Chapter 755, come to the wedding

Sister Ying asked, "How is it? Do you like it?"

 Asari nodded her head fondly, "I like it very much, thank you."

 The two of them had a quarrel at first, but unexpectedly they became good friends later on.

Especially, they helped her get a good marriage, and they were really the noble people in her life.

Aisali was particularly touched and hugged them both. "When I get married there, I won't come back often. I will write to you then."

 The two houses are actually not too far apart and can be reached by horseback.

But Sister Ying and the others are pregnant now, and it's winter, so it's hard to ask them to come over.

 “When you have the baby, I will come back to see you.”

Sister Ying nodded, "Okay, I'll treat you to full moon wine then."

 Asari smiled, "Yeah."

 After saying this, the groom’s official came.

 It’s all lively now.

 The children shouted, "The groom is here~"

The maid immediately put a red veil on Aisali's head.

 After a while, the groom was rushed in by the crowd.

Sister Ying and Jing Han stepped aside first to make room for them.


As soon as Kuroki came in, he saw the bride wearing a red veil with a smile on her lips.

 “I’m here to take you home.”

 Asari blushed and nodded, "Okay."

 Then with the cheers of everyone, Muhei picked up Aisali and walked out.

 Everyone followed him laughing and laughing.

Sister Ying and the others looked behind them, but did not follow them.

 Because there are too many guests here today, especially children running around. It is not convenient for them to go to the crowd with their bloated bellies.

Aishali knew that it was inconvenient for them, so she asked her maid to take them to a banquet in advance.

 Asari is from a wealthy family, and they will also have a big banquet when marrying a girl today.

 At this moment, all the female relatives have already taken their seats to eat.

Sister Ying and the others went to a wing room that Aishali had specially reserved for them.

The maid brought a long table of delicious food for them to enjoy slowly.

Sister Yang looked at the large table of delicious food and blinked in surprise.

“These things are really different from our Jiangnan cuisine.”

Sister Ying nodded, "Yes, the food and drink are different, but they are all delicious. You can try them."

Sister Yang hummed and tried a fried snack first. It was quite delicious.

Then take another sip of milk tea, which is delicious and fragrant.

There are also roasted mutton, large plates of chicken, and hand-picked rice. They all taste very special, very fragrant, and very filling.

 After finishing the staple food, there are also many fresh fruits.

 Even though it is winter, there are still big golden oranges to eat.

Sister Yang peeled off a piece, ate a piece, and instantly narrowed her eyes in surprise, "This is so sweet."

 In the past, when buying oranges, they were either sour or sweet, depending on the probability.

This was the first time she had eaten such sweet oranges.

Sister Ying gave her a grape and said, "The grapes here are sweeter."

Sister Yang grew one naturally and closed her eyes sweetly, "Hmm~ It's delicious."

 After eating the fruit, she felt her stomach was about to burst, so she stopped in a hurry.

 “I won’t eat if I don’t want to eat, I’m too full.”

Sister Ying, on the other hand, ate slowly, obviously afraid of being full.

 She ate very generously when she was not pregnant. Now that her belly is big, she will feel uncomfortable if she eats too much, so she can only eat slowly.

After dinner, the maid came to report that there was a show in the living room and invited them to watch it.

 The three of them washed up, put on their veils again and went out to watch the show.

Kawuli has been looking for Sister Yang in the living room, but he still can't see her, and he is still very disappointed. Originally he wanted to go back, but thinking about which wing she might be in, he kept sitting closest to the door and waited.

 It wasn't until Sister Yang came out that his eyes lit up.

 Sure enough, she hasn’t left yet.

So he stood up happily and walked to find Sister Yang.

“Sister Yang, are you coming to watch the show? Sit over here.”

Like a host, he took the initiative to entertain Sister Yang and asked her to sit in the honored guest's seat.

Sister Yang took one look at that seat and knew that it was the main seat and it was not suitable for her to sit there.

 “I’d better go to the corner.”

 You can talk quietly in the corner without disturbing others.

 Kawuli is all dependent on her, and she can go wherever she wants.

So he led the way and led the people through.

Sister Ying and the others followed behind.

Jinghan watched it with gusto and was very gossipy.

“You said, these two people have no possibility of development?”

Sister Ying shrugged, "Looking at Sister Yang's straight temperament, it might not be easy."

 A girl shows no shyness, no manners, and even picks her nose in front of a handsome guy. Do you think she will like him?

 The answer is of course no.

If that girl fell in love with a man, she probably wouldn't dare to say anything, let alone sit down without any hesitation.

Since everyone present knows Kawuli, they will see Kawuli entertaining a girl enthusiastically. Everyone is curious, "Who is the girl that Master Kawuli is entertaining?"

They thought Sister Yang was the daughter of some family, and wondered, "Is she the young lady of the Blackwood family?" Otherwise, why didn't they see this person in this wealthy street.

 The other ladies were extremely jealous when they saw it.

 They are so unlucky, they like Kawuli, but Kawuli doesn't like them.

Likes Heimu, but Heimu married Asari.

Kawuli finally came here, and was seduced away by that girl he had never seen before. It was really unlucky.

Sister Ying and Jing Han listened to the complaints of these girls and smiled helplessly.

"Little girls dare to love and hate. Look at how angry they are, and the veil will be bitten off."

Sister Ying smiled and said, "You are still smiling. Once they know that we are with Sister Yang, they might come looking for us."

Jinghan nodded, "You're right."

So they chose to sit behind Sister Yang and pretended not to recognize her.

 Sister Yang? ?

“What do you mean? Don’t you want to sit with me?”

 Speaking, he sat up and took the initiative to find them.

Now Sister Ying and Jing Han can't hide.

Kawuli saw her sit down. The three of them shared a small table, so there was no room for him.

But he was not discouraged and moved the small table over to share the table with them.

 Normally, this would not be in line with the rules.

But today is a big happy event and there are many people coming, so there is not so much to pay attention to.

Moreover, Kawuli's status is noble, the host will follow his wishes, and the guests will naturally not dare to contradict him.

However, some ladies from rich families saw him like this, so they even moved the small table next to him and wanted to share the table with him.

 “Brother Kawuli, let me sit next to you.”

 Speaking, he sat down and looked at him with an infatuated expression.

Kawu ignored him and continued to offer the delicious snacks on his table to Sister Yang as if there was no such person.

“Sister Yang, try it. This snack is filled with nuts and red dates. It’s great for beauty.”

It’s a pity that Sister Yang was so full just now that she couldn’t eat anymore, so she declined.

 “I’m too full. I’ll eat next time.”

Kawuli was slightly disappointed, but seeing that her belly was really bulging, he smiled and thought she was really cute.

 (End of this chapter)

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