Chapter 747, the snobbish waiter

Sister Ying looked down at her chest and said mischievously, "Actually, there are still changes."

 At least the mountain front is plumper and more charming.

Jing Shirong followed his gaze and couldn't help but swallowed.

The way her throat rolled made Sister Ying smile.

"It doesn't matter if you don't take me with you. Brother Murong has already promised to take us."

 “Murong? Did he agree?”

That guy should be harder to talk to than him, why did he agree so easily?

Sister Ying pushed him away, "Brother-in-law Murong is very kind to my cousin. He obeys what he says. Who is like you? If you can't do this, you can't do that. I get upset just looking at you."

Jing Shirong chuckled and said, "Who did you learn these words from? You are not as soft as a young lady from Jiangnan."

  What are you doing every day? What are you looking at? I have gold on my face, and my mouth tastes like a piece of cake with a bit of an alien tone, which is weird.

Sister Ying doubted herself, "Really? I think it's normal. You said there's something wrong with you, so you're just talking nonsense."

 Jing Shi Rong.

He pulled her face with his big hand and lectured her, "Don't imitate this kind of speaking tone from others in the future. What's wrong with me? What's wrong with me?"

 Besides, there’s no way anyone can say there’s anything wrong with a man.

 When the time comes that something is really wrong with him, she won’t even have time to cry.

Sister Ying laughed, it was not unreasonable, so she stopped saying this.

"Okay, let's go. We will go out with my cousin in a while."

Jing Shirong felt much more at ease when Murong Yun was there.

"Okay, since Murong is with you, you can go ahead and buy as much as you like. Pick out whatever you like. You and I have money."

 Speaking, he gave her all the military pay he had just received.

Sister Ying took the money bag and weighed it in the store, "Uh, thank you, sir."

 This little military pay is really not enough to buy anything.

But that’s okay, it was his intention, so he accepted it.

She hugged Jing Shirong and looked up at him, "What do you want to eat? I'll buy it for you."

Jing Shirong thought for a while, "I want to eat beef noodles. You can bring a pot and bring two bowls back to me."

It is most convenient to buy noodles, which saves her from having to spend time buying other things for him, so it is better to make the request herself.

When Sister Ying heard about the beef noodles, she nodded in assurance, "Don't worry, I will definitely buy it for you, and then you can eat as much as you like."

Jing Shirong smiled when he saw her silly look, lowered his head and kissed her nose.

 “So good.”

"Then I'll leave first. Come back early, otherwise I will worry."

Sister Ying also kissed him and said, "I will."

Jinghan came over at this time and happily pulled her, "Let's go shopping."

Sister Ying smiled, put on her hat and got into the carriage immediately.

Murong Yun was with them, and the driver drove the carriage with ease.

What we are making today is Murong Yun’s carriage. The carriage is very wide and the carriage is covered with soft cushions, making it very comfortable to sit on.

Moreover, the driver is also a master, and his driving skills are very stable. There was no big shake along the way.

After arriving at the streets of neighboring countries, the coachman took them to the most famous local jewelry store.

 “Madam, we’re here.”

 The driver stopped the carriage and put footstools for them.

Murong Yun went down first, helped them out of the carriage, and asked them, "Do you want to go shopping by yourself, or should I accompany you?"

Jinghan said, "Come together, otherwise you will be asked to leave again later."

It's rare to go out together, so we must go shopping together, otherwise Murong Yun will definitely leave again if something happens later. Even though Jing Han never looks for Murong Yun, he actually likes to be with him in his heart.

Murong Yun remembered that he had not been with her for the past month, so he hummed and went in with them.

As soon as the three of them entered, they saw the magnificent decoration of the store.

The waiter saw a customer coming in at the door and came over with a smile. However, he saw three men and women dressed in gray and ordinary clothes. They looked like poor people without money and immediately did not want to receive them.

When the three Ying sisters saw this, they were not angry and walked in slowly by themselves.

 The waiter is new here and is usually very snobbish.

He came here to work as an errand because of his relationship with the shopkeeper. He is usually very enthusiastic towards the guests who wear gold and silver, but he is not cold to ordinary people.

 After all, those ordinary people have to negotiate the price when they come to buy things, and they don’t get rewarded. Every time they sell, they are in bad luck.

So when he saw Sister Ying and her three children wearing gray clothes, he knew they were poor.

Especially because they have nothing on their heads, just a worthless wooden hairpin, no earrings or necklaces, and I don’t know that they have no money to buy anything? Naturally, he is not willing to pay attention to it.

But there was no one in the store at this time, and he couldn't stand still, lest he would be scolded by the boss.

Hence, the waiter curled his lips and followed them with a look of disdain.

Sister Ying and Jing Han were quickly attracted by the beautiful jewelry and reached out to take it out to try on.

The waiter quickly closed the display box.

"This is a ruby. It's very valuable. Don't break it."

Jinghan and Sister Ying looked at each other, speechless.

“Isn’t the thing you are showing just for people to try on? Since it can be tried on, can it be broken easily?”

 If it is a fragile item, the store will not take it out.

If you dare to take it out, you can definitely give it to guests to try on.

The waiter didn’t expect that she knew this, so she coughed and argued, “Every time a customer tries it on, we have to adjust it with our hands. We can’t just do it by ourselves.”

“If you bump into it, you will have to pay three times the compensation.”

This sentence of triple compensation was extremely serious, as if to warn her that she could not afford the compensation and leave immediately.

Sister Ying raised her eyes, glanced at him, said nothing, and continued to pull Jing Han to the second floor.

Seeing that they dared to go to the second floor, the waiter ran over to stop them.

 “Alas, alas, where are you going?”

Sister Ying said calmly, "Let's go up and take a look. Your house is open for business, but you actually turn away customers?"

The waiter looked down upon him and said, "What you said is wrong. We are not rejecting guests, but there are distinguished guests upstairs. We should inform you after you come in advance. You are late, so we can only wait until next time to go up."

Sister Ying raised her eyebrows with a meaningful look in her eyes, "Oh? Really?"

 “You mean, you can’t buy the second floor?”

Hearing her arrogant tone, the waiter in the store chuckled, "I can buy it, but other customers may have finished buying it, so it will be out of stock. How about you come next time?"

Sister Ying still nodded calmly and asked him, "Do you still have the most expensive jewelry store near you?"

The waiter glanced at her disdainfully and saw that she was wearing a bamboo hat and a gauze hat. She couldn't see her face, but she could see that her figure was a bit chubby and not beautiful even if she thought about it.

Coupled with her arrogant tone, she seemed to be angry with him and wanted to go to the most expensive jewelry store.

The waiter in the shop smiled sarcastically, "If you really want to go to an expensive jewelry store, you don't have to go far. There's one right across the street."

That store actually belongs to them, but the price is more expensive.

 The boss means that the two stores are open across from each other. If you want moderate prices, come here.

 If you want something more expensive, go to the one opposite.

 (End of this chapter)

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