Chapter 756, Female Hooligan

Sister Yang looked at him and smiled, with a confused look on her face, "Why are you laughing?"

Kawuli pointed at her belly, "You seem to have eaten a lot?"

Sister Yang was pointed at her belly, but instead of being shy, she actually laughed.

 Hand out his hand, he patted his stomach and said in a bold tone, "Yes, I ate too much, but it was so full that I couldn't eat so much next time."

 Speaking, he rubbed his belly in front of Kawuli, showing no trace of the girl's reserve.

Kawuli not only didn’t think she was rude, but actually thought she was cute.

Sister Ying and Jing Han looked at it and shook their heads.

I thought to myself, beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder.

Before looking at the women next to each other looked at Sister Yang's movements, obviously felt that she was very indecent in public.

Sister Yang didn’t pay attention to those people’s disapproval at all, and continued to rub her belly and prepare to watch the show.

 She watches the show, and Kawuli watches her.

 Other ladies were jealous when they saw that Kawuli was so obsessed with Sister Yang.

Even went over to chat with Kawuli, "Master Kawuli, I am Nana. We met last time on your eldest wife's birthday. Do you still remember me?"

She carefully lifted her veil and looked at Kawuli shyly but boldly, hoping to attract Kawuli's attention with her beauty.

 But Kawuli only looked at her once and then looked away.

He knew that this girl was the daughter of his mother's friend, so he did not say sarcastic words, but told her in a calm tone, "I have something to do today, let's talk next time."

 Meaning to let her go first without disturbing him.

When Miss Nana saw him finish speaking, she looked at Sister Xiangyang. Naturally, she didn't think that his main business was to discuss business. She must have rejected her because of this new woman.

She was a little angry, so she held up her skirt and walked towards Sister Yang angrily.

He glared at Sister Yang with big eyes, "Who are you? Please tell me your name."

If it was an eldest lady whose family was richer than hers, she would admit it.

 But if the other party is not as good as her, she will not be happy to give up Master Kawuli.

Sister Yang couldn't help but smile crazily when she saw her big, watery eyes and how pretty she was.

 “Sister, you look good.”

With those squinting eyes, some people thought he was a **** from a certain family.

Miss Nana was speechless when she saw her looking at her like a swinger.

He glared at her fiercely, "What are you looking at, you bastard?"

Sister Yang chuckled, thinking she was quite cute when she lost her temper, so she praised her again, "You are so cute~"

That angry raised eyebrow made Miss Nana extremely embarrassed and angry. She stood up angrily, snorted, turned around and glared at Kawuli.

The look in his eyes seemed to be scolding Kawuli, "What kind of vision? It's not good to like someone. I like a female gangster."

Then he left angrily.

Kawuli was stared at inexplicably. He didn’t know what he had done to her.

But forget it, he turned around to see Sister Yang smiling happily, like a puppy, and she looked very cute.

Sister Yang received his infatuated and focused gaze, her scalp was numb at the sight, and she turned her head away, not bothering to look at him.

 They watched the playing and singing program for a while, and Sister Ying and Jing Han started to feel sleepy.

 It is rare for two pregnant women to get up early, so they will be sleepy already.

Sister Yang was also full and wanted to sleep, so she said to Sister Ying, "Sister, let's go back? I think you are all sleepy."

Sister Ying nodded, got up with Jing Han, went to say goodbye to Aisali's mother, and then went back.

Kawuli saw that they were about to leave, so he hurriedly followed them.

The three of them got on the carriage, and he also got on the carriage and escorted them all the way back.

   To be precise, I was sending Sister Yang back.

It's a pity that Sister Yang was lying lazily in the carriage at this time, and she didn't even know that there was someone behind her.

 After the three of them arrived home, Sister Yang helped Sister Ying down and turned around to see Kawuli not far away.

 Seeing her looking over, Kawuli immediately waved to her happily. Sister Yang was ashamed, shook her head, and helped Sister Ying in.

 After the three of them entered the hospital, they went back to sleep.

 Sleep right away and don't get up until dark.

 Because I ate a lot at lunch, I didn’t feel like eating much at night, so I simply ate some fruit.

Mr. Zhong was free in the evening, so he came with a stroller and a stroller.

 Little Piggy is almost one year old, and he is planning to hold a first-year-old banquet for his son.

 I just didn’t know what to prepare for the first-year banquet, so I came to ask Jinghan and the others.

After Jing Han woke up, he saw him asking these questions, and asked him to sit down and eat fruit together while chatting with him, "Those things used for drawing lots at the first-year banquet should be sold on the street. I will make a list by then, and you can ask someone to Go buy it all.”

“I also need to buy new clothes for the first-year party. I need to take my child to try them on to see if they fit.”

Mr. Zhong wrote it down one by one.

 I also asked about what dishes should be served for the first-year banquet.

Jinghan also listed them all one by one, and even took a pen to write them down for him.

 After asking these questions, Young Master Zhong was satisfied.

 “Fortunately you are here, otherwise I really wouldn’t be able to do it.”

He has never been in the capital before and has never been exposed to these customs. He has no idea how to hold a first-year banquet for his son.

 Fortunately, Jing Han is someone who has experienced this, and with the things she listed, I don’t have to worry about things going wrong.

He happily took his son to buy clothes for the first-year banquet and bought many things for the first-year banquet. He did not go back until his wallet was empty.

Before leaving, he specially came to tell us, “The day after tomorrow, your whole family will come to attend our pig’s first-year banquet.”

Sister Ying smiled and said, "Definitely."

 Such a happy event, naturally I have to go over and cheer for it.

Mr. Zhong smiled with satisfaction and went back.

 After he left, Jing Shirong rarely came back early.

He came in on horseback, with a few grains of white snow floating on his bun, and even the coarse linen and linen clothes could not hide his splendor.


As soon as Sister Ying saw him coming through the snow, she was so happy that she ran to pick him up.

Jing Shirong was startled by her actions. He quickly dismounted his horse, flew in front of her with a little effort, picked her up, turned around and landed in the house.

He frowned and scolded her, "How old is your belly? How dare you run like this? Are you risking your life?"

  It was snowing heavily and the road was slippery. If he dared to run like this, his heartbeat almost stopped.

Sister Ying pinched his chest and said, "It's not that exaggerated. I'm just watching the road."

 Besides, she just jumped up and down with excitement, not a sprint of 100 meters.

Jing Shirong didn't listen, picked her up and walked into the house.

 When you get to the room, put her on the bed, kiss her face first, and then touch her belly.

 “It seems to be a little rounder.”

Sister Ying covered her mouth and smiled, "That's because I ate too much today and felt full."

Jing Shirong twitched the corners of his lips and smiled, "Did you have fun today?"

Sister Ying nodded, "I'm very happy. It's rare to be a matchmaker in my life and I succeeded."

As long as she is happy.

Jing Shirong touched her head and asked her, "Are you still eating?"

Sister Ying shook her head, "If you don't eat it, your son or daughter will kick me if you continue to eat it."

If you eat too little on a daily basis, the little one in your belly will have objections.

 If you eat too much, it will also have opinions and be very difficult to take care of.

 (End of this chapter)

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