Chapter 749: Rushing to pay the bill

Sister Ying looked at the mirror in front of her, smiled and waved to the waiter, "It's okay, we'll do it ourselves."

 Of course you have to do it yourself to feel accomplished when wearing headgear.

The feeling of inserting a beautiful hairpin into your hair is super refreshing.

 The two looked at each other and took off their gauze hats first.

 Zhang San came to pick up the gauze hats for them with a keen eye, "Here's the little one for you."


Sister Ying handed him the gauze hat and gave him a piece of silver.

 Zhang Sanyi was happy and thanked with a smile, "Thank you, Madam."

As soon as I raised my head, I saw the face that was full of water, and every movement of its brows was charming.

Zhang San was stunned for a moment, but she didn't expect that a woman dressed in ordinary ready-made clothes would actually have such a charming face.

 Looking at the side next to her, although she is not as stunning as this one, she is still pretty.

Jinghan also gave Zhang San a piece of silver and asked Zhang San to wait for a while while they wore these two sets of jewelry.

Zhang San stepped aside respectfully. Although he was stunned by the beauty, his professionalism was still there, so he stepped aside respectfully.

Sister Ying looked at the two sets of jewelry and asked Jinghan, "Which set should I wear first, cousin?"

 “Let’s try them all.”

She is not a great beauty to begin with. When buying jewelry, she has to try it on to see if it suits her.

Sister Ying asked Zhang San to bring the gold set and let Jing Han try it on too.

Jinghan tried them all one by one, and finally found that Jin Buyao was the one that suited her.

She was depressed, "A Jing is so good-looking, why don't I look like the Jing family?"

Especially her ideal self should be gentle, charming, and charming.

It is best to wear any kind of jade that can set off her freshness and beauty.

 It's a pity that she doesn't seem to be suitable for this kind of fresh and elegant jade, and it doesn't look good no matter how she wears it.

Jinghan was speechless and asked the sky. If he didn't give up, he asked Sister Ying to sit down and give her a try.

She first took the white jade camellia hairpin. The white jade petals on it were carved lifelike, and each flower pattern was crystal clear and white, which was particularly beautiful.

Sister Ying wore nothing on her head because she had to wear a hat. She inserted white jade camellias horizontally into her black and clean bun, which instantly improved her overall temperament.

 Gentle, elegant, and generous.

Jing Han clicked his tongue twice, his eyes filled with surprise, "It's not me, but with your looks, I also like you as a woman, let alone a man."

 After saying that, he pinched the person’s face in a sly manner.

Sister Ying's appearance was originally a bit delicate, but when she was paired with a white jade camellia hairpin, she suddenly became gentle, like a gentle young lady picking flowers under the tea tree in the morning in the mountains.

Especially when worn together with white jade earrings, it really looks particularly pure.

This kind of pure and lustful appearance is really awesome.

Jinghan was so envious that he once again took advantage of others.

The remaining set of cherry blossom pink ones also looks good, but it doesn’t fit well when Sister Ying wears them.

 She is a pregnant woman after all, her face is somewhat swollen.

 Although it is not obvious, there is still a change in temperament.

Sister Ying knew that she was not suitable for this set of cherry blossom powder, but she bought it together.

“This set is for Sister Yang. I didn’t give her a gift in time for her hairpin, so I will make up for it this time.”

When Jinghan heard this, he immediately went to choose a set of noodles and planned to give them to Sister Yang.

As for Jinghan, he ordered two sets of gold-carved jewelry.

 “That’s all.”

 Zhang San was so happy that she couldn't help but smile when she saw them buying so much at once, "Are you sure you want all of them?"

 These sets of noodles are not cheap.

Sister Ying nodded, "I need them all, please wrap them up for me."

 Zhang San confirmed that what they said was true and hurriedly took them to the counter.

“You two, please come over here.” Sister Ying took out her banknote to pay the bill first and wanted to buy it together.

Jinghan stopped her, "No, no, no, no, I'll come."

Sister Ying also stopped her, "No, no, no, I'll come."

She has been living at Jinghan's house for the past few months, eating, drinking and having **** at his house, so she naturally wants to repay her favor.

Jinghan said, "What nonsense are you talking about? The fruits and snacks we eat every day are all bought by Ajing."

 Including the meat at home and the children's toys, Jing Shirong had people deliver them every now and then, without any expense.

Murong Yun was also generous to his brothers. Whenever he saw clothes of good quality, he would buy two sets of them. Sister Ying and her son Jinghan each had one set.

Shoes, cloaks, as long as the material is comfortable and it doesn’t matter whether it looks good or not, just buy it.

 Both couples are grateful. Whatever good things the other party buys for them, they try to return them.

 The people who know how to pay are also rushing to buy.

“Cousin, don’t grab it. I’ll do it. Just let me buy it once.”

  Previously, Jing Han treated me to guests when I went shopping, but this time she treated me to everything.

But Jinghan said, "Those things to eat are nothing, they are only a few taels of silver, but what you have is tens of thousands of taels."

Sister Ying pushed her hand and said, "It's okay. Although my family is not as wealthy as yours, we can still afford tens of thousands taels."

 “Cousin, just let me pay.”

Jinghan didn't want to, so he grabbed her hand and said, "No, we have been living at your house and eating at your house every day since we arrived. How can I ask you to pay again?"

 Besides, Sister Ying not only entertained her, but also helped her take care of her son every day.

Brother Zheng and Brother Yuan rarely like a relative. Every day they call their aunt and uncle, which shows that Sister Ying treats them well.

 She felt uncomfortable every day during the first trimester of pregnancy. It was Sister Ying who helped her take care of the children and taught them to read and write. These kindnesses are incomparable.

Sister Ying never remembered these things, but she remembered how kind Jinghan and his wife were to her and Jing Shirong.

The two of them couldn't argue. Finally, Murong Yun, who was drinking tea and watching a show, came over and took a banknote from each of them.

 “Okay, split equally.”

half each.

Jinghan glared at him, "Why are you so stingy!"

It’s only tens of thousands of taels, so she can’t afford it.

Murong Yun retorted, "Ah Jing is not short of money, so you don't need to pay."

 He is the richest man in the world, and Jing Shirong must be at least the third or fourth.

 The reason why he was not ranked second was mainly because he had not had time to take care of business in the military camp in the past few years, so he was naturally surpassed by others.

But he will help manage it when he has time. After all, his brother has a lot of money, so it won't hurt him.

Murong Yun quickly paid the bill with quick eyes and hands, then picked up the wrapped jewelry box and told them, "Let's go, I'm not going to buy beef noodles."

The children at home also asked for beef noodles, and Murong Yun wanted to eat it himself.

Sister Ying remembered that Jing Shirong wanted to eat beef noodles, so she forgot about it and hurriedly followed her.

Jinghan was also hungry. He held his stomach and called Murong Yun, "Why don't you help me?"

Murong Yun then came over and helped her along.

 Zhang San sent them out with a smile, and continued to see them off at the door, "You three, go slowly, welcome to come again next time."

 The waiter at the store opposite saw that the three people really bought a big bag, and his eyes widened in surprise.

He really couldn't believe that these three poor guys actually bought it?

 There’s nothing fishy in it, right?

 He waited for the carriage to go far away, then hurried over to ask Zhang San.

“Those three people really bought jewelry?”

 Zhang San nodded, "Yes, I bought five sets."

 (End of this chapter)

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