Chapter 745, Happy Party

Sister Yang rolled her eyes at him and said, "Huh, I won't tell you anymore."

 She is not cute at all and will bully her.

Qi Yuanming saw her leaving in anger and hurriedly chased her.

"Hey, don't leave. I didn't mean to do it. Please pay attention to me."

Sister Yang ignored him, snorted and ran to sit next to Sister Ying, not paying her a single glance.

Sister Ying saw this and asked, "What's the matter? Are you arguing when we just met?"

 I was quite happy just now.

Sister Yang pursed her lips, aggrieved, "He said I was ugly."

Every time they meet, he calls her ugly, which makes her doubt her life.

  Although she doesn’t like beauty very much, she doesn’t feel happy even if she is called ugly.

Seeing this, Qi Yuanming hurriedly explained, "Oh, I didn't mean that. I was joking with you."

Sister Yang doesn’t believe it.

“You just think I’m ugly! Huh, you’re not that good-looking yourself, and yet you still call me ugly. You’re the ugly one!”

 After saying that, he angrily buried himself in Sister Ying's arms and could not come out.

Qi Yuanming scratched his head. He didn't expect that a girl would be so difficult to offend, and he was so angry. If he had known better, he wouldn't have offended her.

"Sister Yang, I didn't mean it. I just saw that you suddenly became beautiful, so I said the opposite. In fact, I wanted to say that you have become beautiful, super beautiful, invincibly beautiful, the most beautiful in the world, you are Do not be angry."

Sister Yang snorted and almost laughed.

 She raised her head and looked at him, "Are you serious?"

Qi Yuanming was extremely sincere, "Yes, you are much more beautiful now than before. You have turned from an ugly duckling into a swan."

Sister Yang couldn't help but roll her eyes, "You mean I wasn't beautiful before?"

 Still an ugly duckling.

Qi Yuanming coughed and secretly said, "No, no, no, you are not the ugly duckling, I am."

Sister Yang covered her mouth and smiled, "Okay, I won't tease you anymore. You can go wash up and eat."

Qi Yuanming then laughed and went to wash his hands.

Jing Shirong also came in while chatting with Brother Sen, "Are the father-in-law, mother-in-law, and grandmother in good health?"

 Seng Geer replied, "Everything is fine, and grandma is fine too."

 “Are you still getting used to being in the military camp?”

Jing Shirong nodded, "I'm fine too, don't worry."

After the food was served, Sister Ying greeted them, "Come and eat quickly."

 “Just come.”

 After everyone was at the table, they began to eat lively.

Qi Yuanming saw a table of delicious dishes that were so hot that his appetite increased. He ate a piece of Dongpo pork first, and then a roasted pig's trotters. The more he ate, the more delicious they became.

Sister Yang looked at him as if he had been reincarnated because of starvation, so she asked, "Don't you have enough to eat even in the military camp?"

Qi Yuanming shook his head, "I'm full, but the food in the military camp is not so delicious. My mouth is almost like a bird."

 Before, I could still eat the lunch sent by Sister Ying.

But seeing that his group of soldiers were eating rotten food, he couldn't eat delicious food with peace of mind. In the future, he would not let Sister Ying give it to him, and would just eat the same food as those brats.

Sister Yang understood what she was saying and complimented her, "You are quite loyal."

Qi Yuanming was proud, "That's right."

"I don't have any other qualities, but I am one of the best in loyalty." He even boasted.

Sister Yang and others all laughed.

 “If I weren’t busy tomorrow, I’d like to have a drink.”

Such a good party, just eating food and not drinking is really not enough.

Sister Yang laughed and said, "Then we'll have a drink together when you guys are on holiday."

Qi Yuanming nodded, "Okay, let's drink together when the time comes."

After they finished chatting, they asked Brother Seng again, "Are you leaving tomorrow?"

 Seng Ge'er hummed coolly, "Yes."

Jing Shirong asked him, "Do you need help?" Brother Sen shook his head, "No, I can do it myself. If I need help, I will ask my brother-in-law for help."

Jing Shirong nodded, "Okay."

The group of people finished their meal in a lively manner before going to rest separately.

At night Sister Yang came over to sleep with Sister Ying, but Jing Shirong took her out.

 It was rare for him to spend the night at home, so he couldn't let this little girl interfere.

Sister Yang was speechless and asked the sky, so she could only go back in despair.

After leaving his sister-in-law behind, Jing Shirong returned to the house and continued to hug Sister Ying. Touch her belly by the way.

“How is it? Sister Yang, have you checked your pulse?”

Sister Ying nodded, "I saw it and said it's okay. Don't worry."

Jing Shirong breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good."

 As long as the mother and child are safe, he can breathe a sigh of relief.

 He lowered his head and listened to his stomach, "Will the child still not kick you?"

Sister Ying nodded, "Yes, I won't kick. I'm too lazy."

“My cousin also said that she would not kick the child in her belly. Do you think these two children were born as lazy pigs?”

Jing Shirong raised his lips and smiled, "Don't say that, maybe they were playing in the middle of the night."

At that time, they were all sleeping to death, and they didn’t even know the child kicked them.

Sister Ying was surprised, "Really?"

 She didn't pay attention to this.

 After all, if you sleep to death, you will be like a pig. I really don’t know.

 She didn’t know, but Jing Shirong knew.

 Because he came back late at night every day, and Sister Ying was already asleep.

Every time he came back, he would kiss her first and then her belly, but found that the little guy in her belly would kick him every time he kissed her.

He kisses me again, and she kicks me again.

It wasn't until Sister Ying made a sound that he quickly stopped and said to the child in his belly, "Shh~ don't disturb your mother."

The little guy seemed to understand and stopped kicking.

At the end of the night the next day, he kissed the child as usual, and the child responded to him.

But this time Jing Shirong didn't kiss her a second time, for fear of waking up the child's mother.

Sister Ying didn’t know about this because she was sleeping deeply.

Hearing Jing Shirong say this tonight, he felt a little funny. He stretched out his hand and touched his belly, "I've run out of moisturizer. I'll go shopping with Sister Yang tomorrow."

 Otherwise, it will get bigger and the belly will be stretched out, which will make it itchy.

Jing Shirong nodded, "Okay, then walk slowly and watch the road."

Seeing how worried he looked, Sister Ying reassured him, "It's okay. Xiaozi walks in front of me every time, like an eagle protecting its chicks." No one could touch her.

 With Xiao Zi’s protection, Jing Shirong is also at ease.

“Okay, then you can take your time shopping and buy more of what you like.”

 The farm is now in a good shape, the lambs are all grown up, and the wool business will be started soon.

Murong Yun found a group of villagers in the local area to be responsible for shearing sheep.

The sheared wool is processed by local weavers, and the finished product is given to Murong Yun, who is responsible for selling it.

 With business sources, private money will naturally be available.

Jing Shirong didn’t care about the money and gave it all to Sister Ying.

Sister Ying saved the money carefully. There will be a lot of money for giving birth to children in the future.

 When winter comes, you can also make bacon, and the bacon will be easier to sell.

Jing Shirong indulged her, "It's okay. You can do whatever you want. As long as you're not tired, you can do whatever you want."

Since he couldn't stay with her at home every day, he just let her find something to do, so that she wouldn't get distracted by her thoughts.

Sister Ying liked his joy of being free with her. She hugged him and kissed him, "Thank you, sir, good night~"

 (End of this chapter)

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