Chapter 752, love at first sight

Sister Ying looked at her sister like she was a fool and laughed, "I think you are the fool."

How could Kawuli be a fool? He clearly has a crush on this little girl.

Sister Yang said "Huh?" "No way?"

 Falling in love with her?

 What good things does she have? You should take a fancy to her.

Sister Ying tapped her forehead and said, "Be more confident in me. You are cute and beautiful. You can also treat illnesses and save people. You have so many advantages. Why can't I fall in love with you?"

Even though Sister Yang has been tanned by long distances over the past six months, her appearance is like a little lotus flower emerging from the ground, and she has begun to become more feminine.

 A few years ago, when she was undergoing heightening, she became a bit uglier.

Now that I have grown up, my facial features are becoming more and more like water-hibiscus.

Her eyes are like those of Liang Jin, and her fan-shaped double eyelids make her look very gentle. Her nose is like Wu's, small and straight.

 Her mouth is as moist as strawberry red, and her teeth are very white especially when she smiles. She is a beautiful girl with bright eyes and white teeth.

But this girl looks like a boy and has no consciousness of being a girl at all.

 Kawuli fell in love with her, either because he fell in love at first sight, or because he liked the innocence and innocence of her smile.

Sister Yang laughed and said, "If you fall in love at first sight, it's just love."

 Besides, she is not naive, naive is a fool.

She also deceives people with her innocent face, making people think that she is a girl who is easy to deceive.

Sister Ying was speechless, "Who told you this?"

A little girl, she actually understands how to show off her feelings.

Sister Yang smiled proudly and said, "Daddy, tell me before you go out."

“He said that except for his own men, there is no good man outside the door. He told me to be careful and don’t be deceived.”

"I think dad is right. They only like my beauty, not the real me."

Sister Ying pinched her little face and said, "Your beauty is also a part of you. What's wrong with liking your beauty?"

 When you meet someone, you first look at their face. If you meet the right eye, your heart will beat faster in an instant, and then you will fall in love with that person. This is called love at first sight.

However, it is difficult for some people to fall in love with someone at first sight, and it takes a long time to be in love before they can get rid of their feelings.

 So people are different, so there is no need to compare.

Sister Yang nodded, "Then where are we going now?"

 “Go buy some moisturizer or something.”

With winter here, the skin starts to get dry, especially if you have a big belly. If your belly is stretched out, it will become extremely dry and itchy without applying moisturizer.

Sister Yang nodded, "Okay, let's go buy some moisturizer. I'll add some herbal essence to you when you get back. Keep it for safe use."

Sister Ying raised her eyebrows, "Can you also make skin moisturizing products?"

Sister Yang smiled and said, "Of course."

 The main reason why he did it was that Mr. Wu had a skin allergy once and it was cured after taking medicine, but the marks were still there.

 Later, Sister Yang personally developed a scar-removing ointment for her, and she just applied it on the film and it was fine.

Mrs. Wu saw that she was so good, so she asked her to get some moisturizing cream, the kind that can beautify the skin.

 It’s rare for her mother to ask for something from her, so Sister Yang naturally has to do her best to help her get some skin care products that can beautify her face.

 After it was done, Mrs. Wu applied it for a month, and the effect was so good that it was rare to praise her.

 “Well, that’s right, learning this herbal medicine is not in vain.”

 Sister Yang.

  Co-authored the study of herbal medicine in order to make a moisturizing cream.

However, she was very happy to be recognized by her mother-in-law.

She said to Sister Ying, "Originally I wanted to bring you two cans, but Brother Seng thought it was too troublesome, so I didn't bring them."

"But it doesn't matter. I'll make it for you when you get back and let you and cousin Jinghan use it together."

Sister Ying, "Okay, then I will take you to buy herbs."

They have herbs growing in their yard, but those who cannot use them have to go to specialized pharmacies.

Sister Yang was very excited as soon as she arrived at the pharmacy. She happily followed the medicine boy to look at all the local herbal medicines. Seeing her beauty, the medicine boy introduced her enthusiastically and ignored other guests.

The shopkeeper kicked him away and said, "Go and receive other guests."

The medicine boy chuckled and said, "This beautiful lady has to pay the bill. I will stay with her for a while."

 The shopkeeper looked better when she saw Sister Yang holding so many herbs in her hands.

Sister Yang didn't dare to delay their business, so she asked the medicine boy to pack everything she wanted to buy, and then returned to the carriage after paying the money.

The two sisters went home together, and the snow fell again.

But the house is very warm because there is floor heating.

Sister Yang went to tinker with the herbal moisturizer first and didn’t come out until dinner time.

Murong Yun also came back at this point, and he brought Kawuli with him when he came back.

Sister Ying and Sister Yang didn’t expect to run into this person today, and couldn’t help but wonder if the other person came here on purpose.

 They guessed it right.

 Kawuli came here on purpose.

At first, Murong Yun just said casually, "I haven't sat down for a long time. Why don't you go home for a drink?"

Then Kawuli responded accordingly.

Everyone had come down, and Murong Yun couldn't regret it, so he agreed.

So the two of them came back together.

Murong Yun ordered his servants to prepare some food and drinks and warm a pot of wine.

 He asked Kawuli, "Do you want to go upstairs to drink?"

Kawuli had already seen Sister Yang sitting at the dinner table. Why did he want to go upstairs? So he said, "No, I'll just go with you."

 He has been here too. Jing Han and the others all know her, so they are not formal.

 “Then come and have dinner with us.”

Kawuli hummed obediently, glanced at Sister Yang first, and then walked over respectfully, "Then I'll excuse you."

  His entourage looked on behind with dumbfounded eyes.

 He said in his heart that the young master is really crazy about love.

  I have never been so docile when I was at home, but now I am pretending to be good for the sake of the pretty girl.

Kawuli consciously sat down opposite Sister Yang. First he twisted a peanut to eat, and then asked Jinghan, "Who is this?"

Jinghan introduced him with a smile, "This is Sister Yang, Sister Ying's sister. She came here specifically to see us."

Kawuli nodded with burning ears, "We met at the noodle shop just now. She is a very beautiful girl."

Sister Yang ate the baked buns and nodded to him as a greeting.

 “You eat it too.”

Kawuli saw that she was talking to him, and his heart beat faster.


 He exhaled slowly, feeling that his heartbeat was a little too fast, but he particularly liked the feeling of his heartbeat speeding up.

He glanced at Sister Yang secretly and saw that she only had food in her eyes and was concentrating on eating, as if she was in a hurry.

  Can't help but care about Tao. "Eat slowly and be careful not to choke."

Sister Yang’s mouth was full of food. She didn’t say anything, so she just hummed twice. Then she drank the last mouthful of soup, stood up, and said, “I’ve finished eating.”

 After saying that, I went back to the house to tinker with the herbal moisturizer.

 Seeing that she was gone, Kawuli felt a little disappointed and kept staring at the direction in which she disappeared.

Finally I couldn't help but ask Sister Ying, "Where is she going?"

 (End of this chapter)

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