Chapter 751, Kawuli meets Sister Yang

After eating and resting for a while, Sister Ying took Sister Yang to see the farm in a carriage.

Because it’s snowing and the roads are slippery, I’m afraid of slipping while walking, so I might as well take a leisurely ride in a horse-drawn carriage.

Sister Yang stuck her head out to look at the scenery, feeling that the scenery was really different in every place.

This is like looking at the scenery. I was so busy and exhausted before, and there was no point in going far away.

This is the best way to go. Take your time and enjoy the scenery along the way. It’s really pleasant.

 At this time, Kawuli came back from doing business and came towards him on horseback.

 Because it was snowing and the road was foggy, Kawuli also rode very slowly.

The two people passed by each other, their eyes met, and they both saw each other.

Kawuli's eyes flashed with surprise. He never expected that such a clear water hibiscus, a sunny beauty with bright eyes and white teeth would appear on this street.

He was tired of looking at the local beauties, but he didn't expect women from out of town to be so pure and beautiful.

He couldn't help but take a second look. It wasn't until the carriage was far away that he came back to his senses and asked the servant, "Whose carriage does that belong to?"

The servant replied, "He belongs to Murong's family."

 “Murong Yun?”

Didn’t Murong Yun only have one wife? Who is that girl?

Could it be that she is Murong Yun’s concubine?

 It would be such a pity if this is the case.

The servant asked, "Do you want me to check it out?"

 Kawuli waved his hand, "No need."

Murong Yun now has a business deal with him, so there is no need to check him out, lest he make the other party dissatisfied.

 Let’s ask about this later when we get together next time.

 This head.

Sister Yang also clicked her tongue twice when she saw Kawuli, "Sister, did you see that young man just now? He's quite handsome."

Sister Ying smiled and said, "He is quite handsome. His name is Kawuli and he is very popular in the local area. He is the target of many girls."

Sister Yang nodded, "With his appearance, it's normal for him to be popular."

Seeing that there was no nymphomaniac expression on her face, Sister Ying smiled and said, "Don't you like Kawuli's type?"

Sister Yang shook her head, "I don't feel anything."

Logically speaking, her age is when she is most in love, but this girl doesn't seem to be interested in young and handsome men. She tinkers with herbal medicine all day long, but she doesn't seem to like anyone.

It’s no wonder Mrs. Wu was worried that she didn’t want to get married, she didn’t want to get married, she just wanted to go out and play every day, who could she marry.

Sister Yang smiled and said, "You and mother are exactly the same. If I don't like men, I'm worried that I won't get married. If I do, but I'm afraid that I'll be cheated, both of you will worry about your life."

Sister Ying pulled her ear and scolded her, "I think you just have itchy skin."

“Originally, I planned to take you to attend the local rich man’s wedding tomorrow, but now that you are so unbehaved, I won’t take you there.”

When Sister Yang heard that there was a wedding, she asked in surprise, "Is the local food delicious?"

 The two sisters are similar in this respect, they like to eat delicious food.

Sister Ying nodded, "Of course. The mutton noodles, haggis soup, fried rice noodles and roasted mutton here are all delicious."

The fruits are also very sweet and the preserved fruits are delicious.

Sister Yang's mouth watered when she heard this, "Then what delicious food should we have for dinner?"

Sister Ying, "What do you want to eat? Fried rice noodles? Spicy."

Sister Yang nodded greedily, "If you want, you can eat this later."

Sister Ying touched her head with her big hand and said, "Okay."

 After arriving at the farm, the green grassland was covered with a layer of white frost, but the cattle and sheep could still find grass to eat.

 Because the herdsmen here are experienced, they have stocked up on hay, and they know how to take the cattle and sheep to another mountain to graze, so they don’t have to worry about the cattle and sheep going hungry.

Seeing that these cattle and sheep were all well, Sister Ying took Sister Yang to the chicken coop to have a look.

 The cages in the chicken coop are also equipped with quilts so that the chickens, ducks and geese will not freeze to death while sleeping at night.

Chicken and duck eggs are also being produced one after another, and the food in the military camp can keep up. After patrolling, Sister Ying took Sister Yang to the street to eat fried rice noodles.

 The two of them ate directly in the store, which was quite objectionable.

 “I want two portions of fried rice noodles, one spicy and one not spicy.”

Sister Yang can eat spicy food and loves spicy food. Sister Ying can't eat spicy food lately. She always feels like she's going to get angry, so she doesn't add spicy food.

The two of them ordered two more bowls of soup, rubbed their hands and drank the soup first.

 The soup is made from mutton bones and is very fragrant.

 After the rice noodles were served, Sister Yang opened her mouth in surprise, "How about such a big plate?"

 She compared it with her hands. The plate looked like a pot.

Sister Ying smiled and said, "There are big plates and big bowls here, and their appetite is bigger than the people over there."

Sister Yang laughed, "But this fried rice noodles is so fragrant. It's red and spicy. It's delicious at first sight."

She first picked up a pair of chopsticks and took a sip. The spicy and fragrant taste exploded in her mouth.

 In the cold winter, a bite of spicy fried noodles cannot be too delicious.


By coincidence, Kawuli came here to eat noodles after finishing his errands.

As soon as he came in, he saw Sister Yang eating noodles from the side, and was stunned.

The waiter smiled and invited him in, "Master, do you want to go upstairs to eat?"

Kawu Li waved his hand, "Go over there." He pointed to Sister Yang's side.

Sister Yang and Sister Ying heard the sound and looked at him.

Sister Ying smiled and nodded at him as a greeting.

Kawuli was stunned. It was obviously the first time he saw Sister Ying's face without wearing a gauze scarf.

 He knew that this woman was good-looking just by looking at her eyes.

I didn’t expect that after taking off the gauze, the facial features on the whole face would be so stunning.

 But when he saw that small pregnant belly, he regained his astonishment.

 He turned his head and looked at Sister Yang next to Sister Ying.

Hmm, this little girl looks even prettier than before, and she seems to be very bold in the way she eats. She eats the noodles in big gulps and eats them very deliciously. She looks so cute.

He took a sip of hot tea and glanced up furtively.

Seeing her sullen little head move little by little, the more she looked at it, the more cute she became. She couldn't help but twitch her lips, and her eyes were full of smiles.

Sister Yang seemed to feel his gaze and looked up.

The two of them looked at each other, but Kawuli became shy at first. He coughed and quickly apologized, "I didn't mean to do it. You, just eat it."

Sister Yang looked at Sister Ying and saw her shaking her head, so she didn't worry. Keep your head down and continue eating.

Kawuli lowered his head, feeling that his heartbeat seemed to be beating much faster, and his eyes couldn't help but look towards Sister Yang.

He felt like he was sick. His heartbeat was so fast and his hands were shaking. He didn't know what was wrong.

 He forgot to eat until the waiter brought the noodles.

After Sister Yang and Sister Ying finished eating the noodles, they got up to go back.

 Kawuli was still looking at him in a daze.

Sister Yang looked at him in confusion and asked, "Don't you want to eat it? It's delicious."

Kawuli looked up at her, his face suddenly turned red, and his heart beat faster again, "I..."

Before he said anything, they were already gone.

He lowered his head and glanced at the red fried noodles, feeling suddenly happy. Then he lowered his head and ate the whole plate of noodles.

Sister Yang got on the carriage and asked Sister Ying, "Is that person a fool?"

 Why do you look so stupid?

 (End of this chapter)

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