The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 750: , a snob must also be literate

Chapter 750: Snobbery must also be educated

The waiter in the shop was surprised, "Five sets? No way?"

Those three people don’t look like rich people.

 Zhang San knew that he had only been here a month, was snobbish and didn't know how to read people, so he snorted.

"I have to thank you for sending them here. The five sets they bought are packed, but the new ones that just arrived are very valuable, costing tens of thousands of taels."

 Usually, there are only two taels of ordinary hairpins.

The color texture is relatively ordinary jade, and it is 15 to twenty -two.

But those were bought by ordinary bosses.

 The main products in their store are exquisite and out of print.

There is almost only one version of each set of jewelry. Both the texture and color are excellent, so the price is much more expensive.

 Normally, guests only buy one set when they come.

 Maybe buy two sets occasionally.

It is not common for the two women to buy five sets at once, especially because they are all expensive.

 The waiter felt so regretful that he wanted to hit the wall.

 “How much did they buy in total?”

 Zhang San proudly gestured to him with his fingers.

 “Almost one hundred thousand taels!”

He will be rewarded for these one hundred thousand taels. The shopkeeper will definitely reward him with silver when the time comes. As for the amount, it may range from one hundred to five hundred taels.

 One hundred taels is very wealthy for ordinary people.

 Zhang Sansan was very happy and patted the waiter on the shoulder, "Good brother, if you have such customers in the future, please give me more recommendations."

 The waiter looked at him with a troubled expression, "Are you kidding me?"

Zhang San said, "How can it be possible? If it weren't for you today, I wouldn't be able to make this money."

The waiter regretted his mistake and asked Zhang San bravely, "How did you know they would buy it? The three of them are obviously dressed in such shabby clothes."

 Zhang San looked at him speechlessly, "In our line of work, you can't do it without seeing good things."

“You don’t even know the basics of clothing materials, how can you tell whether a customer has money?”

 Not every guest likes exaggerated and gorgeous things.

 Some of them like to be dusty and don’t wear any headgear at all, they just want to be clean.

“And not only the clothes, you also have to look at the guests’ manners, their temperaments are all different.”

 Children from wealthy families have grown up under etiquette education since childhood. Their posture, walking, including the placement of their hands, have been strictly trained and implemented for a long time.

Children who grow up under this kind of etiquette behave very well, and they are not ordinary people at first glance.

But he won’t teach the waiter these things.

If the waiter in the shop learns how to teach his apprentices to starve to death in the future, he will be at a loss.

 He needs to make good money now so that he can buy a yard and marry a wife in the future.

 “Okay, I’m busy, let’s go first.”

The waiter in the shop saw him say a few words and then left. He said, "What, you are looking down on others." But he forgot that he was looking down on others just now.

Sister Ying and the others took a carriage to buy beef noodles. Because they were afraid of going back too late, they didn't eat here. Instead, they bought soup and beef and poured them into a big pot. They also bought dry noodles and cooked them when they went back.

The soup was so fragrant that the three people in the carriage couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

The carriage was walking steadily on the road. Sister Ying opened the curtain, trying to disperse the smell, otherwise she would always drool.

 When he opened the car curtain, he saw the figure of the eldest prince. He was startled and hurriedly lowered the car curtain.

Jinghan asked, "What's wrong? Who did you see?"

Sister Ying, "the eldest prince."

Jinghan patted her hand and said, "It's okay, he won't notice."

Sister Ying was not afraid, but asked Murong Yun, "Will the eldest prince selling gold mines make neighboring countries richer?"

 In fact, if the kings of neighboring countries have no ambitions, there is nothing wrong with making them rich.

If he has that ambition and still wants to build borders, then it will not be a good thing for them to get rich.

Murong Yun calmly drank a cup of tea and told her, "Getting rich is a good thing, but it is also a bad thing."

Sister Ying understands.

 Gold mines can indeed make fortunes, but they can also lead to infighting among princes. Princes from neighboring countries are all very ambitious people. Unlike the princes in the capital who are ambitious in their hearts, they have to behave like brothers and sisters.

 But the princes of neighboring countries are different. If they want the throne, they will fight for it without leaving any room.

Their father also liked to watch them fight and thought that such people were real men.

This time the gold mine is such a huge pile of wealth, although it can make neighboring countries rich, but the princes all want a share of the pie, and the eldest prince refuses to give it, so there will naturally be internal fighting.

 When princes fight among themselves, one of them will be injured or suffer a heavier price.

Murong Yun knew all this and would not participate.

 He only helps sell gold mines and earns the middle price difference.

The money was not given to him, but to the emperor.

But he can do it himself, after all, he doesn’t do business without money.

A bunch of children in the family want to raise, and the daughter -in -law is generous.

After hearing his analysis, Sister Ying asked, "What if they suddenly unite?"

Murong Yun smiled calmly, "Don't worry, your husband will not let them unite."

Jing Shirong and the others did not want to fight, so some issues had to be resolved from the root.

 It is naturally a good thing to destroy the unity of several princes from neighboring countries.

 They are busy fighting among themselves, so naturally they don’t want to fight.

Without a war, there would be no displaced people and no soldiers riddled with holes.

Sister Ying was a little moved and sniffed, feeling that being a general was actually not easy.

 Being really concerned about the country and the people.

 Oh, now I still have to worry about her and the children.

 It was dark when I got home, and it was snowing heavily in the sky.

 The two little pregnant women were already very sleepy and fell asleep immediately after returning home.

Since they had snacks on the way, Murong Yun didn't call them and just let them go to sleep.

Jing Shirong didn’t come back at night because he had something to do.

Sister Yang woke up in the afternoon and found that there was no one at home. The children had gone out to play, and Jinghan and the others had also gone out. She yawned and went back to sleep.

So the whole family went to bed.

 To the next day.

 Sister Yang was the first to wake up.

 Because of the long journey, I was so tired that I slept all day and all night.

Now that I have made up for my sleep, my bones are about to fall apart.

 Xiao Zi went to get her bath water and let her soak.

When Sister Ying and the others woke up, the kitchen began to cook beef noodles.

 The soup from yesterday is still there, it will be cooked now, and it will be particularly delicious.

 Sister Yang's mouth is watering just by smelling it.

Sister Ying also woke up from hunger.

 Including the children, they are all greedy and want to eat beef.

 The noodles are cooked in the kitchen and each person has a big bowl.

 The people at the table began to gulp down the noodles, forgetting to say anything.

When they are full and full, everyone will be satisfied and say "ah~" and put down their bowls and chopsticks.


 “Sister, how do you make this side?”

“I bought it from a street in a neighboring country. I will take you there to play next time when the weather is better.”

Sister Yang hummed and felt her belly, which felt a little full.

“Before you said there was a farm or something here, take me to see it.”

Sister Ying nodded, "Okay, I'll take you to see it later."

  Good night*^O^*



 (End of this chapter)

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