Chapter 746: Want to relax

Jing Shirong also kissed her, "Good night~"

 On the second day.

Jing Shirong got up early and left.

 Seng Geer finished his meal and was ready to leave.

Xiao Zi hurriedly gave him the baggage, "Fourth Young Master, this is your baggage."

 It is full of delicious dry food.

 Seng Geer took it and felt it was heavy as soon as he lifted it.

 “What’s in it?”

Xiao Zi chuckled and said, "There are bacon slices, snacks, meat cakes, egg cakes, chicken cakes, and lotus root starch. You can eat it by just washing it with hot water."

 Seng Geer was ashamed, "So many?"

He opened the bag and saw that it was all food and some medicinal powders with standard uses.

This is my sister's style, it's exactly the same as his mother's.

 Brother Sen packed up his baggage and said, dumbfounded, "Then I'm leaving. You ask my sister to take good care of herself. I'll come see her when I have time."

Xiao Zi saw the smile on his face and said, "Don't worry, I will tell the eldest lady."

 Seng Geer nodded, said "drive~", and rode away.

Because Sister Yang was tired, she fell into a deep sleep as soon as she got into bed, and she slept until the afternoon.

Even after Sister Ying woke up, she was still sleeping.

After Sister Ying got up, she felt dazed for a while, then washed herself and went to have breakfast.

 Although it was almost noon when she got up, the first meal she ate was breakfast.

 Drink rice porridge ground from whole grains early in the morning, it is nutritious and refreshing.

 It comes with vegetables, steamed buns and fruits.

Jinghan can eat something now, so he comes out to eat with her.

 Both pregnant women have been eating relatively lightly recently, and they don’t seem to like eating meat anymore recently.

Summer is over, and there are already light snowflakes falling in the December sky.

 The snow seems to have come late this year, and the weather is not very cold yet.

 Two pregnant women chatted while eating.

Jinghan, "Aisali is getting married the day after tomorrow. What kind of gift do you think we should give?"

 Half a year ago, Heimu went to Asari's house to propose marriage. Now that the wedding is ready, the two of them will officially become husband and wife the day after tomorrow.

Neither of them has participated in this kind of traditional wedding with different customs, so they are quite curious.

Sister Ying said, "Otherwise, let's go to a neighboring country to buy it."

 They visited many jewelry stores here before, but they couldn't find anything they liked.

 Now it seems that I should go to neighboring countries to buy it.

Jinghan lowered his head and looked at their stomachs, "Are you going by carriage? It will take a whole day, right?"

 Two pregnant women were riding in a carriage. For their comfort, the coachman certainly did not dare to go too fast.

 If you don’t walk fast, it will be too late to get there.

 Plus we spent a long time shopping, it was already early in the morning when we got back.

Sister Ying thought for a while, "Early in the morning, it's better than no gift at all."

 It was okay to have uncomfortable pregnancy reactions before, but now I am feeling more comfortable in the second trimester, so it would be inappropriate not to buy a gift for Aishali.

The two of them said together, "Okay, let's bring more people with us this time."

 After all, safety is the most important thing when you are pregnant.

But I have to tell Jing Shirong and the others about this, so as not to get angry again if I don't tell them for a while.

They were either really angry with them, or they were worried that the two big-bellied women hadn't come back so late.

Jing Han said, "Then you tell A Jing, and I'll go tell my husband-in-law."


 The two of them went to inform each other's husbands, and got the same reaction. "No! Just ask someone to bring you whatever you want to buy. It's not safe for you to go there with a big belly."

Murong Yun just came back and saw that Jinghan wanted to take Sister Ying to a neighboring country, so he denied it without thinking.

Jinghan was unhappy, "My house is getting moldy every day when I'm closed. Why can't I go out to relax?"

 Before, I didn’t feel well enough to go out, but now I feel better and I really want to go out for a walk.

 Pregnant women also need to travel and relax.

 Otherwise, if you stay at home every day, you will always feel inexplicably depressed and lose your temper.

 Go out for a walk and release all your emotions, you will feel much better when you come back.

Murong Yun saw that she wanted to go out so much. He sighed and postponed the business to be discussed in the afternoon, "I understand, don't get angry. I will take you there later."

Since they are going to go, let them go, so as not to cry again later.

It's hard to be coaxed when you cry, it's a headache.

Jinghan glared at him, "How can I cry so much? Stop talking nonsense."

Murong Yun chuckled, "Yes, yes, you didn't."

I don’t know who ate a mouthful of meat three months ago and immediately vomited because of pregnancy, followed by crying as if he had lost the whole world.

Even after giving birth to three children, the emotions during pregnancy are still so unpredictable.

Jinghan coughed and refused to admit it.

“Sister Ying said, it’s called emotional catharsis, which means letting off steam. Just let it go.”

Murong Yun didn't argue with her and touched her arm, "Okay, I'll take you to eat some good food to make up for your loss tonight. I'll see if you lose weight."

Jinghan knew that he still loved her, so he agreed with satisfaction.

Sister Ying’s side is even more exaggerated.

 She originally sent a letter to Jing Shirong saying that she was going shopping in a neighboring country to pick out gifts.

As soon as he received it, he rushed back immediately.

 Seeing that he was covered in mud, he must have gone to training.

It was clearly December, but I was sweating, which showed how fast I ran.

The others sat on the horse and asked before they even got off the horse. "Are you going to a neighboring country?"

Sister Ying nodded, "Yeah, what's the matter?"

Jing Shirong looked at her belly, dismounted and talked to her about the situation.

"The eldest prince and the sixth prince have been fighting fiercely recently, and there are more patrols over there. You can go there now. If you meet the eldest prince, aren't you afraid that he will arrest you?"

Sister Ying pointed at her round and pointed belly, "I'm like this, why is he arresting me?"

I have heard of sacrificing beautiful women, but I have never heard of sacrificing pregnant women.

Jing Shirong scratched her straight nose, "Have you forgotten that I set the fire in his house?"

The eldest prince may not have noticed it at first, and would associate those bad things with the sixth prince, thinking that everything was done by the sixth prince.

 But if the two brothers fight a few more times, they will definitely find something fishy.

However, besides being ferocious, the eldest prince was not very clever.

That sixth prince had a plan, but his judgment was lacking.

The brothers have many shortcomings and cannot be said to be outstanding.

 This is what the third princess likes to see. After all, the neighboring prince is not outstanding, but it will still be beneficial to their situation in the future.

But if the eldest prince realizes that he is responsible for the matter, he will definitely come and cause trouble.

But now he is busy digging out the gold mines to sell them, and also has to prevent the Sixth Prince from stealing the gold mines, so he no longer has any extra energy to devote to them.

Sister Ying nodded, "Then what are you worried about?"

Since the eldest prince has no skills, he should rest assured.

Jing Shirong looked at her belly and said, "You have a little belly, you don't have a lot of meat on your body, and you got bumped after a while, who should I ask to reason with you?"

  Everyone becomes plump and fat during pregnancy, gaining at least twenty kilograms of flesh.

She is doing well. She has no fat at all at six months, her limbs are still as slender, and her belly is pointed and round, with no trace of fat at all.

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 (End of this chapter)

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