reunited

 Chapter 744, sister and brother reunited

Jinghan smiled and said to himself, "Maybe a beautiful woman is beautiful when she's pregnant. Unlike me, who is a country person, my belly is like a big stew pot even when I'm pregnant, and there's no sense of beauty at all."

 After saying that, he laughed, amused by himself.

Others were also happy when they heard the words.

Sister Yang still had a sweet mouth and leaned over, "No, cousin, I'm not uncouth, and you're also very good-looking."

Jinghan laughed, feeling good about being praised.

Sister Ying saw that their mouths were peeling, so she quickly called them in, "Come in and drink sweet soup, you are thirsty."

 She asked her servants to bring them rock sugar water and a pot of sweet soup.

Sister Yang and Brother Sen were already very thirsty, so they were not polite and drank several bowls of it.

  After quenching his thirst, he silently leaned his swollen belly on the chair to rest for a while.

Seeing their rough journey, Sister Ying felt distressed, "You are tired. After a while, go and wash up, and have a good sleep at night."

Sister Yang hummed, looked at Brother Sen, and asked him, "Are you going to stay tonight?"

Brother Sen glanced at Sister Ying and finally nodded, "Have dinner and leave tomorrow."

Seeing that he was in such a hurry, Sister Ying asked, "Are you going to investigate the case?"

Brother Sen nodded, "Yes. There is a fugitive who escaped here and I just wanted to take a look."

Sister Ying nodded, "Okay, let's have dinner together that night and leave tomorrow."

 Having said that, quickly send someone to prepare dry food for Brother Seng.

 Seng Geer did not refuse her kindness. Anyway, her elder sister is like a mother, so her refusal was useless, so he let her go.

 The siblings sat down together and chatted.

Sister Yang came over to take Sister Ying’s pulse and asked about her physical condition.

“Sister, do you feel any discomfort after pregnancy?”

Sister Ying thought for a while, "I felt nauseated at first, but it got better later. Now my belly is neither big nor small. Apart from frequent urination, there are no other problems."

Jinghan, on the other hand, has given birth to three children, and her waist has begun to hurt.

Sister Yang also went to see Jinghan and give her a massage.

 She massaged her well, and Jinghan felt much better.

“It’s up to you to massage me, otherwise my waist will always feel uncomfortable.”

Sister Yang said, "I'll have your personal maid come over and learn how to do it. From now on, I'll give you the massage every now and then."

Jinghan couldn't get it, "That's great. I'm only six months old and my waist is weak. Fortunately, you're here."

Sister Yang didn’t expect that her arrival would be able to help them, and she felt particularly fulfilled.

“Don’t worry, cousin, I will stay until you finish giving birth before leaving. If you feel any discomfort during the period, please come to me.”

Jinghan nodded, "Okay."

Then she went to ask Sister Ying, "My brother-in-law said in the letter that he was afraid that the poison he had taken in the past would affect the child, so he asked me to take a good look at it."

“But now your symptoms seem to be quite normal, so I guess there’s nothing wrong with you.”

 After all, they got pregnant after detoxification, so it's probably fine.

Sister Ying thinks so too.

“He just loves to worry. If you say it’s okay, it must be okay.”

Sister Yang squatted down and carefully looked at her belly, "Can I touch it? Is the fetal movement strong now?"

Speaking of fetal movements, Sister Ying felt melancholy, "There are very few fetal movements. This child doesn't like to move for some reason."

Sister Yang stretched out her hand to cover it and waited for a while. Sure enough, she only kicked it once or twice, and then it was gone.

Sister Ying spread her hands and said, "Look, it really doesn't move."

Sister Yang guessed, "Maybe she's lazy."

Sister Ying said "Huh?" "No way? Is it because you are lazy?" That's why you don't want to move?

Sister Yang snorted and nodded, "Yes. Some children are just lazy and don't like to kick."

Sister Ying couldn’t laugh or cry, “Is this really the case?”

 At first, she thought that the baby wouldn't kick because she was young, so she asked Jinghan, and Jinghan also said that hers didn't move much, so she felt relieved.

 When I heard Sister Yang say this today, I laughed. Jinghan also said, "I don't move much either. I'm probably just like Sister Ying, who doesn't like to move."

Sister Yang was surprised and said, "That would be interesting."

 The two little guys are of the same month, but they are both lazy and don’t like fetal movements, which is also interesting.

Sister Ying also found it interesting, "I just don't know what will happen to them when the month gets older."

Sister Yang laughed and said, "We'll know when the time comes."

They chatted happily. In the evening, Sister Ying sent someone to find Jing Shirong and Murong Yun and asked them to come back for a reunion dinner.

Murong Yun was outside and couldn't make it in time. Jing Shirong happened to be free and came back.

 With him was Qi Yuanming.

This guy hasn't had a vacation for a long time. He was very happy when he heard Sister Yang coming. He immediately asked for leave and followed her.

They came back together. When they got home, Qi Yuanming was very enthusiastic and arrived before anyone else.

 “Sister Yang~~Brother Sen~~”

Sister Yang smiled when she heard the familiar loud voice, "Big guy?"

 She ran out with a smile on her face, obviously very happy.

 Seng Geer also followed, with a smile on his face.

Qi Yuanming has not seen them for almost two years. Now he saw them and he was very happy and hugged one in each hand.

 “Hey, you’ve both grown taller.”

Brother Sen didn’t want to hug him at first, but Qi Yuanming pulled him over and gave him a bear hug.

But he didn't break away, and nodded to Qi Yuanming, with a cool tone, "Brother Qi."

Qi Yuanming saw that he was a little cooler and complimented him, "You have strong muscles. You have practiced a lot of kung fu, haven't you?"

 Seng Geer shook his head modestly, "It's okay."

Qi Yuanming patted him on the shoulder, "I heard from Sister Ying that you are now a detective?"

 Seng Geer nodded, "Yes."

He didn't talk much. Qi Yuanming looked him up and down, and the more he looked at him, the more he felt that this kid had a lot of potential.

Sister Yang saw that he kept talking to Brother Sen and came over to find his presence.

“Big guy, I haven’t seen you in two years. You seem to have lost weight.”

Qi Yuanming took over and said, "Well, if you train those soldiers every day, you will lose weight."

 Now all the new soldiers are given to him, and the old soldiers are also given to him. He is exhausted.

However, it is very satisfying to see them making progress.

Sister Yang was very impressed and said, "Then you can take me to the military camp to see him some other time."

She hasn’t seen the military camp yet, and she’s very curious about what it’s like inside.

Qi Yuanming waved his hand, "I'm afraid this won't work. I'm afraid it won't be easy to get in if there's no festival."

Sister Yang sighed and did not persist, "That's good."

Qi Yuanming looked at her and gestured at her height with his hand, "You seem to be a little taller."

  It only reached his chest before, but now it has reached his shoulders, and it is quite tall.

Sister Yang smiled and said, "Yes, I am indeed quite tall."

 Among the girls from Jiangnan, she is considered the tallest one.

 Much taller than an average man.

But Qi Yuanming is 1.9 meters tall. Compared with him, she is indeed not tall.

Qi Yuanming laughed and rubbed her head, "But this face hasn't changed, it's still ugly."

 Sister Yang.

 “You said I’m ugly???”

This stinky guy, why do you still call her ugly?

 He said something about her a few years ago, but now he still calls her ugly. Is there really nothing wrong with his aesthetics?

Qi Yuanming saw her angry and laughed, "Idiot, I'm teasing you, hahaha~"

 (End of this chapter)

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