Chapter 757: Bullying Sister Yang

Jing Shirong twitched the corners of his lips and smiled, "Now is it willing to kick you during the day?"

Sister Ying nodded, “Sometimes I start kicking at night when I’m still awake.”

 It should be that the child gradually grows up in the belly and gradually feels that the space is crowded.

But the little guy is pretty good, he just kicks her at certain times and should be sleeping the rest of the time.

Jing Shirong smiled with a fatherly look on his face after hearing the story of the child in his belly.

He touched Sister Ying's belly with his big hand, squatted down and talked to the child in her belly, "Little one, I am your father."

 But after listening for a while, no one answered him. They must have fallen asleep.

Sister Ying smiled and asked him to get up, "It should be sleeping. Come back and talk to it tomorrow."

Jing Shirong raised his lips and said, "Then I will hold you for a while."

 It was rare to come back at this time and spend more time with her. He missed her too.

Sister Ying raised her lips sweetly, took the initiative to hug him, and poked him with her little hands.

 “Why did you come back so early today? Training is over?”

Jing Shirong nodded, "Yeah. Today's training went relatively well, so I'll give them a holiday."

 Everyone needs rest, and it is best to combine work and rest.

“What about Brother Qi? I haven’t seen him in the past two days.”

It feels like Qi Yuanming is busier than Jing Shirong. He is in the military camp every year and almost never comes out.

He only came back once on the day Sister Yang came, but he has not been seen in the past few days.

Jing Shirong nodded, "He is training with so many soldiers now. He is busier than me. He basically can't spare time to see us."

If not to say that Qi Yuanming is very serious when he is serious.

 With so many new soldiers, and now the veterans are being reorganized, isn’t it tiring?

However, he never complained about being tired. He would occasionally curse and continue the next day, very much in the spirit of a general.

 The third princess also admired him and discussed some new formations with him.

Those formations were very novel and very practical. The three of them discussed it several times and finally improved the formations to be more perfect.

Sister Ying understood what was going on and chatted with him about family matters, "The day after tomorrow is Young Master Zhong's son's first birthday party. Can you come back?"

 At any rate, he is a little piggy that has been rescued by everyone. It is quite meaningful to participate in the first-year banquet.

Jing Shirong thought for a while, "The three princesses are on vacation that day, so we will all come back."

 Otherwise, military orders will not allow you to ask for advice every day.

 “Then should I go and talk to Mr. Zhong?”

Things will be much simpler if Young Master Zhong speaks. The third princess will definitely listen to him.

Jing Shirong smiled and said, "No need, Mr. Zhong will handle this matter himself."

Based on his understanding of Young Master Zhong, Young Master Zhong would definitely go directly to the third princess and tell her to give Jing Shirong and the others a day off to attend Little Piggy’s first birthday party. If you don’t believe it, just wait and see.

Sister Ying was happy, "When you say it like that, it gives a sense of picture."

 Since Mr. Zhong loves his son so much, he will definitely let the third princess release him.

Sure enough, the next day, the third princess asked Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming to go to the general's tent and told them, "Tomorrow you will have a day off and go to my house to attend my son's first birthday party."

Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming looked at each other and smiled, knowing that this would happen.

Qi Yuanming was already extremely happy. Unexpectedly, what A Jing said was true.

 Jing Shirong came over to him in the morning and told him that he might have a holiday tomorrow and asked him to prepare.

At first Qi Yuanming didn't believe it, thinking that the third princess was cold and heartless, how could she give them a day off because of her son.

 But the fact is that the third princess did give them a holiday, and also planned to give them a half-day holiday in the military camp, with a special exception of allowing them to drink a little wine in the evening.     But I have to drink in different shifts.

 Drink one batch in the morning and one batch in the evening, and continue patrolling after you wake up.

People in the military camp haven’t had a holiday for a long time. Especially today, they are allowed to drink alcohol under special circumstances. Everyone is very happy and the scene is full of cheers.

Seeing that they were all happy, the third princess twitched her lips and smiled.

She said to Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming, "You guys go to my house later. The food is probably ready."

 Since the child’s father is here, the birthday party will definitely be well prepared.

Qi Yuanming went to give some instructions to his soldiers before returning with Jing Shirong.

As soon as the two of them arrived at the third princess's residence, they heard the lively voices in the courtyard.

Sister Ying and the others came early and are currently talking and laughing in the courtyard.

Today some of the better family members and neighbors from nearby came here, and there were quite a lot of people.

There were many children coming, both big and small, and they were all laughing and playing in the courtyard.

Qi Yuanming is relatively familiar. As soon as he came in, he shouted, "Sister Yang~~"

He glanced through the crowd and saw Sister Yang chasing a braid of a brat and bullying others.

The child was so angry that she wanted to bite her when she scratched her pigtails.

But she was tall enough to reach the child's head, so they couldn't hit her at all, so she screamed angrily.

 The children were screaming, while Sister Yang was laughing.

Qi Yuanming laughed at this, came over to rescue the child, and said to Sister Yang with a smile, "Why do you bully the small with your big one? Isn't this a victory without force?"

Sister Yang smiled and said, "It's good if you can win. This is called the strong is king, hahaha~"

 Silly looking, smiling like a little kid.

Qi Yuanming also grinned and rubbed her head with his big hands. The strength of his hands made Sister Yang feel disgusted, "Don't touch my hair."

 After saying that, he reached out and threw away his bag.

 But Qi Yuanming seemed to be teasing her deliberately. His big hands would not move, or he would continue to rub her hair and make it into a chicken coop, just for fun.

Seeing that the hairstyle her sister had carefully braided for her was messed up by this big guy, Sister Yang let out an angry cry and opened her mouth to bite it off.

Qi Yuanming was very good at kung fu. When she opened her mouth, he knew that she was definitely going to bite him. He laughed and pressed her head with his big hands, just like she pressed the head of a child just now, so that she could not hit him.

 “Alas~, I can’t hit you, you can’t hit me, hahaha~”

Sister Yang was so angry that she tried to use her hands and feet to catch him and kick him, but she couldn't do it.

 “Ah, you bully people~”

Qi Yuanming laughed loudly, "You were bullying others just now, and now you are being bullied by me again. This is called a turn of events, hahaha~"

 His back molars were visible when he smiled. His laughter was cheerful and rough. Everyone present was infected by his laughter and laughed.

Sister Yang was the only one who was very angry. Seeing that he was too strong, she simply took out a silver needle from her sleeve and prepared to **** him with two needles.

She smiled slyly, and when Qi Yuanming was happy, she raised the corner of her mouth, and the silver needle quickly pierced the back of his hand, causing him to let out an "ouch" and quickly let go.

 “Why are you still stabbing people in the back?”

Sister Yang laughed and said, "You are allowed to use your strength, but I am not allowed to use the silver needle? Let's each use our strengths, hahaha."

Looking like he came back with revenge, he was in a very happy mood and was jumping up and down with a smile.

Seeing her childish look, Qi Yuanming clicked his tongue and tried to grab her again with his big hands.

 (End of this chapter)

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