The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 753: , want to pursue Sister Yang

Chapter 753: Want to pursue Sister Yang

Sister Ying replied, "She went to get us some moisturizing cream."

Kawuli was surprised, "She can also apply moisturizer?"

 His family also has a moisturizing cream business, so he naturally knows that making this is not easy.

I didn’t expect that she could also apply moisturizer?

Sister Ying smiled and said, "She knows a lot. She can also make herbal medicine and see a doctor."

Kawuli’s eyes widened in surprise, “She also has medical skills?”

In this day and age, doctors are valued everywhere.

 A doctor can save many lives, so local people have high respect for doctors.

Sister Ying looked at him with admiration on his face, and she probably liked Sister Yang even more.

 She drank the soup slowly and looked at Kawuli from time to time.

Kawuli was already immersed in the bubble of unrequited love at this time, and didn't even notice that others were observing him.

 After a while, he remembered to ask, "I would like to ask, does your sister Yang have a fiancé?"

Sister Ying and Jing Han looked at each other and shrugged, "This."

Kawuli looked at them nervously, fearing that he had no hope.

Sister Ying thought for a while and asked tentatively, "Why are you asking this?"

Kawuli scratched his head, a little embarrassed, "I"

Actually, he just wanted to ask Sister Yang if she was engaged to someone. If not, he at least had a chance.

Sister Ying felt that she should ask Sister Yang about this matter, as well as her family.

 She doesn’t dare to make the decision casually, otherwise her mother will go crazy.

So she thought for a while and answered in a roundabout way, "The girls over there don't tell anyone whether they are engaged or not. The customs are different. I hope you understand."

“Besides, it’s not easy for foreign men to interfere with girls’ family affairs.”

 Meaning you not to ask blind questions.

Kawuli understood, and his face turned red with embarrassment.

 “Yes, it was me who was abrupt.”

 He has been to the capital and other places, and knows that people outside are more reserved, especially girls' families.

 It was indeed presumptuous of him to ask this question today.

Kawuli was a little shy rarely in life, so he got busy and said goodbye.

“There’s still something to do at home, so I’ll go back first, sorry for bothering you.”

As soon as Murong Yun brought the wine, he saw that he was leaving and asked quickly, "Why are you leaving?"

Kawuli stammered and made an excuse, "It just happened that something happened."

 Then he ran away in a hurry.

Murong Yun was confused, looked at Jing Han and Sister Ying, and asked, "What's wrong with him?"

Jinghan waved to him, pulled him over, and told him in a low voice.

 “That boy, he’s attracted to Sister Yang.”

Murong Yun suddenly realized, "That's it."

 “Then why did you run away?”

Since you have fallen in love with Sister Yang, shouldn't you sit down and look for opportunities to have more contact with Sister Yang?

Jinghan pursed her lips in the direction of Sister Ying, "As a sister, can I let a brat get close to my sister?"

 “If it were you, would you let your foreign man get close to your daughter?”

Murong Yun was angry and said, "Of course not."

 Look, this is enough.

Murong Yun nodded, understood.

He only has two sons and doesn’t have much understanding of foreign men.

 But if you think of the matter as your own daughter, you will have a sense of picture.

 Don’t blame Sister Ying for scaring people away, he would have definitely taken a stick instead.

Sister Ying chuckled and said, "It's not that exaggerated."

It’s just that she doesn’t know Kawuli well, and she’s not familiar with the place, so her mother probably doesn’t want Sister Ying to marry her.

Even though they are here, they may be transferred back one day. When they leave, Sister Yang will be the only one left. She is here alone, and the whole family is worried.    That's why Sister Ying did not relax the policy towards Kawuli.

 After all, we don’t know each other, so we have to look at the situation first.

Murong Yun commented, "That boy has good abilities and keeps his word in business. He is a promising talent."

But his family is too big and has too many relatives, and they all live on the same street.

Especially since Kawuli’s father has many wives and brothers and sisters, living together is really noisy.

If I were to be a door-to-door wife in their home, I would probably not get used to it.

 In particular, Sister Yang is a daughter-in-law from out of town.

Sister Ying is thinking the same thing.

Sister Yang, like her, likes simple and clean relationships at home.

 If it’s too complicated, she won’t even want it.

However, no one told Sister Yang about this matter. Sister Yang asked about it herself the next day.

She brought a small jar of semi-finished product over early in the morning and asked Sister Ying to smell it to see if she liked the taste.

Sister Ying smelled it and saw a light fragrance, "It's not bad, that's it."

 After her pregnancy, her nose became very sensitive, and she would immediately feel like vomiting at the slightest smell she didn't like.

Especially after pregnancy, the skin is more delicate and can break if you accidentally scratch it with your nails, so you need more moisturizer.

Sister Yang smelled it for her and applied a little on the back of her hand. When she saw no reaction, she continued to do it.

 She was very attentive when she was doing things, and she never came out after entering the room.

Sister Ying remembered that she was going to attend Aisali's wedding today, so she quickly got up to dress up.

Jinghan had already dressed up and went to call Sister Yang again.

“Your sister said you are going with us today, so hurry up and change your clothes.”

Sister Yang almost forgot about this, so she hurriedly went to change clothes.

 Because there was no time to put on rouge, I had to put on the veil.

 Today they wear local clothes and their veils are also local.

 After a complete set, she is just like a local girl.

However, if you look closely at your eyes, there is still a slight difference.

 But everyone is veiled, even if their eyes are different, they won’t attract attention.

Sister Ying touched her belly. The little guy kicked it a few times today. Maybe she felt that Sister Ying woke up too early and disturbed it.

 Including Jinghan, he also touched his stomach, "It feels like the little guy is unhappy when we got up early."

Sister Ying touched her belly to comfort the little thing in her belly, and she also smiled.

“Yeah, they’re not used to us getting up so early.”

 The two of them usually go to bed very late and wake up very late, and the little ones in their bellies are used to it.

  I got up so early today and was busy running around. I was unhappy if I disturbed them.

 The two old mothers smiled lovingly and pulled Sister Yang into the carriage together.

Sitting in the carriage, Sister Ying felt that the little thing in her stomach was still kicking. She didn't know if she was unhappy.

 She asked Sister Yang to take a look.

Sister Yang touched her belly, took her pulse, and finally came to the conclusion, "Maybe you got up too early and affected her sleeping position."

 “How about you lie down for a while and see if it still kicks.”

Sister Ying followed the instructions and lay down. After waiting for a while, the little thing stopped kicking.

 It seems that she woke up early and shook someone, so he got angry and kicked her.

She laughed and asked Sister Yang, "When will you watch this again?"

Sister Yang smiled and said, "Although I am at home, I secretly go out to see a doctor every day when my mother is not around."

At that time, many pregnant women came to see her as a female doctor and asked her to check their pulse.

 She has seen a lot, so she naturally has experience.

Mrs. Wu found out later and said a few words to her, but didn't really say anything to her.

No, what I learned at the beginning is put to use now.

 (End of this chapter)

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