The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 758: , pretending to be Sister Yang’s eldest brother

Chapter 758, Pretending to be Sister Yang’s eldest brother

When Sister Yang saw him coming again, she said "Ah!" and ran away quickly.

 While running, he shouted, “Help~~”

Sister Ying looked up at them and saw that they were playing, so she ignored them and continued to chat with the other ladies.

As she ran, Sister Yang took the candy from her pocket and threw it at Qi Yuanming's face, like a child playing and wanting to hurt him.

Qi Yuanming flashed his face and took the candy she threw at him with his mouth.

He would catch whatever Sister Yang threw, either with his mouth or with his hands, and nothing would be left behind.

It wasn't until Sister Yang ran out of candy in her hand that she snorted, "No more fun, it's boring."

 After saying that, he ran to play with other children again.

Qi Yuanming laughed and said, "Are you giving in? Do you know that you are good at it?"

Sister Yang snorted at him and then ignored him.

A smelly big piece of meat. I haven’t seen him for two years, but he’s still so unpleasant. He’s not cute at all, huh.

Qi Yuanming did not take her anger to heart and continued to talk to her.

“I’ll give you some kebabs later, okay? The cumin kebabs here are very fragrant, do you want to try them?”

Sister Yang glanced at him and asked, "Is it really that delicious?"

"Of course it's delicious. I'll bake it for you when dinner starts."

Sister Yang nodded to avoid the difficulty, "Okay, I'll try your skills later."

Qi Yuanming laughed and said, "Don't worry, you will definitely be able to enjoy it."

Just as he was talking, Kawuli came outside the door.

Today is the third princess's son's first birthday party. The third princess specially invited everyone here to make the party lively.

 Kawuli was also on the invitation list, so he naturally prepared a big gift.

 His intention of coming to the first-year banquet was not only to congratulate him, but also to meet Sister Yang.

He knows the relationship between Sister Ying and the third princess's family. Sister Yang is Sister Ying's sister, so she will definitely come together.

With this thought, he specially put on a new set of clothes and dressed up, hoping to arouse Sister Yang's idea.

 He is already young and handsome, and if he dresses up a little, he will become even more handsome.

 Many women saw him and nodded appreciatively, secretly wanting to introduce their daughters to him.

But Kawuli's eyes were always looking for Sister Yang, until he saw her figure, he immediately walked in with shining eyes, raised the corners of his mouth, and smiled happily.

“Sister Yang, are you coming too?”

Seeing that it was him, Sister Yang said, "Yes. Are you coming too?"

Kawuli nodded, "Yes, I brought a gift. Oh, by the way, I also brought some delicious preserved fruits. You can take them back and eat them."

 He ​​originally wanted to give gold, silver and jewelry, but he thought it might be too abrupt to give them to him for the first time, and he was afraid that she wouldn't accept it.

So I thought of sending some preserved fruits to test the water.

If she is willing to accept it, then give it to him in the same way and see what her attitude is towards him.

 “Take it and try it, it’s delicious.”

Kawuli looked at her expectantly, hoping she would pick up the call.

Sister Yang coughed and said politely, "Actually, I don't."

  She originally wanted to say that I don’t eat preserved fruits, so she could refuse by pretending that she didn’t eat them.

But before he finished speaking, Kawuli handed over a box with a gentle smile on his face, "Just take it, it's just a little snack, take it back and taste it, and treat it like making a friend. Okay?" "

He said it so sincerely, and it was just preserved fruit. Sister Yang thought that it would be nice to have one more friend, so she reached out and took it.

“Okay, thank you. I’ll bring you some snacks next time.”

Kawuli's eyes widened happily, "Really?" Oh my god, his sweetheart actually wanted to bring him snacks. He was so happy.

Kawuli’s face was calm, but his heart was already jumping.

 His eyes were filled with smiles, "Well, then I'll wait for you."

Sister Yang didn't notice his excitement and said, "Yes."

Qi Yuanming was dumbfounded on the sidelines.

Did he read it correctly just now?

 That brat Kawuli is pursuing Sister Yang? ?

He looked over with cold eyes. They were both handsome and handsome, chatting and laughing. They seemed to be a perfect match as they stood together.

 Actually, Kawuli has good abilities and is handsome. He is indeed a good match for Sister Yang.

Moreover, Sister Yang was chatting and laughing with him, as if she was really happy.

 Although the two of them seem to be a good match. But for some reason, instead of feeling happy for her, he felt an unpleasant feeling in his heart.

When he felt unhappy, he didn't like to see them standing together. He immediately walked over and blocked Kawuli's sight, blocking Sister Yang tightly behind him.

 The two people who were blocked? ?

The two of them thought at the same time, why is this big piece of hair so crazy?

 You are so tall that you can’t see anything once you get in the way.

Sister Yang didn't worry, she stretched out her hand and pinched Qi Yuanming's back. When he hissed in pain, she smiled proudly and ran away successfully.

Kawuli saw him running away and rushed to chase him, but was blocked by Qi Yuanming.

 He was puzzled, "Why are you blocking me?"

Qi Yuanming snorted, "I am her eldest brother, what do you want to do to stop you!"

After all, he and Sister Yang are close friends of life and death. He is her eldest brother, so how can he let the brat harass her.

Kawuli misunderstood him, thinking that he was really Sister Yang's biological eldest brother, and his attitude immediately changed 180 degrees.

He became very respectful, "Hello, brother, my name is Kawuli. You may not know me yet, but I really like Sister Yang. I hope that brother can give me a chance to pursue Sister Yang. I will treat her well." her."

He said this very sincerely, but in Qi Yuanming's view, he felt that Kawuli was really a libertine and not a good person at all.

 He snorted coldly and refused without thinking.

 “You are not suitable for her, don’t bother her in the future.”

Kawu Li was puzzled, "What's inappropriate? Tell me, I can change it. I'm willing to change it for Miss Yang Jie'er."

Seeing that he was so persistent, Qi Yuanming simply made up a random story to persuade him to stop.

"Our sister Yang is very delicate and will not marry into your family easily. If you really like her, you have to become your son-in-law and live in her home."

“And we, Sister Yang, like men who can cook. It is best if they are good at washing, cooking and raising children, otherwise she will not like him.”

“By the way, it’s best to be able to lead troops in war and be a great hero.”

 The more you say it, the more outrageous it becomes.

 But Kawuli listened.

He thought carefully and found out that he really didn’t know how to cook, nor did he know how to wash clothes and take care of the children.

The leader's war is not even more, especially when the son -in -law is the son -in -law, the family must disagree.

 All the business in the family is with him. He is now the pillar and successor of the family. It is impossible for the family to allow him to live in her house.

 This is going to be difficult.

Kawuli looked disappointed. He didn't expect Sister Yang's demands to be so high.

But he still didn’t want to give up easily, so he asked Qi Yuanming, “Besides these, are there any other requirements?”

 If there are other requirements, he may be able to make up for it.

 (End of this chapter)

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