The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 748: , go buy it across the street

Chapter 748, go buy it from the opposite side

Sister Ying went downstairs and looked at the jewelry store opposite. The facade was indeed very exquisite.

So she didn't stop and pulled Jinghan to get ready to go.

Before leaving, she turned back, raised the corners of her mouth like a fox, and said to the waiter, "Since you kindly reminded me, let's go over and buy more."

After saying that, he took Jinghan and went directly to the house opposite.

The waiter at the shop was shocked when he saw her show off, "How dare you say that, you're such a poor thing."

 If you buy more, you will lose if you can afford it.

 It means you may have been kicked out before you even entered.

 The waiter opposite is much more snobbish than him.

He walked to the door and looked across quietly, wanting to see Sister Ying and the others being driven out.

Unexpectedly, the waiter did not drive the three people out. Instead, he nodded and bowed and respectfully invited them in.

The waiter was confused, "Is Zhang San crazy? Why did you invite those three poor guys in?"

Do you think they can't afford jewelry?

But it’s snowing and foggy today, and the rich lady didn’t come out. I guess Zhang Sancai is not as enthusiastic about the business.

But what about enthusiasm? Even if a poor guy buys something, he can only buy one thing at most, and there is no reward, so he can make a lot of money.

 The waiter at the shop stood by the door with great interest, wanting to see how they were doing there.

 But the three of them had entered the store and he could not see clearly. He could only stand on tiptoes and crane his neck to see.

Sister Ying and Jing Han didn't take the waiter seriously at all. As soon as they entered the store, they felt that the things here seemed to be better.

This shopkeeper named Zhang San introduced them to them enthusiastically.

“Madams, do you want to see necklaces, earrings, or hairpins today? We have matching ones. How about I get you a complete set to try?”

Sister Ying nodded, "Okay, bring them all over and take a look."

 As soon as Zhang San heard this generous tone, he knew that these three people must have full pockets.

He has been working in this store for seven or eight years. He has a special knowledge of the materials of clothes worn by rich people. He can tell at a glance who is rich and who is poor.

Although the three people in front of me are wearing ordinary clothes, their styles don’t look special.

But the materials of the clothes worn by these three people are all tribute-level.

The cold-proof cloak, from stitching to weight, was made by a top-notch embroiderer stitch by stitch. There were no pleats on the body and not a single thread on the hem.

Moreover, when the two ladies came in, they both had a faint fragrance on their bodies. It was obvious that they were all using fine incense.

From hearing this, don’t you know that these three people are rich people?

Zhang San was still wondering why such a good customer came from the opposite side? Could it be that the goods on the other side don't look good?

I think so. They are so low-key, but they are rich, so they must have good vision.

So he smiled and asked someone to pour them hot tea, invited them to sit down, and then went to get the most expensive and best jewelry set in the store.

Sister Ying saw that the jewelry boxes he brought over were very gorgeous and made her feel very comfortable.

 Zhang Sanyi opened the box with a respectful expression, and faced the jewelry to Sister Ying and Jing Han, "Madams, please take a look. This is a pure gold carved walking stick that just arrived at the store this morning. It is matched with a delicate gold bracelet."

“Because this solid gold carved step is already gorgeous, the bracelet is very simple and delicate, and the bracelet ring is specially made thin to match the beauty of the step, so that the combination is exquisite and eye-catching.”

Sister Ying and Jing Han looked at the solid gold engraved walking suit, which was indeed very exquisite.

  Step is gorgeous and swaggering, but the bracelets and necklaces are very thin.

The two things perfectly combine ostentation and low-key, which is really beautiful. The matching concept is also very good.

I originally thought that people here like thick gold necklaces and gold bracelets, but I didn’t expect that expensive shops still have design concepts. I don’t blame them for being expensive.

 Zhang San saw that they were satisfied and showed them the second set of jewelry with a smile.

“Madam, please look at this set of long white jade camellia hairpins, which are particularly fresh and elegant.”

The white camellias carved from mutton-fat white jade are lifelike, and the color alone looks particularly gentle and charming. When paired with a set of fairy apricot or cyan long skirts, it becomes even more graceful. Sister Ying and Jing Han nodded at the same time, obviously they liked this.

The remaining set is a ruby ​​headdress, not a hairpin, but a ruby ​​headband hanging between the forehead.

The gem is neither big nor small, but it still looks cute and cute when placed between the eyebrows.

 Especially it is matched with two large ruby ​​earrings, which look particularly bright and bold.

 The three sets have their own styles and are all very good.

Jinghan asked Sister Ying, "Which outfit should I choose?"

 They didn't tell Asari about the gift, they were planning to give her a surprise.

But according to Asari’s preferences, she would probably like rubies.

 She likes to dress herself up red and look pretty and lively.

 This set of rubies suits her very well.

Jinghan nodded, "Okay, let's do this."

As for the white camellia set, the two women asked at the same time.

 “Do you still have that set of camellias?”

 “Do you still have that set of camellias?”

 The two looked at each other and smiled.

Sister Ying gave in to her, "My cousin likes it, so I'll give it to you. I have a lot at home."

Jinghan also gave in, "I'll give it to you. You're good-looking, so you're the most suitable for this set."

Sister Ying was also modest, "No, no, no, my cousin is good-looking too. This suit suits my cousin very well."

 Zhang San watched them give in and said with a smile, "Two ladies, this set of white jade camellia hairpins and a set of light pink ones, I will give them to you for a few tribulations."

 Having said that, quickly go upstairs to get it.

 After taking it, quickly open it and show it to them.

"You see, this kind of light pink is rare in our area. The shopkeeper originally planned to bring it out next month. But I think the two ladies really like it, so I decided to take it upon myself to make the decision. You two can see See if you like it.”

 When the wooden box was opened, Sister Ying and Jing Han saw a set of light cherry blossom pink headbands placed on the exquisite silk cloth.

 Compared with the brilliant white camellias, this pink flower is obviously smaller.

 If you look closely, you can see that the two types of flowers are different.

 The earrings are also light pink, in the shape of water droplets, with a bit of crystal clear white on top and light pink underneath.

The chain is long and thin, with light pink water drop beads hanging down from the ear chain, which looks particularly delicate and beautiful.

Jinghan and Sister Ying both like it very much.

 But there should be only one set.

 Now I don’t know what to choose.

Sister Ying suggested, “Why don’t you give it a try.”

 “Is there a mirror?”

 Zhang San smiled and said, "Yes, yes, please come over here. Do you want to put it on yourself, or let the little one put it on for you?"

 Some ladies don’t like waiters to help, while others don’t care and don’t even take waiters like them seriously.

Judging from the temperament of these two ladies, it seems that they belong to a wealthy family, so it would be more appropriate to ask.

 (End of this chapter)

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